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java/openjdk-8.102.14 (Score: 0.6107968)
Java Development Kit 8
An open-source implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition,
java/java3d-1.5.2 (Score: 0.607275)
Provides API for creating and manipulation of 3D geometry
The Java 3D API enables the creation of three-dimensional graphics applications and Internet-based 3D applets. It provides high-level constructs for creating and manipulation 3D geometry and building the structures used in rendering that geometry. With this sof tware, you can efficiently define and render very large virtual worlds.
java/jdk- (Score: 0.57817745)
Java Development Kit 1.6 Documentation
Java Development Kit 1.6 Documentation. Contains release information, API documentation, guides to new features and tool documentation. The documentation will be installed in ${PREFIX}/share/doc/jdk1.6/
java/openjdk6-b40 (Score: 0.5646457)
Oracle's Java 6 virtual machine release under the GPL v2
OpenJDK is an open-source implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition. Much of the OpenJDK code is licensed under the GPL version 2 with the Classpath exception. The Java Hotspot virtual machine source code is licensed under the GPL version 2 only.
java/jai-1.1.3 (Score: 0.5600484)
High performance image processing libraries for Java
The Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) API provides a set of object-oriented interfaces that support a simple, high-level programming model which lets you manipulate images easily.
java/jre-8.102 (Score: 0.54894817)
Oracle Java 8 Runtime Environment for Linux
The Oracle Java 8 Runtime Environment for Linux.
java/jdk-8.102 (Score: 0.54894817)
Oracle Java 8 Development Kit for Linux
The Oracle Java Development Kit 8 for Linux.
java/jdk-7.76 (Score: 0.54455763)
Java Development Kit Documentation
Java Development Kit 7 Documentation. Contains release information, API documentation, guides to new features and tool documentation. The documentation will be installed in ${PREFIX}/share/doc/jdk7/
java/jdk-8.40 (Score: 0.54455763)
Java Development Kit Documentation
Java Development Kit 8 Documentation. Contains release information, API documentation, guides to new features and tool documentation. The documentation will be installed in ${PREFIX}/share/doc/jdk8/
java/je-6.2.31 (Score: 0.5060731)
这是一个纯Java实现的Berkeley(伯克利)数据库(由SleepyCat开发,现在是Oracle)。 编译时需要Java 1.5,虽然结果可以在1.4下运行。来自 “Berkeley(伯克利)数据库Java版设计基于Java。它充分利用Java环境。Berkeley (伯克利)数据库Java版API提供了一个Java集合式(Java Collections-style)的接 口,以及一个类似Berkeley(伯克利)数据库API的编程接口。 Berkeley(伯克利)数据库Java版不同于其他的Java数据库。Berkeley(伯克利) 数据库Java版不是一个建立在Java上的关系性数据库引擎。它是一个Berkeley(伯克利) 数据库式的嵌入式存储,设计了给程序员用的接口,而不是DBA(数据库管理员)。Berkeley (伯克利)数据库Java版的体系使用了基于日志的、不改写的存储系统,高并发和高速度, 同时提供ACID事务和记录级别的锁。Berkeley(伯克利)数据库Java版本在内存里高效地 缓存最频繁使用的数据,而没有应用程序上的限制。这样,Berkeley(伯克利)数据库 Java版充分利用JVM资源来提供访问非常大的数据集的能力。 Berkeley(伯克利)数据库Java版体系为任何需要高性能、交易完整性和可恢复性的 Java应用程序提供了一个潜在的存储层。”
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