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Results 1120 of 19,819 for %22HTTP Server%22.(0.008 seconds)
net/Net_Server-1.0.3 (Score: 0.1926524)
Generic server class
Generic server class based on ext/sockets, used to develop any kind of server.
Simple HTTP server for developing with CGI::Application::Dispatch
CGI::Application::Dispatch::Server A simple HTTP server for developing apps that use CGI::Application::Dispatch
www/CGI-Application-Server-0.063 (Score: 0.1920376)
Simple HTTP server for developing with CGI::Application
CGI::Application::Server A simple HTTP server for developing with CGI::Application.
POE Component to server HTTP requests
POE component to serve HTTP requests with a slightly different approach than POCo::Server::HTTP. Several useful built-in handlers for URIs not found, basic authentication, and parameter parsing.
net-mgmt/Xymon-Server-0.02 (Score: 0.18837047)
Xymon Server Interface
Provides a base interface for retriving configuration variables from the hobbit server (taken from hobbitserver.cfg).
devel/Gearman-Server-1.11 (Score: 0.18255563)
Gearman server daemon
Gearman is a system to farm out work to other machines, dispatching function calls to machines that are better suited to do work, to do work in parallel, to load balance lots of function calls, or to call functions between languages. This is the server daemon component. The bridge between workers (clients who can do work) and callers (clients who want work done). You should run several of these, at least two, for both load balancing and high availability.
net/Server-Starter-0.30 (Score: 0.1818815)
Perl extension of superdaemon for hot-deploying server programs
A superdaemon for hot-deploying server programs.
sysutils/MogileFS-Server-2.72 (Score: 0.18162432)
MogileFS (distributed filesystem) server
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MogileFS: MogileFS was created by Danga Interactive for use with LiveJournal. It is similar to the Andrew File System in its design goal. It is different than a traditional filesystem in that the user has to access files via an API. However, it's possible to implement the file system in user space using FUSE, or a similar package. MogileFS enables horizontal scaling of storage across any number of machines. Files are replicated between machines according to customizable rules such that at any time a number of drives or machines could be lost without data becoming unavailable. It is designed for high volume applications, such as high traffic websites, to spread storage across cheaper machines without relying on technologies such as NFS.
www/Mojo-Server-FastCGI-0.41 (Score: 0.17613597)
Mojo Server FastCGI
Mojo::Server::FastCGI - FastCGI Server
www/HTTP-Server-Simple-Mason-0.14 (Score: 0.16634135)
Abstract baseclass for a standalone mason server
An abstract baseclass for a standalone mason server.