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Results 221230 of 1,719 for /textproc/.(0.015 seconds)
textproc/libvisio-0.1.5 (Score: 0.068937615)
Library and tools for parsing the visio file format structure
Library and tools for parsing the visio file format structure
textproc/lacheck-1.26 (Score: 0.068937615)
Tool for finding common mistakes in LaTeX documents
LaCheck is a general purpose consistency checker for LaTeX documents. It reads a LaTeX document and displays warning messages, if it finds bad sequences. LaCheck is designed to help find common mistakes in LaTeX documents, especially those made by beginners.
textproc/lasem-0.4.1 (Score: 0.068937615)
SVG/Mathml renderer and editor
Lasem aims to be a C/GObject based SVG/MathML renderer and editor. It uses cairo and pango as it's rendering abstraction layer.
textproc/latex-0.1 (Score: 0.068937615)
LaTeX service for GNUstep
This is a small service which converts a LaTeX text into an image. Just select the text, click on the service item menu, choose "Return the LaTeX rendering" and voila! Your text is replaced by its LaTeX rendering. LICENSE: GPL2 or later
textproc/latex2html-2008 (Score: 0.068937615)
Convert LaTeX documents to HTML
This program can be used to convert LaTeX to HTML. It has many configuration options configurable by editing a configuration file. It can handle equations and postscript images as well.
textproc/libabw-0.1.1 (Score: 0.068937615)
Library providing ability to interpret Abiword documents
Libabw is library providing ability to interpret and import AbiWord documents into various applications
textproc/libcrm114-20100726 (Score: 0.068937615)
CRM114 C-callable Library
This is the callable library version of CRM114. It has most of the classifiers as the standalone language. This version is LGPLed (Library GPL) so you can link it with your own code, whether open-source or proprietary. You still need TRE. Note that with improvements come costs: libcrm114 classifiers are NOT compatible with standalone CRM114 class files.
textproc/libcroco-0.6.11 (Score: 0.068937615)
CSS2 parsing library
libcroco is a standalone css2 parsing library. It provides a low level event driven SAC like api and a css object model like api. This library is being written to bring the css support to the mlview xml editor project but it can be used for other applications as well.
textproc/libcss-0.6.0 (Score: 0.068937615)
Cascading Style Sheets library
LibCSS is a CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) parser and selection engine, written in C.
textproc/libcue-2.1.0 (Score: 0.068937615)
CUE Sheet Parser Library
Libcue is intended to parse a so called cue sheet from a char string or a file pointer. For handling of the parsed data a convenient API is available. This project is meant as a fork of cuetools by Svend Sorensen which saw it last release in 02/2006.