Ports 搜索

finance/openhbci- (Score: 0.001417277)
HBCI is a bank-independent homebanking standard
OpenHBCI -- the first free client-side implementation of the HBCI specification. HBCI is a bank-independent homebanking standard used by many German banks. This publicly available protocol describes communication, authentification, encryption, and business transactions taking place between a homebanking applications and a bank's server. OpenHBCI provides an object oriented library implementing the current client-side HBCI specification. The library is written in C++, with C wrappers also available. OpenHBCI provides the application programmer with a high-level abstraction of almost all business transactions, so that all HBCI details are totally encapsulated and do not need to be bothered with.
www/cppcms-1.0.5 (Score: 0.0014172646)
C++ web development framework
CppCMS is a free high performance web development framework aimed at rapid web application development. It differs from most other web development frameworks like: Python Django, Java Servlets in the following ways: * It is designed and tuned to handle extremely high loads. * It uses modern C++ as the primary development language in order to achieve the first goal. * It is designed for developing both web sites and web services.
x11-toolkits/viewklass-0.7.2 (Score: 0.0014172646)
C++ Framework for Motif
ViewKlass is a C++ framework for developing applications which use the LessTif, OpenMotif or OSF/Motif[TM] user interface toolkits. In particular it provides classes which support the creation of reusable components. This helps to simplify the development of applications using object-oriented techniques. It also provides classes which encapsulate some of the more difficult and tedious aspects of Motif development. These include classes which handle the creation of windows, dialogs and menus.
ports-mgmt/psearch-2.0.2 (Score: 0.0014140753)
Utility for searching the FreeBSD Ports Collection
psearch is an utility for searching the FreeBSD Ports Collection. It allows you to use regular expressions, and has support for searching the long description (pkg-descr files), as well as inverse matches that allow filtering of ports.
devel/slibtool-0.5.10 (Score: 0.0014138639)
Skinny libtool implementation, written in C
`slibtool` is an independent reimplementation of the widely used libtool, written in C. `slibtool` is designed to be a clean, fast, easy-to-use libtool drop-in replacement, and is accordingly aimed at package authors, distro developers, and system integrators. `slibtool` maintains compatibility with libtool in nearly every aspect of the tool's functionality as well as semantics, leaving out (or turning into a no-op) only a small number of features that are no longer needed on modern systems. Being a compiled binary, and although not primarily written for the sake of performance, building a package with `slibtool` is often faster than with its script-based counterpart. The resulting performance gain would normally vary between packages, and is most noticeable in builds that invoke libtool a large number of times, and which are characterized by the short compilation duration of individual translation units.
www/nghttp2-1.14.1 (Score: 0.0014121796)
HTTP/2.0 C Library
nghttp2 - HTTP/2.0 C Library This is an experimental implementation of Hypertext Transfer Protocol version 2.0.
games/nuclearchess-1.0.0 (Score: 0.0014116472)
Chess variant designed to be short and fun for all players
NuclearChess is a chess variant. Whenever a piece is captured, both pieces and all pieces on neighbour fields die. Games are short and fun even for people who usually don't play chess.
misc/timezonedb-2016.5 (Score: 0.0014022768)
Timezone Database to be used with PHP date and time functions
This extension is a drop-in replacement for the builtin timezone database that comes with PHP. You should only install this extension in case you need to get a later version of the timezone database then the one that ships with PHP.
math/Math-CDF-0.1 (Score: 0.0014019294)
Generate probabilities and quantiles
This module provides a perl interface to the DCDFLIB. See the section on DCDFLIB for more information. Functions are available for 7 continuous distributions (Beta, Chi-square, F, Gamma, Normal, Poisson and T-distribution) and for two discrete distributions (Binomial and Negative Binomial). Optional non-centrality parameters are available for the Chi-square, F and T-distributions. Cumulative probabilities are available for all 9 distributions and quantile functions are available for the 7 continuous distributions.
shells/bashc- (Score: 0.0014019294)
GNU bash shell extended with visual two-panel file browser
Bash Commander is a traditional GNU bash shell extended with visual two-panel file browser. Features: * Full bash compatibility. * Embedded visual file browser. * Two file panels, turned on and off by pressing ^O. * Actions and colors configured via .bashrc script. * Run current file on pressing Enter, configurable via commander_start_file() shell function. * Perform an action on pressing F1-F20 keys, configurable via commander_fN() shell functions.