Ports 搜索

net/tcpproxy-1.2 (Score: 0.07643312)
Simple TCP connection proxy for IPv4 and IPv6
tcpproxy is a simple TCP connection proxy which combines the features of rinetd and 6tunnel. tcpproxy supports IPv4 and IPv6 and also supports connections from IPv6 to IPv4 endpoints and vice versa.
net/tcpshow-1.74 (Score: 0.07643312)
Decode tcpdump(1) output
tcpshow reads a tcpdump(1) savefile and provides a reasonably complete decode of Ethernet, IP, ICMP, UDP and TCP headers. Boolean expressions may also be specified for packet selection. Data within the packets are displayed in ASCII. tcpshow's output is simular to Sun Solaris's snoop(1M) command for network packet capture and inspection.
net/tcpslice-20140407 (Score: 0.07643312)
Tool for extracting portions of pcap files
tcpslice is a tool for extracting portions of packet trace files generated using tcpdump's -w flag. The basic operation of tcpslice is to copy to stdout all packets from its input file(s) whose timestamps fall within a given range.
net/tcpsplit-0.2 (Score: 0.07643312)
Breaks a libpcap trace along TCP connection boundaries
The tcpsplit utility breaks a single libpcap packet trace into some number of sub-traces, breaking the trace along TCP connection boundaries so that a TCP connection doesn't end up split across two sub-traces. This is useful for making large trace files tractable for in-depth analysis and for subsetting a trace for developing analysis on only part of a trace.
net/tcptrace-6.6.7 (Score: 0.07643312)
TCP dump file analysis tool
tcptrace is a TCP connection analysis tool. It can tell you detailed information about TCP connections by sifting through dump files. The dump file formats supported are: Standard tcpdump format (you need the pcap library) Sun's snoop format Macintosh Etherpeek format HP/NetMetrix protocol analysis format NS simulator output format NetScout NLANR Tsh Format To see the graphs, you'll also need Tim Shepard's xplot program, available at http://www.xplot.org
net/tcpwatch-1.3 (Score: 0.07643312)
TCP monitoring and logging tool with support for HTTP 1.1
TCPWatch is a utility written in Python that lets you monitor forwarded TCP connections or HTTP proxy connections. It displays the sessions in a window with a history of past connections. It is useful for developing and debugging protocol implementations and web services.
net/tcptraceroute-1.5beta7 (Score: 0.07643312)
Traceroute implementation using TCP packets
tcptraceroute is a traceroute implementation using TCP packets. The more traditional traceroute(8) sends out either UDP or ICMP ECHO packets with a TTL of one, and increments the TTL until the destination has been reached. By printing the gateways that generate ICMP time exceeded messages along the way, it is able to determine the path packets are taking to reach the destination. The problem is that with the widespread use of firewalls on the modern Internet, many of the packets that traceroute(8) sends out end up being filtered, making it impossible to completely trace the path to the destination. However, in many cases, these firewalls will permit inbound TCP packets to specific ports that hosts sitting behind the firewall are listening for connections on. By sending out TCP SYN packets instead of UDP or ICMP ECHO packets, tcptraceroute is able to bypass the most common firewall filters.
net/tcpxd-1.4 (Score: 0.07643312)
General purpose TCP/IP relay
tcpxd is a general purpose TCP/IP relay program designed to be simple to get going, requiring only three parameters; the port to listen on, the host to forward to, and the port on that host to connect to.
net/tdetect-0.2 (Score: 0.07643312)
Utility for detecting traceroutes and reporting them via syslog
tdetect detects someone running traceroute against your system. It does this by detecting UDP (Unix traceroute) or ICMP ECHO (Windows traceroute) packets with TTL fields == 1.
net/php70-7.0.11 (Score: 0.07643312)
The soap shared extension for php