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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第931940项(搜索用时0.006秒)
security/nikto-2.1.6 (Score: 0.015158091)
Web and CGI vulnerability scanner with SSL support
Nikto is an Open Source (GPL) web server scanner which performs comprehensive tests against web servers for multiple items, including over 6100 potentially dangerous files/CGIs, checks for outdated versions of over 950 servers, and version specific problems on over 260 servers. It also checks for server configuration items such as the presence of multiple index files, HTTP server options, and will attempt to identify installed web servers and software. Scan items and plugins are frequently updated and can be automatically updated. It uses Rain Forest Puppy's LibWhisker (wiretrip.net) for HTTP functionality, and can perform checks in HTTP or HTTPS. It also supports basic port scanning and will determine if a web server is running on any open ports. Nikto is written by Chris Sullo and David Lodge.
www/WWW-WebArchive-0.50 (Score: 0.015152605)
Retrieve old versions of public web pages from various web archives
from various web archives. * http://www.archive.org - Internet Archive's Wayback Machine * http://www.google.com - Google's page cache This is useful if 1. Your web server crashed and you didn't have complete backups 2. A site (such as a valuable reference source) changed or went away and you want to restore an old version of the site to your local disk
databases/couchrest-1.2.1 (Score: 0.015122263)
Provides a simple interface on top of CouchDBs RESTful HTTP API
CouchRest provides a simple interface on top of CouchDB's RESTful HTTP API, as well as including some utility scripts for managing views and attachments.
www/net-4.0.4 (Score: 0.014976283)
OCaml modules for Internet applications
A collection of modules for the Objective Caml language which focus on application-level Internet protocols and conventions. Ocamlnet consists of a number of libraries: * netstring is about processing strings that occur in network context * netcgi1 and netcgi2 focus on portable web applications * nethttpd is a web server component (HTTP server implementation) * netplex is a generic server framework * rpc implements OncRPC * netclient implements clients for HTTP, FTP, and Telnet * equeue is an event queue used for many protocol implementations * shell is about calling external commands * netshm provides shared memory for IPC purposes * netsys contains bindings for system functions * smtp and pop are two further client implementations
ftp/curl-7.50.3 (Score: 0.014924106)
Non-interactive tool to get files from FTP, GOPHER, HTTP(S) servers
curl is a client to get documents/files from servers, using any of the supported protocols. The command is designed to work without user interaction or any kind of interactivity. curl offers a busload of useful tricks like proxy support, user authentication, ftp upload, HTTP post, SSL (https:) connections, file transfer resume and more.
net/ssltunnel-1.18 (Score: 0.014913438)
PPP over SSL virtual private networking (client part)
ssltunnel is a client/server software to establish PPP links over SSL/TLS sessions. Client and server are mutually authenticated using X509 certificates, PPP packets are encrypted/decrypted realtime on each side. The client has the ability to initiate the connection through an HTTP/HTTPS relay, even if an authentification is needed. This is the client part.
devel/varconf-1.0.1 (Score: 0.014888194)
Configuration System for the STAGE Server
Varconf is a configuration system designed for the STAGE server. Varconf can parse configuration files, command-line arguments and environment variables. It supports callbacks and can store its configuration information in separate Config objects or in one global configuration instance.
net/dhcp-4.3.4 (Score: 0.014888194)
ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server
The ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Distribution provides a freely redistributable reference implementation of all aspects of the DHCP protocol, through a suite of DHCP tools: * A DHCP server (this port) * A DHCP client * A DHCP relay agent
news/newsfetch-1.21 (Score: 0.014888194)
Download news articles from NNTP server
Newsfetch pulls news from an NNTP server and writes the articles to a file or pipes them to the specified command. The file created by newsfetch can be used with any mail reader.
www/httptunnel-3.3 (Score: 0.014851632)
通过一个 http/tcp/ip 连接建立一个 tcp/ip 隧道连接
httptunnel 通过 HTTP 隧道请求创建一个双向的虚拟数据路径。如果有需要的话, 请求也可以通过 HTTP 代理来发送。 这对被限制在防火墙后面的用户很有用。如果 WWW 访问允许通过一个 HTTP 代理 进行,就能使用 httptunnel,并且 say、telnet 或者 PPP 连接到防火墙外部的 计算机。 如果你还不明白这是怎么一回事,你可以从 FAQ 文件里找到一些有用的信息。 这个程序主要是面向技术型用户。他们应该知道怎么做。 httptunnel 是一个自由软件。请参阅 COPYING 里的条款。 如果你喜欢这个软件,可以发送一张明信片给我,我会很感激的,地址如下: Lars Brinkhoff Kopmansgatan 2 411 13 Goteborg Sweden