Ports 搜索

www/estimator-0.1.1 (Score: 2.52076)
Produce detailed range-based estimations for Trac tickets
This Trac plugin implements a page for creating time estimates. The estimates will be attached to whatever tickets are specified in the tickets box.
www/fivestarvote-0.1 (Score: 2.52076)
Five star plugin for voting on Trac resources
This plugin is a modified version of the VotePlugin (www/trac-vote). Instead of having up and down arrows, this plugin uses a 5-star approach to rate resources.
www/fullblog-0.1.1 (Score: 2.52076)
这个插件提供了一个项目博客,但不像 TracBlogPlugin 和 SimpleBlogPlugin 那样,它不是用 Wiki 页面来存储内容。 它不依赖于其它插件。
www/fullblognotification-0.2.1 (Score: 2.52076)
这个插件使用 FullBlogPlugin 的 blog 变更接口来发出下列电子邮件通知: * 新建文章 * 更新文章 * 回复文章 * 删除文章 电子邮件通知会发给做出该变更的人,也可以发给其他用户或者一个通过设定 smtp_always_cc 选项指定的分发列表。 这些发出的电子邮件是使用 Trac 的 ticket_notify_email 模版作为蓝本的 纯文本格式。 如果你正在使用 AnnouncerPlugin,你应该使用它的 FullBlogPlugin 而不是 FullBlogNotificationPlugin。
www/graphviz-0.7.4 (Score: 2.52076)
Graphviz plugin for Trac's wiki
The GraphvizPlugin allows for the inline creation of diagrams for abstract graphs and networks using the Graphviz programs.
www/iniadmin-0.2.3915 (Score: 2.52076)
通过 WebAdminPlugin 编辑所有的 trac.ini 选项
通过 WebAdminPlugin 编辑所有的 trac.ini 选项
www/keywords-0.2 (Score: 2.52076)
Plugin for using pre-configured keywords
This plug-in allows you to add entries to the Keywords entry field from a configured list of keywords by clicking on them.
www/ldap- (Score: 2.52076)
Trac plugin to use LDAP to store permissions
LDAP extensions to grant group permissions This extension enables the use of existing LDAP groups to grant permissions rather than defining permissions for every single user on the system. Also permits storage of permissions (both users and groups permissions) in the LDAP directory itself rather than in the database backend.
www/ldapauthstore- (Score: 2.52076)
Trac AccountManager plugin using LDAP authentication store
This plugin is a password store for the AccountManagerPlugin that provides authentication and group membership from an LDAP service. Users are authenticated by performing an LDAP bind against a directory using their credentials. The plugin will also pull the email address and username from the directory and populate the session_attribute table.
www/math-0.1 (Score: 2.52076)
Support for LaTeX math formulas in wiki pages
Allow embedded equations in wiki pages. Basically a port of mt-math to trac.