Ports 搜索

mail/gnubiff-2.2.13 (Score: 0.007000902)
Mail notification program for Gnome
gnubiff is a mail notification program that checks for mail, displays headers when new mail has arrived and allow to read first lines of new mails. It relies on the GNOME and GTK libraries but can be compiled and used with or without GNOME support. Supported protocols are pop3, apop, imap4, mh, qmail and mailfile. Furthermore, gnubiff is fully configurable with a lot of options like polltime, poptime, sounds, mail reader, mailbox names, etc. and can also filter spam.
mail/grepmail-5.3033 (Score: 0.007000902)
Search mailboxes for a given regexp and display matching emails
Grepmail searches a normal, gzip'd, bzip'd, or tzip'd mailbox for a given regular expression, and returns those emails that match it. Piped input is allowed, and date restrictions are supported.
mail/kshowmail-4.1 (Score: 0.007000902)
POP3 mail checker for KDE
KShowmail is a POP3 mail checker for KDE. Main features: o load mail headers from pop3 servers o display relevant header fields in a list view o display headers of selected mails o display complete mails o delete selected mails on servers o launch external programs like fetchmail or sendmail via configurable menu entries o support multiple accounts o sound support o send complain mails to postmaster
mail/libdomainkeys-0.69 (Score: 0.007000902)
DomainKeys library
The DomainKeys Library is being written in C and provides a foundation for implementing the DomainKeys email authentication system in mail transfer agents and mail user agents.
mail/rainloop-1.10.3 (Score: 0.007000902)
Modern and interactive webmail
Modern user interface. Complete support of IMAP and SMTP protocols including SSL and STARTTLS. Minimalistic resources requirements. Direct access to mail server is used (mails are not stored locally on web server). Allows for adding multiple accounts to primary one, simultaneous access to different accounts in different browser tabs is supported. Additional identities. Administrative panel for configuring main options...
mail/mailsync-5.2.1 (Score: 0.007000902)
Mailsync is a way of keeping a collection of mailboxes synchronized
Mailsync is a way of keeping a collection of mailboxes synchronized. The mailboxes may be on the local filesystem or on an IMAP server.
mail/mboxgrep-0.7.9 (Score: 0.007000902)
Utility to scan mailboxes for messages matching a regular expression
mboxgrep is a small utility that scans a mailbox for messages matching a regular expression. Found messages can be either displayed on standard output, counted, deleted, piped to a shell command or written to another mailbox. Its features include: * ability to limit the search to message body or headers (although the whole message is scanned by default) * message counting * ability to invert the sense of matching * ability to write found messages to another mailbox * support for mbox (either plain or compressed), MH, nnmh, nnml and maildir folders * support for basic and extended POSIX regular expressions, and, optionally, Perl-complatible regular expressions (if linked with the PCRE library)
mail/lurker-2.3 (Score: 0.007000902)
Mailing list archiver
Lurker is not just another mailing list archiver. It is capable of handling gigabytes of mail without slowing down. Lurker has been designed to scale to support sites with thousands of concurrent users and hundreds of new messages a second. If you run a high-volume mailing list archive, you should seriously consider lurker for this alone. To facilitate finding interesting data, lurker supports: * full keyword search by body, subject, author, ... * a graphical representation of message relationships * charts of the current activity about a topic * searching lists or queries around an estimated time * signature verification to confirm the author * messages markup to find related information As one would expect, lurker also supports file attachments, multiple languages, message threading, gpg key photo ids, a transactional database, automatic timezone detection, render caching, xml customization with xslt and css, multiple front-ends (3-tier deployment), and many other buzz words.
mail/msmtp-1.6.5 (Score: 0.007000902)
SMTP plugin for MUAs
msmtp -- An SMTP client msmtp is an SMTP client that can be used as an "SMTP plugin" for Mutt and probably other MUAs (mail user agents). It forwards mails to an SMTP server (for example at a free mail provider) which does the delivery. To use this program, create a configuration file with your mail account(s) and tell your MUA to call msmtp instead of /usr/sbin/sendmail. Features include: * SMTP AUTH methods PLAIN, LOGIN and CRAM-MD5 (and DIGEST-MD5 and NTLM when compiled with GSASL support) * TLS encrypted connections (including server certificate verification and the possibility to send a client certificate) * DSN (Delivery Status Notification) support * IPv6 support (on systems that support it) * support for multiple accounts * sendmail compatible exit codes (which most MUAs understand). Note: you may want to install mail/msmtpqueue - queuing support for msmtp.
mail/mutt_vc_query-002 (Score: 0.007000902)
vCard query utility for mutt
The mutt_vc_query program is a vCard query utility for mutt. It was originally written for `rolo'.