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devel/Config-Tiny-2.23 (Score: 0.032514982)
Read/Write .ini style files with as little code as possible
Config::Tiny is a perl class to read and write .ini style configuration files with as little code as possible, reducing load time and memory overhead. Memory usage is normally scoffed at in Perl, but in my opinion should be at least kept in mind. This module is primarily for reading human written files, and anything we write shouldn't need to have documentation/comments. If you need something with more power, move up to Config::Simple, Config::General or one of the many other Config:: modules.
devel/Config-Validator-1.3 (Score: 0.032514982)
Schema based configuration validation
This module allows to perform schema based configuration validation. The idea is to define in a schema what valid data is. This schema can be used to create a validator object that can in turn be used to make sure that some data indeed conforms to the schema. Although the primary focus is on "configuration" (for instance as provided by modules like Config::General) and, to a lesser extent, "options" (for instance as provided by modules like Getopt::Long), this module can in fact validate any data structure.
devel/DB_File-Lock-0.05 (Score: 0.032514982)
Perl module to use the DB_File with Lock
This module provides a wrapper for the DB_File module, adding locking. When you need locking, simply use this module in place of DB_File and add an extra argument onto the tie command specifying if the file should be locked for reading or writing.
devel/Daemon-Control-0.001008 (Score: 0.032514982)
Create init scripts in Perl
Daemon::Control provides a library for creating init scripts in perl. Your perl script just needs to set the accessors for what and how you want something to run and the library takes care of the rest. You can launch programs through the shell (/usr/sbin/my_program) or launch Perl code itself into a daemon mode. Single and double fork methods are supported and in double-fork mode all the things you would expect like reopening STDOUT/STDERR, switching UID/GID are supported.
devel/Config-Versioned-1.01 (Score: 0.032514982)
Simple, versioned access to configuration data
Config::Versioned allows an application to access configuration parameters not only by parameter name, but also by version number. This allows for the configuration subsystem to store previous versions of the configuration parameters. When requesting the value for a specific attribute, the programmer specifies whether to fetch the most recent value or a previous value.
devel/Config-Wrest-1.036 (Score: 0.032514982)
Perl module for reading and writing configuration data
This module allows you to read configuration data written in a human-readable and easily-editable text format and access it as a perl data structure. It also allows you to write configuration data from perl back to this format. The data format allows key/value pairs, comments, escaping of unprintable or problematic characters, sensible whitespace handling, support for Unicode data, nested sections, or blocks, of configuration data.
devel/efl-1.18.1 (Score: 0.032514982)
Enlightenment Foundation Libraries
Enlightenment Foundation Libraries is a set of libraries each providing a great deal of functionality.
devel/Config-YAML-1.42 (Score: 0.032514982)
Simple configuration automation
Config::YAML is a somewhat object-oriented wrapper around the YAML module which makes reading and writing configuration files simple.
devel/ConfigReader-Simple-1.29 (Score: 0.032514982)
Simple configuration file parser
ConfigReader::Simple reads and parses simple configuration files. It is designed to be smaller and simpler than the ConfigReader module and is more suited to simple configuration files.
devel/Connector-1.16 (Score: 0.032514982)
Generic connection to a hierarchical-structured data set
The Connector provides a generic connection to a data set, typically configuration data in a hierarchical structure. Each connector object accepts the get(KEY) method, which, when given a key, returns the associated value from the connector's data source. Typically, a connector acts as a proxy to a simple data source like YAML, Config::Std, Config::Versioned, or to a more complex data source like an LDAP server or Proc::SafeExec. The standard calling convention via get(KEY) makes the connectors interchangeable.