Ports 搜索

math/Math-Units-1.3 (Score: 0.007091405)
Unit conversion
The Math::Units module converts a numeric value in one unit of measurement to some other unit. The units must be compatible, i.e. length can not be converted to volume. If a conversion can not be made an exception is thrown. A combination chaining and reduction algorithm is used to perform the most direct unit conversion possible. Units may be written in several different styles. An abbreviation table is used to convert from common long-form unit names to the (more or less) standard abbreviations that the units module uses internally. All multiplicative unit conversions are cached so that future conversions can be performed very quickly. Too many units, prefixes and abbreviations are supported to list here. See the source code for a complete listing.
print/a2ps-4.13b (Score: 0.0070791007)
Formats an ASCII file for printing on a postscript printer
A2ps formats each named file for printing in a postscript printer; if no file is given, a2ps reads from the standard input. The format used is nice and compact: normally two pages on each physical page, borders surrounding pages, headers with useful information (page number, printing date, file name or supplied header), line numbering, etc. This is very useful for making archive listings of programs. Additionally, A2ps "pretty print"s using special fonts for a wide array of languages, making things like program listings much more legible. LICENSE: GPL2 or later
devel/B-Generate-1.54 (Score: 0.0070333183)
Create your own Perl op trees
Malcolm Beattie's B module allows you to examine the Perl op tree at runtime, in Perl space; it's the basis of the Perl compiler. But what it doesn't let you do is manipulate that op tree: it won't let you create new ops, or modify old ones. Now you can. Well, if you're intimately familiar with Perl's internals, you can.
devel/pychecker-0.8.19 (Score: 0.0070245527)
Python source code checking tool to help hunting common bugs
PyChecker is a python source code checking tool to help you find common bugs. It is meant to find problems that are typically caught by a compiler. Because of the dynamic nature of python, some warnings may be incorrect; however, spurious warnings should be fairly infrequent. PyChecker works in a combination of ways. First, it imports each module. If there is an import error, the module cannot be processed. The import provides some basic information about the module. For each function, class, and method, the code within the function is checked for possible problems. Types of problems that can be found include: * No doc strings in modules, classes, functions, and methods * self not the first parameter to a method * Wrong number of parameters passed to functions/methods * No global found (e.g., using a module without importing it) * Global not used (module or variable)
graphics/a2png-0.1.5 (Score: 0.007011714)
Converts plain ASCII text into PNG bitmap images
a2png is a UNIX program that converts plain text into PNG images.
print/a2pdf-1.13 (Score: 0.006983132)
Text to PDF converter
a2pdf converts ASCII text to PDF format, with optional line/page numbering and Perl syntax highlighting.
textproc/po4a-0.45 (Score: 0.0069742324)
Brings gettext translation tools to all kinds of docs
The po4a (po for anything) project goal is to ease translations (and more interestingly, the maintenance of translations) using gettext tools in areas where they were not expected, like documentation. po4a supports currently the following formats: * manpages * pod * xml (generic, docbook, xhtml, dia, or guide) * sgml * TeX (generic, LaTeX, or Texinfo) * text (simple text files with some formatting) * ini * KernelHelp
databases/tarantool-c-1.0.0 (Score: 0.00697078)
C client for Tarantool 1.6+
Tarantool-c is a client library written in C for Tarantool.
graphics/rtiff-1.4.5 (Score: 0.006966111)
TIFF reader for R
This package will read and write TIFF format images and return them as a pixmap object. Because the resulting object can be very large for even modestly sized TIFF images, images can be reduced as they are read for improved performance. This package is a wrapper around libtiff (www.libtiff.org), on which it depends (i.e. the libtiff shared library must be on your PATH for the binary to work, and tiffio.h must be on your system to build the package from source). By using libtiff's highlevel TIFFReadRGBAImage function, this package inherently support a wide range of image formats and compression schemes. This package also provides an implementation of the Ridler Autothresholding algorithm for easy generation of binary masks.
security/tripwire-1.3.1 (Score: 0.006965106)
File system security and verification program
Tripwire is a tool that aids system administrators and users in monitoring a designated set of files for any changes. Used with system files on a regular (e.g., daily) basis, Tripwire can notify system administrators of corrupted or tampered files, so damage control measures can be taken in a timely manner. If "TRIPWIRE_FLOPPY" is set to "YES" in the environment or on the "make" command line, this port will write the tripwire database to a floppy disk, which should then be write-protected and used as a reference for future runs. The diskette should be formatted and present in the "A" drive before starting the "make install" step. Joe Greco <jgreco@ns.sol.net>