Ports 搜索

net/iproute-1.5.0 (Score: 9.15773E-5)
IP Routing Table
IP Routing Table is a tree of IP ranges to search one of them on the longest match base. It is a kind of TRIE with one way branching removed. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported.
net/ipsvd-1.0.0 (Score: 9.15773E-5)
Internet protocol service daemons
ipsvd is a set of internet protocol service daemons. It currently includes a TCP/IP service daemon, and a UDP/IP service daemon. An internet protocol service (ipsv) daemon waits for incoming connections on a local socket. On incoming connections, the ipsv daemon conditionally runs an arbitrary program with standard input reading from the socket, and standard output writing to the socket, that handles the connection. Standard error is used for logging. ipsv daemons can be told to read and follow pre-defined instructions on how to handle incoming connections. It's possible to run different programs, or to set a different environment, or to deny a connection, or to set a per host concurrency limit, depending on the client's address or hostname. Normally the ipsv daemons are run by a supervisor process, such as runsv from the runit package, or supervise from the daemontools package. ipsvd can be used to run services normally run by inetd, xinetd, or tcpserver.
net/libcmis-0.5.1 (Score: 9.15773E-5)
Client library for the CMIS interface
LibCMIS is a C++ client library for the CMIS interface. This allows C++ applications to connect to any ECM behaving as a CMIS server like Alfresco, Nuxeo for the open source ones.
net/libpcapnav-0.8 (Score: 9.15773E-5)
libpcap wrapper library
Libcapnav is a libpcap wrapper library that allows navigation to arbitrary packets in a tcpdump trace file between reads, using timestamps or percentage offsets. The API is intentionally much like that of the pcap library.
net/Net-HTTPS-Any-0.12 (Score: 9.15773E-5)
Simple HTTPS class using whichever underlying SSL module is available
This is a simple wrapper around either of the two available SSL modules. It offers a unified API for sending GET and POST requests over HTTPS and receiving responses.
net/linuxigd-1.0 (Score: 9.15773E-5)
Linux UPnP Internet Gateway Device
This project is a deamon that emulates Microsoft's Internet Connection Service (ICS). It implements the UPnP Internet Gateway Device specification (IGD) and allows UPnP aware clients, such as MSN Messenger to work properly from behind a NAT firewall.
net/ncp-1.2.4 (Score: 9.15773E-5)
Fast file copy tool for LANs
"ncp" is a utility for copying files in a LAN. It has absolutely no security or integrity checking, no throttling, no features, except one: you don't have to type the coordinates of your peer.
net/miniupnpd-1.9.20160113 (Score: 9.15773E-5)
UPnP IGD implementation which uses pf/ipf
Mini UPnPd is a lightweight implementation of a UPnP IGD daemon. This is supposed to be run on your gateway machine to allow client systems to redirect ports and punch holes in the firewall.
net/ndisc6-1.0.2 (Score: 9.15773E-5)
IPv6 network diagnostic tools
ndisc6 is a collection of diagnostic tools for IPv6 networks, including ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery tools (rdisc6 and ndisc6), an UDP, TCP and ICMP-based IPv6 traceroute implementation and a simplistic bandwidth measurement program (tcpspray6).
net/mrouted-3.9.7 (Score: 9.15773E-5)
Multicast routing daemon providing DVMRP for IPv4
mrouted is an implementation of the DVMRP multicast routing protocol. It turns a UNIX workstation into a DVMRP multicast router with tunnel support, in order to cross non-multicast-aware routers.