Ports 搜索

devel/Inline-TT-0.07 (Score: 2.1865971E-4)
Provides inline support for template toolkit 2.x
Inline::TT provides Inline access to version 2.0 and higher of the Template Toolkit. This allows you to house your templates inside the source code file, while retaining the ability to cache compiled templates on the disk (via Inline's caching mechanism). The names of the blocks in the template are exported as functions. Call these with a reference to a hash of values, which will be used for interpolation in the templates. This hash reference is the same as the second argument to the process method of any Template object. The output from template toolkit will be returned to you as a single string. Note that leading and trailing spaces are trimmed, further the template toolkit options PRE_CHOMP and POST_CHOMP are set. Currently, there is no way to change these behaviors.
games/galaxyhack-1.74 (Score: 2.1865971E-4)
AI script based strategy game
GalaxyHack allows you to design a fleet of spaceships which can then be tested in AI script based battles against fleets designed by other players. Though battles take place in real time, the strategy comes before hand, both in writing short AI scripts in a simple scripting language, and also in the set up and selection of your fleet. You don't actually have any control over your units at all mid-battle, but rather use the time to see where the set up of your fleets is working, where your fleets' weaknesses lie and changes are needed, and perhaps also to learn from the strategy of your opponent. The game revolves around very large capital ships, from which smaller ships are launched. To win a battle you must destroy of all of your opponent's capital ships before they destroy yours. There can be hundreds of units in any one battle, but there is no harvesting, resource management or base building.
games/iourbanterror- (Score: 2.1865971E-4)
Quake 3 engine modified for Urban Terror (based on ioquake3)
Urban Terror is a realism based total conversion mod for Quake III Arena which no longer requires this game to be played. It only uses its engine, which is open sourced through the GPL and may be distributed freely. Urban Terror plays in about the same setting as Counter Strike, but is less focused on realism and plays much faster, which among other things, is caused by the ability to strafe jump, which combined with wall jumping can lead to very quick movement and nice jumps. Urban Terror has 7 game modes, 25 maps and 15 weapons. This port installs a modified ioquake3 engine for Urban Terror called ioUrbanTerror, and depends on the data, resulting in a playable game.
graphics/dia-0.97.3 (Score: 2.1865971E-4)
Diagram creation program, similar to Visio
Dia is a GTK+ based diagram creation program released under the GPL license. Dia is designed to be much like the commercial Windows program 'Visio'. It can be used to draw many different kinds of diagrams. It currently has special objects to help draw entity relationship diagrams, UML diagrams, flowcharts, network diagrams, and simple circuits. It is also possible to add support for new shapes by writing simple XML files, using a subset of SVG to draw the shape. It can load and save diagrams to a custom XML format (gzipped by default, to save space), can export diagrams to EPS or SVG formats and can print diagrams (including ones that span multiple pages).
graphics/frei0r-1.5.0 (Score: 2.1865971E-4)
Minimalistic plugin API for video effects
Frei0r is a minimalistic plugin API for video sources and filters. The behaviour of the effects can be controlled from the host by simple parameters. The intent is to solve the recurring reimplementation or adaptation issue of standard effects. It is not meant as a generic API for all kinds of video applications. There is no support for the requirements of special application areas like non linear editors, hardware accelerated shader effects, and high precision video processing. These advanced issues are not even solved satisfactory for non cross application plugin apis and are still an evolving field. The frei0r API is not meant to be a competing standard to more ambitious efforts.
graphics/jalbum-10.10.7 (Score: 2.1865971E-4)
Web photo album generator
This photo gallery software makes web albums of your digital images. JAlbum aims to be the easiest to use and most powerful tool in this category - and free! JAlbum is written after numerous disappointments with existing photo gallery software. With JAlbum you have full control of the look of the generated album, not just color theme and basic layout, still making an album is just a matter of drag and drop + a button click if you prefer to use one of the many existing looks. JAlbum will process your images, make index pages and slide show pages and even upload the final album to the Internet for your friends to see. No extra software is needed to view the albums, -just your web browser. Unlike "server side" album scripts, JAlbum albums can be served from a plain web server without scripting support. You can also share your albums on CD-ROM.
graphics/xbmbrowser-5.1 (Score: 2.1865971E-4)
View complete directories of X bitmaps and X pixmaps
A program to allow the user to view a complete directory of X bitmaps and X pixmaps all in one go, and to perform user defined actions on these images. If you don't think this is usful, you have never dealt with a directory of small icon images. Copyright Ashley Roll and Anthony Thyssen Original Program: Ashley Roll ash@cit.gu.edu.au upto version 3.2 Current Programmer: Anthony Thyssen anthony@cit.gu.edu.au version 4.0 on This program while available in the X windows Contrib Area, still belongs to the programmers. Permission is however given for you to freely copy, distribute and modify it on the condition that this and all other copyright notices remain unchanged in all distributions. Modifications should be forwarded to the Current Programmer (anthony) for inclusion into the next release. This software comes with NO warranty whatsoever and no responsibility for any damages, losses or problems that the program may cause will be taken.
lang/libjit-0.1.2 (Score: 2.1865971E-4)
Libjit implements Just-In-Time compilation functionality
The libjit library implements Just-In-Time compilation functionality. Unlike other JIT's, this one is designed to be independent of any particular virtual machine bytecode format or language. The hope is that Free Software projects can get a leg-up on proprietry VM vendors by using this library rather than spending large amounts of time writing their own JIT from scratch. This JIT is also designed to be portable to multiple archictures. If you run libjit on a machine for which a native code generator is not yet available, then libjit will fall back to interpreting the code. This way, you don't need to write your own interpreter for your bytecode format if you don't want to.
mail/queue-repair-0.9.0 (Score: 2.1865971E-4)
Qmail queue diagnostic and repair tool
queue_repair features include: - automatic, dynamic determination of UIDs and GIDs. - automatic, dynamic determination of conf-split; can be overridden on the commandline to change the conf-split of an existing queue without running a parallel, temporary instance of qmail for queuelifetime. Just recompile and stop qmail, run queue-repair, and restart qmail. - automatic, dynamic determination of use of big-todo; can be overridden on the commandline to change an existing queue as above. - handles basic tasks like fixing a queue restored from backups, incorrect ownership or permissions of directories and files, missing or extra split subdirectories, unexpected files or other direntries, or creating a valid queue from scratch. - can run in repair or test (report-only) modes. The default is test mode.
mail/vqadmin-2.3.6 (Score: 2.1865971E-4)
CGI-based Virtual Qmail Domains Administrator
vqadmin is a web based cgi program. It allows system administrators to perform actions which require root access. The cgi is authenticated using Apache style htpasswd files. Root access is required for adding and deleting domains. A user based ACL provides control over what actions can be performed, such as adding/deleting a domain. Accessing user email account information to allow modification of user passwords and quota's. Account service restrictions include enabling or disabling of pop access, authentication based smtp relay control, courier-imap access and sqwebmail access. vqadmin and qmailadmin can work together. qmailadmin can be used to allow users to administer thier own domains but not create new domains. Creation or deletion of domains is normally associated with the owner/admin's of the machine. vqadmin is for onwer/admin's or their technical support staff. Features . Add / Delete virtual email domains. . Change user passwords, quota's. . Turn off account services such as pop, imap, web email or smtp relay.