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Results 2,1212,130 of 5,824 for /net/.(0.004 seconds)
www/aria2-1.23.0 (Score: 0.030030971)
Yet another download tool
aria2 is a lightweight multi-protocol & multi-source command-line download utility. It supports HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, BitTorrent and Metalink. aria2 can be manipulated via built-in JSON-RPC and XML-RPC interfaces. Its features include: - Multi-Connection Download. aria2 can download a file from multiple sources/protocols and tries to utilize your maximum download bandwidth. Really speeds up your download experience. - Lightweight. aria2 doesn't require much memory and CPU time. The physical memory usage is typically 4MiB (normal HTTP/FTP downloads) to 9MiB (BitTorrent downloads). CPU usage in BitTorrent with download speed of 2.8MiB/sec is around 6%. - Fully Featured BitTorrent Client. All features you want in BitTorrent client are available: DHT, PEX, Encryption, Magnet URI, Web-Seeding, Selective Downloads and Local Peer Discovery. - Metalink Enabled. aria2 supports The Metalink Download Description Format (aka Metalink v4), Metalink version 3 and Metalink/HTTP. Metalink offers the file verification, HTTP/FTP/BitTorrent integration and the various configurations for language, location, OS, etc. - Remote Control. aria2 supports RPC interface to control the aria2 process. The supported interfaces are JSON-RPC (over HTTP and WebSocket) and XML-RPC.
games/twitch-1.0 (Score: 0.029849965)
Overhead 2-d shooter, reminiscent of games like Robotron
Twitch - a GPL arcade game by David Clark <silenus@telus.net>. Twitch is an overhead 2-d shooter, reminiscent of games like Robotron or Tron: Deadly Disks. The player has entered the fortress of the evil Hippopoticus, and is trying to rescue the fair Lady Penelope from his clutches. I wrote Twitch as a proof-of-concept: namely that Python, properly written, is fast enough to create a playable, cross-platform arcade game.
comms/ebook2cw-0.8.2 (Score: 0.02914647)
Convert text files into cw as an mp3 or ogg file
ebook2cw is a command line program (optional GUI available) which converts a plain text (ISO 8859-1 or UTF-8) ebook to morse code MP3 files. It works on several platforms, including Windows and Linux. Written by Fabian Kurz, DJ1YFK <mail@fkurz.net>
dns/mydns-ng- (Score: 0.02914647)
Next Generation DNS Server for sql based DNS services
MyDNS - SQL-based DNS server This is the MyDNS package. MyDNS is a simple, non-recursive Internet name daemon which serves records directly from an SQL database. It currently works with either MySQL or PostgreSQL. This version of the MyDNS package is a development of the original one produced by Don Moore. - 12-May-2004 Don Moore <bboy@bboy.net> - 23-January-2009 Howard Wilkinsin <howard@cohtech.com>
archivers/tardy-1.28 (Score: 0.028773071)
Manipulate the file headers in tar archive files in various ways
The tardy program is a tar post-processor. It may be used to manipulate the file headers in tar archive files in various ways. The reason the tardy program was written was because the author wanted to "spruce up" tar files before posting them to the net, mostly to remove artifacts of the development environment, without introducing more. The tardy program was designed to allow you to alter certain characteristics of files after they have been included in the tar file. Among them are: * change file owner (by number or name) * change file group (by number or name) * add directory prefix (e.g. dot) * change file protections (e.g. from 600 to 644) Note that all of these affect ALL files in the archive.
games/freetennis-0.4.8 (Score: 0.028773071)
Tennis simulation
Free Tennis is a tennis simulation. The most notable features of Free Tennis are: - Real tactics are useful in the game. For example, it is best to take the net with a slow, low shot (backspin); it is best to play diagonal when you are decentered horizontally, in order not to give angles; you should get back to center and behind the baseline after the shot, in order not to be caught in No-Man's-Land when the opponent hits - The A.I. is very advanced and reflects those tactics; - You have total control over the parabola described by the shot; - The graphic gestures are realistic and elegant; - Different players have different skills; - The game is developed by a former tennis player;
graphics/photopc-3.07 (Score: 0.028773071)
Control cameras based on Sierra Imaging chipset and compatibles
A command-line tool to download picturs and control still digital cameras based on Sierra Imaging chipset and compatibles (Olympus, Nikon, Epson, Agfa and some others). This is a library and a command-line frontend to manipulate digital still cameras based on Fujitsu chipset and Sierra Imaging firmware. The program is known to work with Agfa, Epson, Olympus, Sanyo and Nikon (at least CoolPix 900, 950 and 8x0 but not CoolPix 600!) cameras. The cameras typically come with software for Windows and for Mac, and no description of the protocol. With this tool, they are managable from a UNIX box. Bruce D. Lightner <lightner@lightner.net> has added support for Win32 and DOS platforms. Note that the program does not have any GUI, it is plain command-line even on Windows.
misc/pipe-2.5 (Score: 0.028773071)
Tool for creating and analysing Petri nets
Petri nets are a popular graphical way of modeling concurrent systems such as communications protocols, multiprocessor computers etc. With Petri nets it is possible to assess the correctness of systems for example by verifying that the system cannot deadlock, that there cannot be any buffer overflows etc. PIPEs main aim is to improve on existing tools available for modeling Petri Nets. A key design feature is the modular approach adopted for analysis, enabling new modules to written easily and powerfully, using built-in data layer methods for standard calculations. Eight analysis modules have been written (so far) including Invariant Analysis, State-Space Analysis (deadlock, etc), Simulation Analysis & Classification. PIPE adheres to the latest XML Petri net standard (PNML). File format for saving and loading Petri-Nets is also extensible through the use of XSLT, the default being PNML.
news/ubh-2.5 (Score: 0.028773071)
Perl script to download and decode binaries posted to Usenet
ubh - the Usenet Binary Harvester - is a GPL'ed Perl console application which automatically discovers, downloads, and decodes single-part and multi-part Usenet binaries. Automatically assembles multi-part binaries. Provides searching via Perl regular expression syntax. Also provides a pre-selection capability whereby the user can interactively choose which binaries to download. Uses a standard .newsrc file to control which groups and articles to process. Runs anywhere Perl runs. Tested under Unix-based Perl, Active Perl on Win32 platforms, and Mac OS X. Requires Net::NNTP and News::Newsrc (which itself requires Set::IntSpan), MIME::Parser, MIME::Base64, IO::Stringy, and MailTools (distribution). [ This port is maintained by John Holland <john@zoner.org> ]
security/nikto-2.1.6 (Score: 0.028773071)
Web and CGI vulnerability scanner with SSL support
Nikto is an Open Source (GPL) web server scanner which performs comprehensive tests against web servers for multiple items, including over 6100 potentially dangerous files/CGIs, checks for outdated versions of over 950 servers, and version specific problems on over 260 servers. It also checks for server configuration items such as the presence of multiple index files, HTTP server options, and will attempt to identify installed web servers and software. Scan items and plugins are frequently updated and can be automatically updated. It uses Rain Forest Puppy's LibWhisker (wiretrip.net) for HTTP functionality, and can perform checks in HTTP or HTTPS. It also supports basic port scanning and will determine if a web server is running on any open ports. Nikto is written by Chris Sullo and David Lodge.