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devel/CPAN-Changes-0.40.0001 (Score: 0.032514982)
Read and write CPAN Changes files
Perl module to read and write CPAN Changes files
devel/CPAN-Checksums-2.12 (Score: 0.032514982)
Perl module to write a CHECKSUMS file for a directory as on CPAN
CPAN::Checksums - Write a CHECKSUMS file for a directory as on CPAN
devel/Bundle-Perl6-0.12 (Score: 0.032514982)
Bundle to install Perl6-related modules
This bundle defines modules that may be of interest to those discussing and implementing the Perl 6 language. Some of these are proof-of-concepts that the respective authors have implemented to show how things might work in Perl 6.
devel/CPAN-Inject-1.14 (Score: 0.032514982)
Base class for injecting distributions into CPAN sources
Following the release of CPAN::Mini, the CPAN::Mini::Inject module was created to add additional distributions into a minicpan mirror. While it was created for use with a minicpan mirror, similar functionality can be reused in other situations. CPAN::Inject replicates the basics of this functionality. Specifically, it takes an arbitrary tarball and adds it to the CPAN sources directory for a particular author, and then add the new file to the CHECKSUMS file.
devel/CPAN-Meta-Check-0.012 (Score: 0.032514982)
Verify requirements in a CPAN::Meta object
CPAN::Meta::Check verifies if requirements described in a CPAN::Meta object are present.
devel/CPS-0.18 (Score: 0.032514982)
Manage flow of control in Continuation-Passing Style
The functions in this module implement or assist the writing of programs, or parts of them, in Continuation Passing Style (CPS). Briefly, CPS is a style of writing code where the normal call/return mechanism is replaced by explicit "continuations", values passed in to functions which they should invoke, to implement return behaviour.
devel/pcl-1.6 (Score: 0.032514982)
Portable Coroutine Library
The Portable Coroutine Library (PCL) implements the low level functionality for coroutines. For a definition of the term coroutine see The Art of Computer Programming by Donald E. Knuth. Coroutines are a very simple cooperative multitasking environment where the switch from one task to another is done explicitly by a function call.
devel/CPAN-Meta-Requirements-2.140 (Score: 0.032514982)
Set of version requirements for a CPAN distribution
A CPAN::Meta::Requirements object models a set of version constraints like those specified in the META.yml or META.json files in CPAN distributions. It can be built up by adding more and more constraints, and it will reduce them to the simplest representation. Logically impossible constraints will be identified immediately by thrown exceptions.
devel/CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.018 (Score: 0.032514982)
Read and write a subset of YAML for CPAN Meta files
This module implements a subset of the YAML specification for use in reading and writing CPAN metadata files like META.yml and MYMETA.yml. It should not be used for any other general YAML parsing or generation task.
devel/CPAN-DistnameInfo-0.12 (Score: 0.032514982)
Extract distribution name and version from a CPAN filename
CPAN::DistnameInfo uses heuristics that have been learnt by http://search.cpan.org/ to extract the distribution name and version from filenames and also report if the version is to be treated as a developer release.