Ports 搜索

math/qd-2.3.7 (Score: 0.004186276)
Double-Double and Quad-Double Arithmetic
A Double-Double and Quad-Double Arithmetic library. Double-double and quad-double numbers are unevaluated sum of two and four IEEE doubles capable of representing 106 and 212 bits of significand, respectively. The library is written in C++, taking full advantage of operator overloading. C, Fortran 77, and Fortran 90 interfaces are also provided. This work was done at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, NERSC Division, Yozo Hida with Xiaoye S. Li and David H. Bailey.
math/lrng-20130314 (Score: 0.004186276)
Uniform random number generators of P. L'Ecuyer and his colleagues
lrng is a collection of uniform pseudorandom number generators, written in C, and based on algorithms by Francois Panneton, Pierre L'Ecuyer, and Makoto Matsumoto.
math/facile-1.1.2 (Score: 0.004186276)
Functional Constraint Library
FaCiLe is a constraint programming library on integer and integer set finite domains written in OCaml. It offers all usual facilities to create and manipulate finite domain variables, arithmetic expressions and constraints, built-in global constraints and search and optimization goals. FaCiLe allows as well to build easily user-defined constraints and goals, making pervasive use of OCaml higher-order functionals to provide a simple and flexible interface for the user.
math/msieve-1.51 (Score: 0.004186276)
Fast factorization of big integers using MPQS and GNFS
Msieve is a library and utility for factoring large integers using the most powerful modern algorithms. It features a stable and very fast implementation of a self-initializing multiple polynomial quadratic sieve (MPQS), plus a somewhat experimental general number field sieve (GNFS) implementation. Primary design goals are speed, portability and ease of use. Msieve claims to be the fastest implementation for factoring general inputs between 40 and 100 decimal digits, but can handle larger input as well.
math/mtl- (Score: 0.004186276)
The Matrix Template Library, Version 2
The Matrix Template Library (MTL) is a high-performance generic component library that provides comprehensive linear algebra functionality for a wide variety of matrix formats. As with the Standard Template Library (STL), MTL uses a five-fold approach, consisting of generic functions, containers, iterators, adaptors, and function objects, all developed specifically for high performance numerical linear algebra. Within this framework, MTL provides generic algorithms corresponding to the mathematical operations that define linear algebra. Similarly, the containers, adaptors, and iterators are used to represent and to manipulate concrete linear algebra objects such as matrices and vectors.
math/rocs-4.14.3 (Score: 0.004186276)
KDE Graph theory IDE
Rocs aims to be a graph theory IDE for helping professors to show the results of a graph algorithm and also helping students to do the algorithms. FEATURES - Canvas for graph drawing. - IDE for graph related programming, using JavaScript as its main language, plus the graph library. - Nodes, graphs and edges are extensible from the scripting interface, so you can do anything you want.
math/physcalc-2.4 (Score: 0.004186276)
Flexible calculator that behaves much like units(1)
Physcalc is a neat mathematical calculator that does conversions from many different units in many forms, and is extremely flexible as far as specifying math problems go. You can also add your own types of conversions.
math/bottleneck-1.0.0 (Score: 0.004186276)
Collection of fast NumPy array functions written in Cython
Bottleneck is a collection of fast NumPy array functions written in Cython.
math/cdecimal-2.3 (Score: 0.004186276)
Fast drop-in replacement for the Decimal module
The cdecimal is a fast drop-in replacement for the decimal module in Python's standard library. Both modules provide complete implementations of the General Decimal Arithmetic Specification. Typical performance gains are between 30x for I/O heavy benchmarks and 80x for numerical programs. In a database benchmark, cdecimal exhibits a speedup of 12x over decimal.py. decimal cdecimal speedup pi 42.75s 0.58s 74x telco 172.19s 5.68s 30x psycopg 3.57s 0.29s 12x All Python versions from 2.5 up to 3.2 are supported. For the few remaining differences, read the cdecimal documentation. cdecimal has been included in Python-3.3.
math/reed-solomon-4.0 (Score: 0.004186276)
Reed-Solomon CODEC library
This is a port of Phil Karn's Reed-Solomon CODEC library. This package may be useful to programmers working on data communications software.