This is an ANSI C version of the SciMark2 benchmark, translated from the
original Java sources. The intent in making this benchmark available in
C is mainly for performance comparisons.
Results of this benchmark can be sent to
FlexDock is a Java docking framework for use in cross-platform
Swing applications. It offers features you'd expect in any desktop
docking framework such as:
* Tabbed and Split Layouts
* Drag-n-Drop capability (with native drag rubber band painting
on some platforms)
* Floating windows
* Collapsible Containers to Save Real Estate
* Layout Persistence
Log4C is a library of C for flexible logging to files, syslog and other
destinations. It is modeled after the Log for Java library
(, staying as close to their
API as is reasonable.
Class::Constant allows you declaratively created so-called "constant
classes". These are very much like enumerated types (as close as a
typeless language like Perl can get, at least).
The classes generated by this module are modeled closely after Java's
"typesafe enumeration" pattern, but with some added spice to make them
more useful to Perl programs.
GDCM is an open source DICOM library. It is meant to deal with DICOM files
(as specified in part 10 of the DICOM standard). It offers some compatibility
with ACR-NEMA 1.0 & 2.0 files (raw files). It is written in C++ and offers
wrapping to other target languages such as Python, C#, Java and PHP.
Google Protocol Buffers is a data serialization format. It is binary (and hence
compact and fast for serialization) and as extendable as XML; its nearest
analogues are Thrift and ASN.1. There are official mappings for C++, Java and
Python languages; this library is a mapping for Perl.
The PHP Mess Detector aims to be a simplified PHP port of the well known
Java Tool PMD. This project uses PHP_Depend to measure several software
metrics from given source code, then it compares the calculated values
with customizeable thresholds and reports all suspect software artifacts
Doxygen is a documentation system for C++, C, Java, Objective-C, Python, IDL
(Corba and Microsoft flavors) and to some extent PHP, C#, and D. It can
generate an on-line class browser (in HTML) and/or an off-line reference
manual (in LaTeX/PostScript/PDF) from a set of documented source files.
The documentation is extracted directly from the sources.
ActiveMessaging is an attempt to bring the simplicity and elegance of rails
development to the world of messaging. Messaging, (or event-driven
architecture) is widely used for enterprise integration, with frameworks
such as Java's JMS, and products such as ActiveMQ, Tibco, IBM MQSeries, etc.
Now supporting Rails 3 as of version 0.8.0.
Rash is an extension to Hashie
Rash subclasses Hashie::Mash to convert all keys in the hash to underscore.
The purpose of this is when working w/ Java (or any other apis) that return
hashes (including nested) that have camelCased keys
You will now be able to access those keys through underscored key names
(camelCase still available).