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www/Bigtop-0.38 (Score: 1.8812004E-4)
Web application data language processor
Bigtop is a language for describing the data of a web application. Usually this data will be stored in a relational database. Once you have a description of your data, you can generate a web application from it. This includes all the pieces you need like: the sql statements ready for feeding to your database command line tool, the httpd.conf you need to Include in the httpd.conf on your system, the modules that will handle the web requests, the models that make the database tables look like classes, etc. If you need to alter the data model in the future, you can change your original description to match the new reality, then regenerate the application without fear of losing hand written code (though you may have to modify some of it to reflect the new reality).
www/MasonX-WebApp-0.12 (Score: 1.8812004E-4)
Works with HTML::Mason to do processing before Mason is invoked
MasonX::WebApp works with Mason to let you do processing before Mason is ever invoked. There are a number of things that one might want to do: * Argument munging You might want to make sure all incoming arguments are UTF-8 encoded. Or you might want to create some objects which Mason will see as incoming arguments. For example, a "user_id" parameter could be turned into a user object. * Handle requests without Mason If you're not generating output for the browser other than a redirect, then there's no reason to use Mason. You can use a MasonX::WebApp subclass to handle all form submissions, for example. This has the added benefit of making it easier to preload this code once during server startup. * And others ...
www/tclwebtest-1.0 (Score: 1.8812004E-4)
Tool for issuing HTTP requests and dealing with the result
Tclwebtest is a tool to write automated tests for web applications. It provides a simple API for issuing http requests, dealing with the result and assume specific response values, while taking care of the details such as redirects and cookies. It has some basic html parsing functionality, to provide access to elements of the result html page that are needed for testing. TclWebtest should be suitable for testing larger chains of user interaction on a web application, for example a full ecommerce ordering session. Tclwebtest could visit an ecommerce site as anonymous user, add some products to its shopping cart, check out the cart, register itself as user and enter a test address etc. The test script could also include the administration part of the interaction, by explicitely logging in as site admin, reviewing and processing the order, nuking the test user etc.
www/permatabs-1.7.0 (Score: 1.8812004E-4)
Turn tabs of your choice into permanent tabs
Turn tabs of your choice into permanent tabs. PermaTabs can't be closed accidentally no matter what you click (even actions like "Close other tabs" will not affect them) and will stick around between sessions. Ideal for keeping URLs you use often, always one tab away. Also, ideal for picking up specific articles where you left off during a previous session. From first installation PermaTabs includes three random sample tabs (from a built in list) to get you started. Maybe you'll discover a useful site you never knew about? Adding or removing a permatab is simple - right click a site's tab, and check/uncheck "Permanent Tab". Must read: one of the default permatabs installed on first installation is an affiliate URL to eBay.com. You can of course remove this and the other sample permatabs, and create your own (which is the whole idea).
graphics/pdf2svg-0.2.3 (Score: 1.845232E-4)
Convert PDF to SVG
Under Linux there aren't many freely available vector graphics editors and as far as I know there are none that can edit EPS (encapsulated postscript) and PDF (portable document format) files. I produce lots of these files in my day-to-day work and I would like to be able to edit them. The best vector graphics editor I have found so far is Inkscape but it only reads SVG files... (Note: the upcoming v0.46 should be able to read PDFs!) To overcome this problem I have written a very small utility to convert PDF files to SVG files using Poppler and Cairo. Version 0.2.1 is available here (with modifications by Matthew Flaschen and Ed Grace). This appears to work on any PDF document that Poppler can read (try them in XPDF or Evince since they both use Poppler). So now it is possible to easily edit PDF documents with your favourite SVG editor! One other alternative would be to use pstoedit but the commercial SVG module costs (unsurprisingly!) and the free SVG module is not very good at handling text...
www/HTML-StripScripts-1.06 (Score: 1.845232E-4)
Strip scripting constructs out of HTML
This module strips scripting constructs out of HTML, leaving as much non-scripting markup in place as possible. This allows web applications to display HTML originating from an untrusted source without introducing XSS (cross site scripting) vulnerabilities. You will probably use HTML::StripScripts::Parser rather than using this module directly. The process is based on whitelists of tags, attributes and attribute values. This approach is the most secure against disguised scripting constructs hidden in malicious HTML documents. As well as removing scripting constructs, this module ensures that there is a matching end for each start tag, and that the tags are properly nested. Previously, in order to customise the output, you needed to subclass HTML::StripScripts and override methods. Now, most customisation can be done through the Rules option provided to new(). (See examples/declaration/ and examples/tags/ for cases where subclassing is necessary.) The HTML document must be parsed into start tags, end tags and text before it can be filtered by this module. Use either HTML::StripScripts::Parser or HTML::StripScripts::Regex instead if you want to input an unparsed HTML document.
www/LWP-Protocol-https-6.06 (Score: 1.845232E-4)
Provide https support for LWP::UserAgent
The LWP::Protocol::https module provide support for using https schemed URLs with LWP. This module is a plug-in to the LWP protocol handling, so you don't use it directly. Once the module is installed LWP is able to access sites using HTTP over SSL/TLS. If hostname verification is requested by LWP::UserAgent's ssl_opts, and neither SSL_ca_file nor SSL_ca_path is set, then SSL_ca_file is implied to be the one provided by Mozilla::CA. If the Mozilla::CA module isn't available SSL requests will fail. Either install this module, set up an alternative SSL_ca_file or disable hostname verification. This module used to be bundled with the libwww-perl, but it was unbundled in v6.02 in order to be able to declare its dependencies properly for the CPAN tool-chain. Applications that need https support can just declare their dependency on LWP::Protocol::https and will no longer need to know what underlying modules to install.
math/Math-Interpolate-1.06 (Score: 1.8304297E-4)
Perl routines for data sets interpolation and interval search
* This module contains several useful routines for interpolating data sets and finding where a given value lies in a sorted list. The first is a subroutine used to locate a position in an array of values where a given value would fit using bisection. It has been designed to be efficient in the common situation that it is called repeatedly. The user can supply a different set of comparison operators to replace the standard < and <=. For example, given a list (1, 2, 5, 8, 15) and the number 9.5 it would return 3. * The remaining routines all are related to interpolating sets of (x,y) data pairs. They all take a list of (x,y) data pairs given another x value, return a sensible y value using the list of (x,y) data pairs. Three different interpolating functions are provided. The first, called a constant interpolator, assumes that the function being interpolated moves in non-linear jumps from one value to another. The interpolated value for some value x is the y value of the neighboring (x,y) to the left of the given x. The second interpolator performs a linear interpolation between the neighboring points. The third interpolator is called the robust interpolator and interpolates a smooth curve between all of the (x,y) pairs. To do the interpolation, it first calculates some reasonable derivatives at the (x,y) pairs. The robust interpolator can also use derivative information supplied by the user.
databases/pgpool-II-2.2.6 (Score: 1.8246565E-4)
Connection pool server for PostgreSQL
pgpool-II allows multiple PostgreSQL servers (DB nodes) to be connected, which enables queries to be executed simultaneously on all servers. It enables "parallel query" processing. Also, pgpool-II can be started as pgpool-I by changing configuration parameters. pgpool-II that is executed in pgpool-I mode enables multiple DB nodes to be connected, which was not possible in pgpool-I.
databases/pgpool-II-2.3.3 (Score: 1.8246565E-4)
Connection pool server for PostgreSQL
pgpool-II allows multiple PostgreSQL servers (DB nodes) to be connected, which enables queries to be executed simultaneously on all servers. It enables "parallel query" processing. Also, pgpool-II can be started as pgpool-I by changing configuration parameters. pgpool-II that is executed in pgpool-I mode enables multiple DB nodes to be connected, which was not possible in pgpool-I.