Ports 搜索

www/mod_auth_cookie_mysql2-1.0 (Score: 0.020137845)
Allows authentication against MySQL database via secure cookie
This Apache module allows authentication against a MySQL database via a cryptographically secure cookie. Features: - Fake Basic Auth with cookies - Cookie only consists of random session data, no username or password - Can check expiry information stored in database against cookie - Can check if the remote IP is equal to the IP stored in database - Can be used for Single-Sign-On (SSO).
www/mod_auth_openid-0.8 (Score: 0.020137845)
为 Apache 2 web 服务器提供的 OpenID 认证模块
mod_auth_openid 是一个为 Apache 2 web 服务器提供的 OpenID 认证模块。它可以处 理 OpenID 2.0 规范中指定的 OpenID consumer 的功能。
www/mod_auth_pubtkt-0.9 (Score: 0.020137845)
Apache module to provide public key ticket based authentication
mod_auth_pubtkt is a simple Web single sign-on (SSO) solution for Apache. It validates authentication tickets provided by the client in a cookie using public-key cryptography (DSA or RSA). Thus, only the login server that generates the tickets needs to possess the private key, while Web servers can verify tickets given only the public key. The implementation of the login server is left to the user, but an example and a library in PHP are provided with the distribution.
www/mod_authn_sasl-1.2 (Score: 0.020137845)
Allows user authentication based on libsasl2 mechanisms on apache 2.2
This module provides the mod_auth_basic authentication front-end a way to authenticate users by checking credentials via the Cyrus SASL library. This may be interesting for setups where other daemons (e.g. for SMTP, IMAP or LDAP) already running at a machine use SASL to authenticate users.
www/mod_authnz_crowd-2.2.2 (Score: 0.020137845)
Apache 2.2+ module to use Atlassian Crowd for authentication
Apache 2.2/2.4 connector for Atlassian Crowd to provide authentication and authorization support using Basic Auth.
www/Horde_Form-2.0.15 (Score: 0.020137845)
Horde Form API
The Horde_Form package provides form rendering, validation, and other functionality for the Horde Application Framework.
www/mod_backtrace-1.0 (Score: 0.020137845)
Collects backtraces when a child process crashes
mod_backtrace is an experimental module for Apache httpd 2.x which collects backtraces when a child process crashes. Currently it is implemented only on Linux and FreeBSD, but other platforms could be supported in the future. Requirements: Apache httpd >= 2.0.49 must be built with the --enable-exception-hook configure option and mod_so enabled. Activating mod_backtrace: 1. Load it like any other DSO: LoadModule backtrace_module modules/mod_backtrace.so 2. Enable exception hooks for modules like mod_backtrace: EnableExceptionHook On 3. Choose where backtrace information should be written. If you want backtraces from crashes to be reported some place other than the error log, use the BacktraceLog directive to specify a fully-qualified filename for the log to which backtraces will be written. Note that the web server user id (e.g., "nobody") must be able to create or append to this log file, as the log file is
www/mod_cfg_ldap-1.2 (Score: 0.020137845)
Allows you to keep your virtual host configuration in a LDAP directory
mod_cfgldap can be used to keep VirtualHost configuration of the Apache web server in a LDAP directory and to make changes visible in nearly realtime.
www/mod_chroot-0.5 (Score: 0.020137845)
The mod_chroot makes running Apache in a chroot easy
mod_chroot makes running Apache in a secure chroot environment easy. You don't need to create a special directory hierarchy containing /dev, /lib, /etc... mod_chroot allows you to run Apache in a chroot jail with no additional files. The chroot() system call is performed at the end of startup procedure - when all libraries are loaded and log files open.
www/libhtp-0.2.14 (Score: 0.020137845)
Security-aware parser for the HTTP protocol
LibHTP is a security-aware parser for the HTTP protocol and the related bits and pieces. The goals of the project, in the order of importance, are as follows: 1. Completeness of coverage; LibHTP must be able to parse virtually all traffic that is found in practice. 2. Permissive parsing; LibHTP must never fail to parse a stream that would be parsed by some other web server. 3. Awareness of evasion techniques; LibHTP must be able to detect and effectively deal with various evasion techniques, producing, where practical, identical or practically identical results as the web server processing the same traffic stream. 4. Performance; The performance must be adequate for the desired tasks. Completeness and security are often detremental to performance. Our idea of handling the conflicting requirements is to put the library user in control, allowing him to choose the most desired library characteristic.