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Results 1,2811,290 of 1,309 for /graphics/.(0.027 seconds)
games/gemdropx-0.9 (Score: 0.011231359)
Interesting one-player puzzle game for X (SDL)
"Gem Drop X" is an interesting one-player puzzle game using the Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) libraries. It is a direct port of "Gem Drop," an Atari 8-bit game written in Action! (a very fast C- and Pascal-like compiled language for the Atari). It was originally ported to X11, using SDL for sound and music. Eventually, the Xlib graphics calls were removed and replaced with SDL calls. The concept of the game "Gem Drop" is based on an arcade game for the NeoGeo system called "Magical Drop III" by SNK. If you're familiar with games like Jewels, Klax, Bust-A-Move or Tetris, this game is similar to them all. I consider it closest to Klax. Some people have compared it to "Tetris meets Space Invaders."
games/ggz-gtk-games- (Score: 0.011231359)
The GGZ Gaming Zone - GTK+ Games
======================================= The GGZ Gaming Zone - GTK+ Game Modules ======================================= GGZ Gaming Zone GTK+ Game Modules provide the game executables, graphics, and data for a number of popular (and unique) network games. These games are coded for version 2.X of GTK+, but many of them are also available using different graphical interfaces. This version of the GTK+ Game Modules (0.0.13) requires version 0.0.13 of the ggz-client-libs. The GTK+ Game Modules are only one part of the GGZ Gaming Zone client setup. The following additional modules are required: * libggz - provides commonly used functions and low-level communications between client modules and the GGZ servers * ggz-client-libs - provides common procedures and utilites required to run the GGZ client and games * gtk-client/kde-client - one or more of the GGZ clients will be required in order to login to a server, chat and launch games
games/neverball-1.6.0 (Score: 0.011231359)
Tilt the floor to guide a ball through an obstacle course
In 1.1.5 version, the Neverball and Neverputt source trees have been merged into one. It includes 75 Neverball levels and 62 Neverputt levels. Neverball, tilt the floor to roll a ball through an obstacle course within the given time. It is part puzzle game, part action game, and entirely a test of skill. If the ball falls or time expires, a ball is lost. Collect coins to unlock the exit and earn extra balls. Red coins are worth 5. Blue coins are worth 10. A free ball is awarded for 100 coins. Neverputt, a hot-seat multiplayer miniature golf game using the physics and graphics of Neverball. Neverball and Neverputt are known to run under Linux, Win2K/XP, FreeBSD, and OSX. Hardware accelerated OpenGL with multitexture (OpenGL 1.2.1 or greater) is required. A 500MHz processor is recommended.
games/chroma-1.15 (Score: 0.011231359)
Abstract puzzle game
Chroma is an abstract puzzle game. A variety of colourful shapes are arranged in a series of increasingly complex patterns, forming fiendish traps that must be disarmed and mysterious puzzles that must be manipulated in order to give up their subtle secrets. Initially so straightforward that anyone can pick it up and begin to play, yet gradually becoming difficult enough to tax even the brightest of minds. It features: * twenty one levels, ranging from beginner to expert * infinite undo and redo capability, as well as replay of solutions * a choice of smooth graphics or a minimal, text based version * a level editor to allow you to design your own puzzles * released under an open source licence, free to play Have you got what it takes to solve Chroma?
games/0ad-0.0.20 (Score: 0.011231359)
Real-time strategy (RTS) game of ancient warfare
0 A.D. (pronounced "zero ey-dee") is a free, open-source, cross-platform real-time strategy (RTS) game of ancient warfare. In short, it is a historically-based war/economy game that allows players to relive or rewrite the history of Western civilizations, focusing on the years between 500 B.C. and 500 A.D. The project is highly ambitious, involving state-of-the-art 3D graphics, detailed artwork, sound, and a flexible and powerful custom-built game engine. The game has been in development by Wildfire Games (WFG), a group of volunteer, hobbyist game developers, since 2001. The code and data are available under the GPL license, and the art, sound and documentation are available under CC-BY-SA. In short, we consider 0 A.D. an educational celebration of game development and ancient history.
lang/yorick-2.2.04 (Score: 0.011231359)
Interpreted language for scientific simulations
Yorick is an interpreted programming language for: * Scientific simulations or calculations * Postprocessing or steering large simulation codes * Interactive scientific graphics * Reading, writing, and translating large files of numbers The language features a compact syntax for many common array operations, so it processes large arrays of numbers very quickly and efficiently. Superficially, yorick code resembles C code, but yorick variables are never explicitly declared and have a dynamic scoping similar to many Lisp dialects. The yorick language is designed to be typed interactively at a keyboard, as well as stored in files for later use. This package includes an emacs-based development environment, which one can launch by typing M-x yorick in emacs, if installed `yorick.el' have been loaded into one's ~/.emacs file.
math/vtk-6.2.0 (Score: 0.011231359)
The Visualization Toolkit
The Visualization Toolkit (VTK) is an open-source, freely available software system for 3D computer graphics, image processing and visualization. VTK consists of a C++ class library and several interpreted interface layers including Tcl/Tk, Java, and Python. Kitware, whose team created and continues to extend the toolkit, offers professional support and consulting services for VTK. VTK supports a wide variety of visualization algorithms including: scalar, vector, tensor, texture, and volumetric methods; and advanced modeling techniques such as: implicit modeling, polygon reduction, mesh smoothing, cutting, contouring, and Delaunay triangulation. VTK has an extensive information visualization framework, has a suite of 3D interaction widgets, supports parallel processing, and integrates with various databases on GUI toolkits such as Qt and Tk.
math/calctool-2.4.13 (Score: 0.011231359)
Multi-GUI (terminal, X, XView) calculator program
From the README: calctool - README - November 1989. This is V2.4 of a simple desktop calculator. This version works under X11, XView and dumb tty terminals. It is almost visually identical to V2.1 which was released in August 1988, but internally most of the code has been reworked to include a level of graphics abstraction, to make porting this code to other window systems a trivial task. V2.4 includes display in scientific notation, color icons, a correct factorial function and fixes for a few minor bugs. It introduces the new versions for XView, X11, MGR and dumb terminals. New functions include hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic trigonometrical functions, register exchange, constants and the input of numbers in exponential notation. You can also have a .calctoolrc file in your home directory, which can define upto ten new values for constants, and ten function definitions which are used in conjunction with the FUN key. (port maintained by ssedov@mbsd.msk.ru)
math/giacxcas- (Score: 0.011231359)
Computer algebra system
General purpose computer algebra system released under GPLv3. French documentation by Renee De Graeve is for non-commercial use only. The package consists of: - C++ library (libgiac). It is build on C and C++ libraries: PARI, NTL (arithmetic), CoCoA (Groebner basis), GSL (numerics), GMP (big integers), MPFR (bigfloats) and provides algorithms for basic polynomial operations (product, GCD) and symbolic computations (simplifications, limits/series, symbolic integration, summation, ...). The library can be configured to accept Maple or TI syntax to ease the transition for users of these systems. - Command line interpreter (icas or giac). It can be called from texmacs. - FLTK-based GUI (xcas). It is a GUI for symbolic computation with several modules added: 2-d and 3-d graphics, dynamic 2-d and 3-d geometry (exact or numeric), spreadsheet, programming environment.
math/glm- (Score: 0.011231359)
C++ mathematics library for software based on the OpenGL GLSL
OpenGL Mathematics (GLM) is a header only C++ mathematics library for graphics software based on the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) specification. GLM provides classes and functions designed and implemented with the same naming conventions and functionalities than GLSL so that when a programmer knows GLSL, he knows GLM as well which makes it really easy to use. This project isn't limited to GLSL features. An extension system, based on the GLSL extension conventions, provides extended capabilities: matrix transformations, quaternions, half-based types, random numbers, procedural noise functions, etc... This library works perfectly with OpenGL but it also ensures interoperability with third party libraries and SDKs. It is a good candidate for software rendering (Raytracing / Rasterisation), image processing, physic simulations and any context that requires a simple and convenient mathematics library.