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Results 1,0911,100 of 1,719 for /textproc/.(0.003 seconds)
textproc/XML-Stream-1.24 (Score: 0.068937615)
XML::Stream provides you with access to XML Stream
XML::Stream This module provides you with access to XML Streams. An XML Stream is just that. A stream of XML over a connection between two computers. For more information about XML Streams, and the group that created them, please visit:
textproc/XML-TinyXML-0.34 (Score: 0.068937615)
Little and efficient Perl module to manage xml data
Little and efficient Perl module to manage xml data.
textproc/XML-TokeParser-0.05 (Score: 0.068937615)
Simplified interface to XML::Parser
Perl library that provides a simplified interface to XML::Parser
textproc/XML-Toolkit-0.15 (Score: 0.068937615)
Suit of XML tools with Antlers
XML::Toolkit is a suite of tools that work to make handling XML easier. It is designed to marshall XML documents into Moose classes and back again with minimal changes.
textproc/XML-TreeBuilder-5.4 (Score: 0.068937615)
Perl module to make XML document trees
This module uses XML::Parser to make XML document trees constructed of XML::Element objects (and XML::Element is a subclass of HTML::Element adapted for XML). XML::TreeBuilder is meant particularly for people who are used to the HTML::TreeBuilder / HTML::Element interface to document trees, and who don't want to learn some other document interface like XML::Twig or XML::DOM.
textproc/YAML-Syck-1.27 (Score: 0.068937615)
Fast, lightweight YAML and JSON loader and dumper
This module provides a Perl interface to the libsyck data serialization library. It exports the Dump and Load functions for converting Perl data structures to YAML strings, and the other way around. It also provides an implementation of JSON parsing and generation. Because JSON is YAML (http://redhanded.hobix.com/inspect/yamlIsJson.html), using libsyck gives you the fastest and most memory efficient parser and dumper for JSON data representation.
textproc/XML-TreePP-0.43 (Score: 0.068937615)
Pure Perl implementation for parsing/writing xml files
XML::TreePP module parses XML file and expands it for a hash tree. And also generate XML file from a hash tree. This is a pure Perl implementation. You can also download XML from remote web server like XMLHttpRequest object at JavaScript language.
textproc/XML-Twig-3.49 (Score: 0.068937615)
Process huge XML documents by chunks via a tree interface
XML::Twig - Tree interface to XML documents allowing chunk by chunk processing of huge documents. From the website: XML-Twig is a Perl module that subclasses XML-Parser to allow easy processing of XML documents of all sizes. A flush method allows dumping of a completely processed sub-document to be printed, thus allowing processing of documents of any size.
textproc/XML-Validate-1.025 (Score: 0.068937615)
XML validator factory
XML::Validate is a generic interface to different XML validation backends. Backends for the following validators are included with this distribution: ** LibXML (& you'll need XML::LibXML) ** Xerces (& you'll need XML::Xerces)
textproc/YAPE-HTML-1.11 (Score: 0.068937615)
Yet Another Parser/Extractor for HTML
This module is yet another parser and tree-builder for HTML documents. It is designed to make extraction and modification of HTML documents simplistic. The API allows for easy custom additions to the document being parsed, and allows very specific tag, text, and comment extraction.