The Google JsonNet for PHP.
Jsonnet language, from its most basic features to its powerful object model,
punctuated with examples drawn from the world of cocktails. These examples are
meant to be fun, and although a little contrived, do not restrict our thinking
to any one particular application of Jsonnet.
PHP Judy implements sparse dynamic arrays (aka Judy Arrays). This extension
is based on the Judy C library. A Judy array consumes memory only when it is
populated, yet can grow to take advantage of all available memory if desired.
Judy's key benefits are scalability, high performance, and memory efficiency.
This is a PHP binding for libevent library.
pecl-mcve is a Interface for the MCVE/Monetra API
(libmonetra [formerly libmcve]), allowing you to
work directly with MCVE/Monetra from your PHP
scripts. Monetra is Main Street Softworks' solution
to direct credit card processing for Unix.
php-memoize is a PHP extension which transparently caches PHP functions, much
like Perl's Memoize module.
It comes with the following storage modules which can be enabled at compile
- memory: Simple per-request module with no dependencies.
Since this is a per-request cache, neither TTLs specified in the
`memoize()` call or `memoize.default_ttl` are used.
- memcached: Uses libmemcached or the memcached PHP extension
PHP language extension for RedHat Newt library, a terminal-based window and
widget library for writing applications with user friendly interface. Once this
extension is enabled in PHP it will provide the use of Newt widgets, such as
windows, buttons, checkboxes, radiobuttons, labels, editboxes, scrolls,
textareas, scales, etc. Use of this extension if very similar to the original
Newt API of C programming language.
PHP PECL extension provides possibility to overload operators for PHP objects.
At the moment it allows overloading of the following operators:
+ - * / % << >> . | & ^ ~ ! ++ -- += -= *= /= %= <<= >>= .= |= &= ^= and ~=
The params extension provides userspace equivalent of zend_parse_parameters()
Provides a userspace interpretation of the opcodes generated by the Zend
engine compiler built into PHP.
This extension is meant for development and debug purposes only and
contains some code which is potentially non-threadsafe.
A facility to manage possibly persistent resources with a comprehensible API.
Provides simliar functionality like the zend_list API, but with more flexiblity
and freedom.