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devel/POE-Component-JobQueue-0.5710 (Score: 8.972706E-5)
POE component to manage queues and worker pools
POE::Component::JobQueue manages a finite pool of worker sessions as they handle an arbitrarily large number of tasks. It often is used as a form of flow control, preventing a large group of tasks from exhausting some sort of resource.
devel/POE-Component-Pluggable-1.26 (Score: 8.972706E-5)
Base class for creating plugin enabled POE Components
POE::Component::Pluggable is a base class for creating plugin enabled POE Components. It is a generic port of POE::Component::IRCs plugin system. If your component dispatches events to registered POE sessions then POE::Component::Pluggable may be a good fit for you.
devel/POE-1.367 (Score: 8.972706E-5)
Multitasking and networking framework for perl
POE is a general purpose multitasking and networking framework. POE does standard event loop things, cooperative multitasking, network clients and servers; includes a high level class library that takes care of event driven I/O; provides a framework for portable program components.
devel/Parse-CPAN-Packages-2.40 (Score: 8.972706E-5)
Parse 02packages.details.txt.gz from CPAN
The Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN) is a very useful collection of Perl code. It has several indices of the files that it hosts, including a file named "02packages.details.txt.gz" in the "modules" directory. This file contains lots of useful information and this module provides a simple interface to the data contained within.
devel/Path-IsDev-1.001002 (Score: 8.972706E-5)
Perl extension to determine if path resembles dev source tree
This module is more or less a bunch of heuristics for determining if a given path is a development tree root of some kind. This has many useful applications, notably ones that require behaviours for "installed" modules to be different to those that are still "in development"
devel/PathTools-3.6200 (Score: 8.972706E-5)
一个轻便的操作文件路径的 Perl 模块
此模块的目的是支持文件路径操作(通常称为“文件名”,但不能和文件内容混为一谈,或 者是 Perl 的文件句柄),如连接一些目录和文件名为一个单一的路径,或确定是否是根 路径。
devel/Penguin-3.00 (Score: 8.972706E-5)
Framework for passing digitally signed perl5 code between machines
The Penguin module provides a framework within which a user on one host electronically signs a piece of Perl code, sends it to another host where the signature is checked and the code is executed with privileges that are particular to that user.
devel/Perl6-Rules-0.03 (Score: 8.972706E-5)
Implements (most of) the Perl 6 regex syntax
This module implements a close simulation of the Perl 6 rule and grammar constructs, translating them back to Perl 5 regexes via a source filter. (And hence suffers from all the usual limitations of a source filter, including the ability to translate complex code spectacularly wrongly).
devel/Proc-Pidfile-1.06 (Score: 8.972706E-5)
Perl extension for maintaining pid file for curent process
Proc::Pidfile is a very simple OO interface which manages a pidfile for the current process. You can pass the path to a pidfile to use as an argument to the constructor, or you can let Proc::Pidfile choose one (basically, "/var/run/$basename", if you can write to /var/run, otherwise "/$tmpdir/$basename").
devel/Proc-Wait3-0.05 (Score: 8.972706E-5)
Perl extension for wait3 system call
Proc::Wait3 module implements wait3 system call in Perl. If any child processes have exited, this call will "reap" the zombies similar to the perl "wait" function. By default, it will return immediately and if there are no dead children, everything will be undefined. If you pass in a true argument, it will block until a child exits (or it gets a signal).