Ports 搜索

共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第8,8718,880项(搜索用时0.009秒)
ftp/ftplib-4.0 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Set of routines that implement the FTP protocol
ftplib is a set of routines that implement the FTP protocol. They allow applications to create and access remote files through function calls instead of needing to fork and exec an interactive ftp client program.
ftp/ftpsync-1.3.06 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Synchronizes a local and a remote FTP directory trees
ftpsync.pl synchronizes a local directory tree and a remote FTP directory tree. It was initally written to automize web publishing, but might be useful for some other purposes, like mirroring not-too-large public sites, data replication, and more.
ftp/gwget-1.0.4 (Score: 0.0010835839)
GNOME wget 前端
Gwget 是一个 Gnome 桌面的下载管理器。其主要特性如下: * 恢复:默认情况下,gwget 尝试继续所有的下载。 * 通知:Gwget 尝试使用 Gnome 通知区域。你可以关闭主窗口,让 gwget 在后台运行。 * 递归:当你给的下载 URL 是一个 html、php、asp 或者 web 页的目录时, gwget 检测后会询问你是否是仅要下载某个文件(多媒体文件或者仅仅该索引页 等等)。 * 拖放:你可以拖放一个 url 到主窗口或者通知区域图标来添加一个下载。
ftp/hsftp-1.15 (Score: 0.0010835839)
FTP emulator that uses ssh to transport commands/data
hsftp is an FTP emulator that provides the look-and-feel of an FTP session, but uses SSH to transport commands and data.
ftp/libfilezilla-0.6.1 (Score: 0.0010835839)
C++ library for building platform-independent programs
libfilezilla is a small and modern C++ library, offering some basic functionality to build high-performing, platform-independent programs. Some of the highlights include: * A typesafe, multi-threaded event system that's very simple to use yet extremely efficient * Timers for periodic events * A datetime class that not only tracks timestamp but also their accuracy, which simplifies dealing with timestamps originating from different sources * Simple process handling for spawning child processes with redirected I/O
ftp/mirror-2.9 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Mirror packages on remote sites
Mirror is a package written in Perl that uses the ftp protocol to duplicate a directory hierarchy between the machine it is run on and a remote host. It avoids copying files unnecessarily by comparing the file timestamps and sizes before transferring. Amongst other things Mirror can optionally compress, gzip, and split files.
ftp/ncftp-3.2.5 (Score: 0.0010835839)
FTP client with advanced user interface
NcFTP is a free set of programs that use the File Transfer Protocol. The main program is simply called "ncftp". There are also separate utility programs for one-shot FTP operations (i.e. for shell scripts and command line junkies); these include "ncftpget", "ncftpput", and "ncftpls". Also included is a batch processing daemon, "ncftpbatch", which is invoked by the "bgget" command from "ncftp" and also the "-b" flag of "ncftpput" and "ncftpget". Lastly, the "ncftpbookmarks" program is a full-screen utility program to manipulate user's FTP bookmarks.
ftp/ncftpd-2.8.7 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Commercial FTP daemon with a 30-day evaluation license
A well known commercial FTP daemon with a restrictive 30-day evaluation license. NcFTPd is fast, secure, and supports virtual-hosts.
ftp/ocurl-0.7.8 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Interface for OCaml to the curl lib
The Ocaml Curl Library (Ocurl) is an interface library for the programming language Ocaml to the networking library libcurl. Currently Ocurl requires libcurl 7.9.8 or newer (using older versions may yield compilation errors).
ftp/vsftpd-ext- (Score: 0.0010835839)
FTP daemon that aims to be "very secure". Extended build
Extended build of vsftpd with additional features.