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Results 1,5311,540 of 17,773 for comment.zh_CN%3A%E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.014 seconds)
security/Crypt-License-2.04 (Score: 0.0027767685)
Perl extension to examine a license
Crypt::License decodes an encrypted file and attempts to decrypt it by first, looking for a hash pointer in the caller program called $ptr2_License. The hash contains the path to the License file and an optional 'private' key list of modules which will decrypt only with the 'private' key. OR, a hash key of 'next' with no particular value that indicates to look to the next caller on the stack for the License pointer. If the pointer is not present or the License file is not found successfully, then no further action is taken. If the License file is successfully opened, and the contents validated then the attached encrypted module is loaded and the seconds remaining until License expiration are returned or now() in the case of no expiration. Undef is returned for an expired license (module fails to load).
textproc/XML-LibXML-PrettyPrint-0.006 (Score: 0.0027767685)
Add pleasant whitespace to a DOM tree
Long XML files can be daunting for humans to read. Of course, XML is really designed for computers to read - not people - but there are times when mere mortals do need to read and edit XML by hand. For example, if your application stores its configuration in XML, or you need to dump some XML to STDOUT for debugging purposes. Syntax highlighting helps, but to really make sense of some XML, proper indentation can be vital. Hence XML::LibXML::PrettyPrint - it can be applied to an XML::LibXML DOM tree to reformat it into a more readable result. Pretty-printing XML is not as CPU-efficient as dumping it out sloppily, so unless you're pretty sure that a human is going to need to make sense of your XML, you should probably not use this module.
devel/ireport-3.7.6 (Score: 0.0027756616)
A visual report builder/designer for JasperReports
iReport is a powerful, intuitive and easy to use visual report builder/designer for JasperReports written in 100% pure java. This tool allows users to visually edit complex reports with charts, images, subreports,... iReport is integrated with JFreeChart, one of the most diffused OpenSource chart library for java. The data to print can be retrieved through several ways including multiple JDBC connections, TableModels, JavaBeans, XML, etc.
ftp/multiget-1.1.3 (Score: 0.0027756616)
HTTP/FTP downloader with a nice GUI
MultiGet is an easy-to-use GUI file downloader for Linux/Unix/BSDs/Windows. It's programmed by C++ and GUI is based on wxWidgets. It supports http/ftp protocol which covers most user's requirement. It supports multi-task with multi-thread on multi-server. It supports resume download if server side have resume feature, and if you like, you can reconfig the thread number without stopping the going task. It's also support SOCKS 4, 4a, 5 proxy, ftp proxy, http proxy.
games/xpuzzletama-1.5b (Score: 0.0027756616)
Puzzle tama, a Tetris like game
PuzzleTama is a tetris-like puzzle game for X Window System. OPTIONS: usage: xpuzzletama [options] -display display Specify display name -rensa n How many balls is need to disappear. (Score registration available only 3) -install Install colormap -mouse Use mouse -net Multi player through net -host host Specify host when multi playing You can also configure mouse button. -rturn button-number default 1 -fall button-number default 2 -lturn button-number default 3
graphics/gif2png-2.5.9 (Score: 0.0027756616)
Converts GIF images to a PNG format
The gif2png program converts files from the obsolescent Graphic Interchange Format to Portable Network Graphics. The conversion preserves all graphic information, including transparency, perfectly. The gif2png program can even recover data from corrupted GIFs. The distribution also includes a Python script, web2png, that will convert entire web hierarchies (images and HTML or PHP pages). The script requires Python 1.5.2. Original author: Alexander Lehmann
lang/Switch-2.17 (Score: 0.0027756616)
Switch - A switch statement for Perl
Switch.pm provides the syntax and semantics for an explicit case mechanism for Perl. The syntax is minimal, introducing only the keywords switch and case and conforming to the general pattern of existing Perl control structures. The semantics are particularly rich, allowing any one (or more) of nearly 30 forms of matching to be used when comparing a switch value with its various cases. -Anton <tobez@FreeBSD.org>
mail/surblhost-0.8.0 (Score: 0.0027756616)
Check if a hostname is blacklisted
Surblhost is a small program to see if hostnames are listed in the Spam URI Realtime Blocklists (SURBL). Hosts that are blacklisted means that global spam email have been reported to contain links to these hosts. Many popular spam email filters use these lists to identify spam email, but this program makes it possible to use the lists for any conceivable purpose, such as filtering out bad hosts from URL redirection, and so on.
sysutils/ploy-1.2.1 (Score: 0.0027756616)
Manage servers through a central configuration
Ploy is a commandline-tool to provision, manage and control server instances. What kind of server instances these are depends on the used plugins. There are plugins for EC2 (ploy_ec2), FreeBSD Jails (ploy_ezjail) and more. You can create, delete, monitor and ssh into instances while ploy handles the details like ssh fingerprint checking. Additional plugins provide advanced functionality like integrating Fabric (ploy_fabric) and Ansible (ploy_ansible).
textproc/Text-FillIn-0.05 (Score: 0.0027756616)
Class implementing a fill-in template
This is the Text::FillIn.pm module. It is a class for implementing fill-in text templates. It is designed to be flexible and sub-classible. You can specify the delimiters that mark sections of text to be filled in (for example [[ and ]], or <!-- and -->, or { and } ... you get the picture), and you can specify the actions to take when filling in those sections. -Anton <tobez@FreeBSD.org>