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Results 3,0913,100 of 5,886 for /net-im/.(0.005 seconds)
graphics/simpleviewer-1.7.1553.8560 (Score: 0.0070083328)
Small and simple OpenGL image viewer with transparency support
Simple Viewer is small and simple OpenGL based image viewer. Its features: - Lightweight and fast: utilizes hardware-accelerated video card - Very simple interface, minimum dependencies - Suitable for default image viewer of desktop - Desktop independent: does not require any specific desktop environment - Open source, licensed under GNU GPLv2
graphics/tintfu-0.0.4 (Score: 0.0070083328)
GraphViz .dot file editor
This is an editor for GraphViz, an excellent program imho for both quickly creating a graphical overview of some collection of related components as well as drawing graphs for systems which are too complex to manage using conventional drawing programs. TINTFU can parse DOT files and render a preview of them in a side pane, while allowing each and every attribute of Graphs, SubGraphs and Nodes to be edited. The results of such changes are immediately updated in the preview pane.
graphics/stamp-2.0.8 (Score: 0.0070083328)
Adds a graphical, configurable timestamp to a grayscale image
Stamp is a command-line program which will process a greyscale jpeg image, such as one produced by a greyscale Quickcam. It can add a graphical (and configurable) timestamp to the image. Stamp can also upload the timestamped image via FTP, with the configuration of a stamprc file. It also features a "quad" option which will take the latest image and composite it with up to three previous images, while timestamping the latest one.
graphics/enblend-4.1.4 (Score: 0.0070083328)
Tool for image blending with multiresolution splines
Enblend is a tool for compositing images. Given a set of images that overlap in some irregular way, Enblend overlays them in such a way that the seam between the images is invisible, or at least very difficult to see. Enblend does not line up the images for you. Use a tool like Hugin to do that.
graphics/togl-1.7 (Score: 0.0070083328)
Tk OpenGL widget
Togl is a Tk widget for OpenGL rendering. Togl is based on OGLTK, originally written by Benjamin Bederson at the University of New Mexico (who has since moved to the University of Maryland). Togl adds the new features: - color-index mode support including color allocation functions - support for requesting stencil, accumulation, alpha buffers, etc - multiple OpenGL drawing widgets - OpenGL extension testing from Tcl - simple, portable font support - overlay plane support Togl allows one to create and manage a special Tk/OpenGL widget with Tcl and render into it with a C program. That is, a typical Togl program will have Tcl code for managing the user interface and a C program for computations and OpenGL rendering. Togl is copyrighted by Brian Paul (brian_paul@avid.com) and Benjamin Bederson (bederson@cs.umd.edu). See the LICENSE file for details.
graphics/truevision- (Score: 0.0070083328)
GNOME 3D modeler
Truevision is a 3D modeler for Gnome. It is still in development, so not really stable and quite not usable yet. Features: - Create some objects: - finite solid primitives: box, sphere, cone, cylinder, torus, heightfield, superellipsoid - finite patch primitive: disc - infinite solid primitive: plane - lights: point, cylindrical, spot, area - csg operators: union, merge, intersection, difference - atmospherics: background, skysphere, media, fog - Manipulate them (rotate, scale, translate, etc) - Manipulate and edit the camera - Render the scene with the multithreaded povray frontend - Create and edit materials (except slope maps), with preview in editor - Output the scene to povray - Save and load scenes, objects, materials - Save materials with preview in material library
graphics/pygts-0.3.1 (Score: 0.0070083328)
Python binding for GNU Triangulated Surface(GTS) Library
PyGTS is a python package used to construct, manipulate, and perform computations on 3D triangulated surfaces. It is a hand-crafted and pythonic binding for the GNU Triangulated Surface (GTS) Library.
graphics/xaos-3.6 (Score: 0.0070083328)
Real-time fractal browser
This is a port of "XaoS", a real time fractal browser for X11 and ASCII terminals. Features: - Very fast algorithms allow interactive zooming. - Various coloring modes are provided for points inside and outside the selected fractal. - Autopilot mode - 11 fractal formulas - saving to GIF files - palette rotation - random dot stereograms
graphics/xmedcon-0.14.1 (Score: 0.0070083328)
Medical image conversion utility and library
This project stands for Medical Image Conversion and is released under the GNU's (L)GPL license. It bundles the C sourcecode, a library, a flexible command-line utility and a graphical front-end based on the amazing Gtk+ toolkit. Its main purpose is image conversion, while preserving the most valuable medical study information. The currently supported formats are: Acr/Nema 2.0, Analyze (SPM), Concorde/uPET, DICOM 3.0, CTI ECAT 6/7, NIfTI-1, InterFile 3.3 and PNG or animated Gif87a/89a towards desktop applications.
graphics/zbar-0.10 (Score: 0.0070083328)
ZBar barcode reader
ZBar is an open source software suite for reading bar codes from various sources, such as video streams, image files and raw intensity sensors. It supports many popular symbologies (types of bar codes) including EAN-13/UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, Code 128, Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5 and QR Code. The flexible, layered implementation facilitates bar code scanning and decoding for any application: use it stand-alone with the included GUI and command line programs, easily integrate a bar code scanning widget into your Qt, GTK+ or PyGTK GUI application, leverage one of the script or programming interfaces (Python, Perl, C++) ...all the way down to a streamlined C library suitable for embedded use.