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Results 16,51116,520 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.013 seconds)
graphics/mapnik-3.0.9 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Free Toolkit For Developing Mapping Applications
Mapnik is a Free Toolkit for developing mapping applications. It's written in C++ and there are Python bindings to facilitate fast-paced agile development. It can comfortably be used for both desktop and web development, which was something wanted from the beginning. Mapnik is about making beautiful maps. It uses the AGG library and offers world class anti-aliasing rendering with subpixel accuracy for geographic data. It is written from scratch in modern C++ and doesn't suffer from design decisions made a decade ago. When it comes to handling common software tasks such as memory management, filesystem access, regular expressions, parsing and so on, Mapnik doesn't re-invent the wheel, but utilizes best of breed industry standard libraries from boost.org.
graphics/tkpng-0.9 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
PNG support for Tcl/Tk
This port implements support for loading and using PNG images with Tcl/Tk. Although other extensions such as Img also add support for PNG images, I wanted something that was lightweight, did not depend on libpng, and which would be suitable for inclusion in the Tk core, as Tk does not currently support any image formats natively that take advantage of its internal support for alpha blending, and alpha antialiasing and drop shadows really go a long way toward beautifying Tk applications. At this time, the package supports reading images from files or binary data. Base64 decoding is supported as of version 0.6. Exporting images to PNG format is not supported yet. The package supports the full range of color types, channels and bit depths from 1 bit black & white to 16 bit per channel full color with alpha (64 bit RGBA) and interlacing. Ancillary "chunks" such as gamma, color profile, and text fields are ignored, although they are checked at a minimum for correct CRC.
irc/anope-2.0.2 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Set of IRC services for IRC networks
Anope is a set of Services for IRC networks that allows users to manage their nicks and channels in a secure and efficient way, and administrators to manage their network with powerful tools. Anope currently works with: - Bahamut 1.4.27 or later (including 1.8) - Charybdis 1.0 or later - DreamForge 4.6.7 - Hybrid 7 or later - InspIRCd 1.0 or later (including 1.1) - Plexus 2.0 or later (including 3.0) - PTlink 6.15 or later - RageIRCd 2.0 beta-6 or later - Ratbox 2.0.6 or later - ShadowIRCd 4.0 beta 7 or later - Solid IRCd 3.4.6 or later - UltimateIRCd 2.8.2 or later (including 3.0) - UnrealIRCd 3.1.1 or later (including 3.2) - ViagraIRCd 1.3 or later Anope could also work with some of the daemons derived by the ones listed above, but there's no support for them if they work or don't work.
irc/dircproxy-1.2.0.r1 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Detachable irc proxy server with many features
dircproxy is an IRC proxy server designed for people who use IRC from lots of different workstations or clients, but wish to remain connected and see what they missed while they were away. You connect to IRC through dircproxy, and it keeps you connected to the server, even after you detach your client from it. While you're detached, it logs channel and private messages as well as important events, and when you re-attach it'll let you know what you missed. This can be used to give you roughly the same functionality as using ircII and screen together, except you can use whatever IRC client you like, including X ones! dircproxy has a whole host of features. Please read the file README in the source distribution for a list.
irc/mircryption-0.3.3 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Free encryption add-on for the popular XChat irc client
[ excerpt from developer's web site with modifications ] Mircryption is a free encryption add-on for the popular irc clients mIRC and XChat. Features: - Channel text, Private query windows, DCC Chats, Actions, Topics can all be encrypted. All crypto-related algorithms used are taken from published, common, trusted sources. Encryption algorithm is Blowfish (no known vulnerabilities); encryption keys are themselves stored in encrypted form. - Supports CBC mode encryption. - No need to modify the way you work - text is encrypted and decrypted automatically; encryption status of conversations is clear but unobtrusive. - User-friendly key management routines; menu driven and easy to temporarily disable & re-enable encryption on a channel, send plain text quicky, etc. LICENSE: free without any limitation
java/struts-1.2.9 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Apache Struts framework
The core of the Struts framework is a flexible control layer based on standard technologies like Java Servlets, JavaBeans, ResourceBundles, and Extensible Markup Language (XML), as well as various Jakarta Commons packages. Struts encourages application architectures based on the Model 2 approach, a variation of the classic Model-View-Controller (MVC) design paradigm. Struts provides its own Controller component and integrates with other technologies to provide the Model and the View. For the Model, Struts can interact with any standard data access technology, including Enterprise Java Beans, JDBC, and Object Relational Bridge. For the View, Struts works well with JavaServer Pages, including JSTL and JSF, as well as Velocity Templates, XSLT, and other presentation systems. The Struts framework provides the invisible underpinnings every professional web application needs to survive. Struts helps you create an extensible development environment for your application, based on published standards and proven design patterns.
lang/cmucl-19f (Score: 4.578865E-5)
The CMU implementation of Common Lisp
CMUCL is the CMU implementation of Common Lisp. First-aid documentation is in the manpages lisp(1) and cmucl(1) and via the normal Common Lisp documentation runtime functions (describe ...) (documentation ...) and (apropos ...). The WWW homepage contains a pointer to a real user manual. CMUCL's strength in comparison with other Lisp systems (or most other dynamic language implementations in general) is its highly optimizing compiler. If you know how to write efficient Common Lisp code, you are free of unwanted memory allocation, type checks, indirections to objects. CMUCL helps you to write efficient Common Lisp --- it generates very informative warning messages about code constructs that prevent compilation to efficient code. Optional packages for graphical user interfaces and other Common Lisp applications and libraries (Eg. the "Hemlock" Editor) are on ftp://ftp2.cons.org/pub/languages/lisp/cmucl/release/ (FreeBSD-Binaries) and ftp://ftp2.cons.org/pub/languages/lisp/cmucl/ports/ (source).
lang/munger-5.7.1 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Static lisp interpreter with text processing abilities
Munger is a simplified, statically-scoped, interpreted lisp specialized for writing text processors for 8-bit text. With Munger the programmer may write line-by-line filters, if serial access to the text is sufficient, or the programmer may load text into buffers and have line-oriented random access to those lines, if that is more convenient. Munger makes it easy to write simple text editors, shells, utility filters, CGI scripts, and simple network client and server programs. Mung (or munge) is computer jargon for, "to make repeated changes which individually may be reversible, yet which ultimately result in an unintentional irreversible destruction of large portions of the original item." Laugh, it's a joke.
mail/antivirus-3.30 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Sendmail milter wich uses McAfee Virus Scan or clamav
Sendmail milter wich uses Mcafee Virus Scan The milter recives messages from sendmail, and saves them as a file in a directory. The directory name and the file name are the "$i" (queue identifier) from Sendmail, making it easier to identify them. Once the entire message has been received, the milter runs "ripmime" on the file to extract any attachments. If rupmime returns without an error then it will run "uvscan" on the diretory to scan all the files in it. If uvscan returns an error, then the milter will look for viruses output from uvscan, and reject the message reporting which viruses were found. If viruses were found then the entire directory is moved to quarantine, otherwise it is deleted. The milter also does extention checks. Certain extentions are blocked completely. In specific, extenions of .scr, .vbs, .pif, and .com are blocked. Author gave permission to distribute it with BSD-License (2004-01-05). LICENSE: BSD
mail/minimalist-2.5.3 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Minimalistic mailing list manager
Minimalist is a Minimalistic Mailing List manager. It is fast, extremely easy to setup and support. It is written in Perl and full tested on FreeBSD and Linux, where it works pretty well. However there aren't causes not to use Minimalist on any other Unix system, because it doesn't use any system-dependent features. Minimalist has these features: . subscribing/unsubscribing users by request . several levels of security . additional services such as information about list, archiving lists, information about users of list and so on. . support for read-only/closed/mandatory lists . support for Blacklist . logging activity Minimalist has also a notion of 'trusted users'. They have full rights to subscribe/unsubscribe other users; get any information related to lists and users.