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net/malo-firmware- (Score: 0.013817913)
Marvell Libertas 88W8335 IEEE 802.11b/g Firmware Kernel Module
Marvell Libertas 88W8335 firmware files are not free because Marvell refuses to grant distribution rights. This port contains firmware files from OpenBSD's malo(4) driver.
net/ncp-1.2.4 (Score: 0.013817913)
Fast file copy tool for LANs
"ncp" is a utility for copying files in a LAN. It has absolutely no security or integrity checking, no throttling, no features, except one: you don't have to type the coordinates of your peer.
net/mtr-0.86 (Score: 0.013817913)
Traceroute and ping in a single network diagnostic tool
mtr combines the functionality of the 'traceroute' and 'ping' programs in a single network diagnostic tool. As mtr starts, it investigates the network connection between the host mtr runs on and a user-specified destination host. After it determines the address of each network hop between the machines, it sends a sequence ICMP ECHO requests to each one to determine the quality of the link to each machine. As it does this, it prints running statistics about each machine. Official mtr repository is at https://github.com/traviscross/mtr
net/miredo-1.2.6 (Score: 0.013817913)
Opensource Teredo (IPv6 tunneling) implementation
Miredo is an open-source Teredo IPv6 tunneling software, for Linux and the BSD operating systems. It includes functionnal implementations of all components of the Teredo specification (client, relay and server). It is meant to provide IPv6 connectivity even from behind NAT devices.
net/nepim-0.53 (Score: 0.013817913)
Tool for measuring available bandwidth between hosts
Nepim stands for network pipemeter, a tool for measuring available bandwidth between hosts. nepim is also useful to generate network traffic for testing purposes. Nepim operates in client/server mode, is able to handle multiple parallel traffic streams, reports periodic partial statistics along the testing, and supports IPv6.
net/nph-1.2.3 (Score: 0.013817913)
New PH Client and API Library
New PH Client and API Library nph offers the following features: Complete PH API - your applications will never need to talk directly to the PH server Solid API design - designed to prevent memory or file descriptor leaks for applications which use asynchronous event timers Interactively usable PH client - the nph client supports readline command editting, history, and completion The PH protocol is described in RFC 2378
net/nxproxy- (Score: 0.013817913)
Helper program for x2go
NXProxy is a program required by the x2go client.
net/Net-Z3950-SimpleServer-1.20 (Score: 0.013817913)
Perl module for developing Z39.50 servers
SimpleServer is a Perl module which is intended to make it as simple as possible to develop new Z39.50 servers over any type of database imaginable. All you have to do is implement a function for initialising your database (optional), searching the database, and returning "database records" on request. The module takes care of everything else and automatically starts a server for you, listens to incoming connections, and implements the Z39.50 protocol. It couldn't really be easier. SimpleServer is based on the popular YAZ toolkit which means it is robust, efficient, widely portable, and it interoperates with all known Z39.50 clients. Use SimpleServer together with other Perl modules to provide gateways to relational databases, local file stores, SOAP/RDF-servers, etc. SimpleServer currently supports the Init, Search, Present, Scan and Close services.
net/ldap-2.4.27 (Score: 0.013817913)
LDAP module for python, for OpenLDAP2
LDAP Wrapper for Python This module provides an LDAP API to Python in the spirit of RFC1823. Some cool things people have done with ldapmodule * LANL phone book (source) * Michael Stroeder's web2ldap (previously ldap-client-cgi.py). * LDAP support for Zope (see also Zope)
net/polyorb-2.11.1 (Score: 0.013817913)
CORBA, SOAP, Ada 95 Distributed System Annex middleware
PolyORB is a middleware implementation providing development tools and an innovative runtime library architecture for collaboration of application components using open standards for distributed systems. Key Features: * Support of standard application personalities: CORBA, Ada DSA (Annex E) * Support of standard protocol personalities: GIOP, SOAP * Interoperability between hardward platforms and operating environments, between distribution models * Support for multiple tasking profiles (full Ada tasking, Ravenscar tasking, no tasking) * Support for security and realtime extensions * Tailorability to application and platform specific requirements