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共有17,660项符合descr%3A%22spam filter%22的查询结果,以下是第10,84110,850项(搜索用时0.013秒)
audio/libfishsound-1.0.0 (Score: 1.296674E-4)
Programing interface to decode/encode audio data
libfishsound provides a simple programming interface for decoding and encoding audio data using the Xiph.org codecs (FLAC, Speex and Vorbis). libfishsound by itself is designed to handle raw codec streams from a lower level layer such as UDP datagrams. When these codecs are used in files, they are commonly encapsulated in Ogg to produce Ogg FLAC, Speex and Ogg Vorbis files. libfishsound is a wrapper around the existing codec libraries and provides a consistent, higher-level programming interface. It has been designed for use in a wide variety of applications; it has no direct dependencies on Ogg encapsulation, though it is most commonly used in conjunction with liboggz to decode or encode FLAC, Speex or Vorbis audio tracks in Ogg files, including Ogg Theora and Annodex.
audio/libvorbis-1.3.5 (Score: 1.296674E-4)
Audio compression codec library
Vorbis is a general purpose audio and music encoding format contemporary to MPEG-4's AAC and TwinVQ, the next generation beyond MPEG audio layer 3. Unlike the MPEG sponsored formats (and other proprietary formats such as RealAudio G2 and Windows' flavor of the month), the Vorbis CODEC specification belongs to the public domain. All the technical details are published and documented, and any software entity may make full use of the format without royalty or patent concerns. This package contains: - libvorbis, a BSD-license software implementation of the Vorbis specification by the Xiphophorus company. - libvorbisfile, a BSD-license convenience library built on Vorbis designed to simplify common uses. - libvorbisenc, a BSD-license library that provides a simple, programmatic encoding setup interface.
audio/mctoolame-0.1.a (Score: 1.296674E-4)
MPEG Layer II audio decoder with multi-channel support
A multi-channel MPEG encoder, using the ISO13818 standard and the dist10 source code. Multi-channel files may have up to 6 defined channels: Left(L), Right(R), Center(C), Left Surround (LS), Right Surround (RS) and a Low Frequency Enhancement channel (LFE). ISO13818 defines 5 multi-channel modes (on top of the normal stereo mode), each of these modes may have an optional LFE channel: 3/2: L, R, C, LS, RS 3/1: L, R, C, mono surround 2/2: L, R, LS, RS 2/1: L, R, mono surround 3/0: L, R, C The "standard" surround sound encoding of "5.1 channels" is achieved by using mode 3/2 plus an LFE channel. A multi-channel MPEG file should decode OK on any MPEG decoder. If the decoder doesn't recognize the multi-channel extensions, then you'll just get a stereo file containing a down mix of the 5 channels.
audio/mctoolame-0.1.a (Score: 1.296674E-4)
MPEG Layer II audio encoder with multi-channel support
A multi-channel MPEG encoder, using the ISO13818 standard and the dist10 source code. Multi-channel files may have up to 6 defined channels: Left(L), Right(R), Center(C), Left Surround (LS), Right Surround (RS) and a Low Frequency Enhancement channel (LFE). ISO13818 defines 5 multi-channel modes (on top of the normal stereo mode), each of these modes may have an optional LFE channel: 3/2: L, R, C, LS, RS 3/1: L, R, C, mono surround 2/2: L, R, LS, RS 2/1: L, R, mono surround 3/0: L, R, C The "standard" surround sound encoding of "5.1 channels" is achieved by using mode 3/2 plus an LFE channel. A multi-channel MPEG file should decode OK on any MPEG decoder. If the decoder doesn't recognize the multi-channel extensions, then you'll just get a stereo file containing a down mix of the 5 channels.
audio/mp3stat-2.6.01 (Score: 1.296674E-4)
Read information about an MP3's, or OGG's bitstream
Mp3stat is a utility to read information about MP3's and OGG's bitstream. More specifically, how certain bitrates have been placed in the bitstream by the encoder. Not only does mp3stat give you a graphical representation of the average bitrate per 1/500th of the file in, a linear bar graph to allow you to compare encoders and settings, it also has a batch file mode. The batch file mode allows you to use mp3stat as a script utility instead of GUI, for use in your own programs and or scripts. The batch mode can be extended trivially to give just as much info as the GUI version, but now defaults to configurable output of 3 pieces of info; name, runtime, and average bitrate. The batch mode can take MP3's, and OGG's in the same directory, but it cannot (yet at least) recursively run into subdirectories -- this will be possible in the next version, arriving soon.
audio/mpg321-0.2.10 (Score: 1.296674E-4)
Command-line MP3 player, compatible with mpg123
mpg321 is a clone of the popular mpg123 command-line mp3 player. It should function as a drop-in replacement for mpg123 in many cases. While some of the functionality of mpg123 is not yet implemented, mpg321 should function properly in most cases for most people, such as for frontends such as gqmpeg. mpg321 is based on the mad MPEG audio decoding library. It therefore is highly accurate, and also uses only fixed-point calculation, making it more efficient on machines without a floating-point unit. While mpg321 is not as fast as the non-free mpg123 on systems which have a floating point unit, it comes under the GNU General Public License, which allows greater freedom to its users. For most people who want mpg123, mpg321 is a better alternative.
audio/sdl_sound-1.0.3 (Score: 1.296674E-4)
SDL audio library and player for some popular sound file formats
SDL_sound is a library that handles the decoding of several popular sound file formats, such as raw, wav, mp3, flac, ogg, voc, shn, aiff, au, and some others. It is meant to make the programmer's sound playback tasks simpler. The programmer gives SDL_sound a filename, or feeds it data directly from one of many sources, and then reads the decoded waveform data back at her leisure. If resource constraints are a concern, SDL_sound can process sound data in programmer-specified blocks. Alternately, SDL_sound can decode a whole sound file and hand back a single pointer to the whole waveform. SDL_sound can also handle sample rate, audio format, and channel conversion on-the-fly and behind-the-scenes, if the programmer desires.
audio/snack-2.2.10 (Score: 1.296674E-4)
Sound toolkit for scripting languages
The Snack Sound Toolkit is designed to be used with a scripting language such as Tcl/Tk or Python. Using Snack you can create powerful multi-platform audio applications with just a few lines of code. Snack has commands for basic sound handling, e.g. sound card and disk I/O. Snack also has primitives for sound visualization, e.g. waveforms and spectrograms. It was developed mainly to handle digital recordings of speech, but is just as useful for general audio. Snack has also successfully been applied to other one- dimensional signals. The combination of Snack and a scripting language makes it possible to create sound tools and applications with a minimum of effort. This is due to the rapid development nature of scripting languages. As a bonus you get an application that is cross-platform from start. It is also easy to integrate Snack based applications with existing sound analysis software.
audio/wavbreaker-0.11 (Score: 1.296674E-4)
Tool to split and merge wav files
wavbreaker is a tool to take a wave file and break it up into multiple wave files. It makes a clean break at the correct position to burn the files to an audio CD without any dead space between the tracks. It will only read wave files, so use an appropriate tool to convert Ogg, MP3, etc. files and then break them up. The GUI displays a summary of the entire wave file being worked on at the top. There is also a command line tool to merge wave files together (wavmerge). This tool will only work on files that are alike. For example, 44100 khz sample rate, 16-bit sample size, etc. (use sox to convert files first if necessary).
audio/xcd-1.7 (Score: 1.296674E-4)
Tcl/Tk CD player
Xcd is a simple GUI to control a CD player. It requires Tcl/Tk to be installed on your system. Xcd has the usual buttons to control a CD player: "play", "pause/resume", "stop", "eject", "next track", "previous track", "rewind", "forward" and a volume slider. Xcd displays continuously the current track number and the elapsed time of the track. Pressing the left mouse button on the "track" label causes Xcd to display the total number of the tracks and the total duration of the disk. Pressing the left mouse button on the "time" label causes xcd to display the duration of the current track. Pressing the middle mouse button on the "track" button allows to choose a track number to play.