Ports 搜索

benchmarks/nqueens-1.0 (Score: 0.0027908506)
N-queens benchmark
N-queens benchmark written in C. Includes base version and (optinal) distributed MPI version.
biology/ncbi-toolkit-2012.06.20 (Score: 0.0027908506)
NCBI development toolkit, including BLAST 2 and GenBank/Entrez support
The NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) development toolkit, containing various libraries needed by NCBI applications, as well as a software suite containing, amongst other things, NCBI BLAST 2.0. From the README: The NCBI Software Development Toolkit was developed for the production and distribution of GenBank, Entrez, BLAST, and related services by NCBI. We make it freely available to the public without restriction to facilitate the use of NCBI by the scientific community. However, please understand that while we feel we have done a high quality job, this is not commercial software. The documentation lags considerably behind the software and we must make any changes required by our data production needs. Nontheless, many people have found it a useful and stable basis for a number of tools and applications.
biology/primer3-2.3.6 (Score: 0.0027908506)
Primer3 helps to choose primers for PCR reactions
"Primer3 is a complete rewrite of the original PRIMER program (Primer 0.5), written by Steve Lincoln, Mark Daly, and Eric Lander. See DIFFERENCES FROM EARLIER VERSIONS for a discussion of how Primer3 differs from its predecessors, Primer 0.5 and Primer v2. Primer3 picks primers for PCR reactions, considering as criteria: o oligonucleotide melting temperature, size, GC content, and primer-dimer possibilities, o PCR product size, o positional constraints within the source sequence, and o miscellaneous other constraints. All of these criteria are user-specifiable as constraints, and some are specifiable as terms in an objective function that characterizes an optimal primer pair." - from the README file
biology/xmolwt-0.7 (Score: 0.0027908506)
Calculate atom weight and percent of each element for a given formula
Xmolwt (Motif version)/Gmolwt (GTK+ version) This program calculates the formula weight and percent of each element for a given chemical formula. This port is builds a GTK+ version of the program. If you want to use/build a Motif version, then use Makefile.motif which is included in the ports skeleton.
cad/kicad-20140622.2.b4027 (Score: 0.0027908506)
Schematic and PCB editing software
Kicad is an open source (GPL) software for the creation of electronic schematic diagrams and printed circuit board artwork. Designed and written by Jean-Pierre Charras, a researcher at LIS (Laboratoire des Images et des Signaux) and a teacher in IUT de Saint Martin d'Heres (France), in the field of electrical engineering and image processing. Kicad is a set of four softwares and a project manager: * Eeschema: Schematic entry. * Pcbnew: Board editor. * Gerbview: GERBER viewer (photoplotter documents). * Cvpcb: footprint selector for components used in the circuit design. * Kicad: project manager.
databases/oracle8i- (Score: 0.0027908506)
The JDBC drivers for Oracle 8i
This is a port of the JDBC driver which is used to access Oracle 8i databases using a database-independant API in Java for use with JDK 1.2 and JDK 1.3.
databases/oracle9i- (Score: 0.0027908506)
The JDBC drivers for Oracle 9i
This is a port of the JDBC driver which is used to access Oracle 9i databases using a database-independant API in Java for use with JDK 1.4.
deskutils/affiche-0.6.0 (Score: 0.0027908506)
Affiche allows people to stick notes
Affiche is a little application that allows people to "stick" little notes on their computer desktop. It works well under GNUstep and under Apple Mac OS X. The goal of this little application is to provide a good example on how to develop cross-platform applications between GNUstep and Apple Mac OS X while providing a useful application at the same time. LICENSE: GPL2 or later
deskutils/plopfolio-0.1.0 (Score: 0.0027908506)
Free clone of KlipFolio for GNUstep
PlopFolio is a free clone of Serence's excellent KlipFolio application. PlopFolio supports Klips available from KlipFarm. PlopFolio is developped using the Objective-C language and works well with GNUstep (on Linux, FreeBSD, and more) and Cocoa on Mac OS X. LICENSE: GPL2 or later
devel/libexecinfo-1.1 (Score: 0.0027908506)
Library for inspecting program's backtrace
This is a quick-n-dirty BSD licensed clone of backtrace facility found in the GNU libc, mainly intended for porting Linuxish code to BSD platforms, however it can be used at any platform which has a gcc compiler.