Ports 搜索

www/jspwiki-2.8.4 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Feature-rich and extensible Wiki engine built around J2EE
JSPWiki is a feature-rich and extensible WikiWiki engine built around the standard J2EE components (Java, servlets, JSP). It's features include: WikiMarkup/Structured Text, File attachments, Templates support, Data storage, Security, Easy plugin interface for writing your own additions,UTF-8 support, JavaServer Pages-based, Easy-ish installation, Page locking to prevent editing conflicts, Support for Multiple Wikis, etc.
www/dotcloud.cli-0.4.8 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
dotCloud command-line interface client
Using dotCloud, you can assemble your stack from pre-configured and heavily tested components. dotCloud supports major application servers, databases and message buses. The dotCloud CLI allows you to manage your software deployments on the dotCloud platform. To use this tool, you will need a dotCloud account. Register at http://www.dotcloud.com/ to get one!
www/flask-restplus-0.9.2 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Extension for Flask that adds support for quickly building REST APIs
Extension for Flask that adds support for quickly building REST APIs. Flask-RESTPlus encourages best practices with minimal setup. If you are familiar with Flask, Flask-RESTPlus should be easy to pick up. It provides a coherent collection of decorators and tools to describe your API and expose its documentation properly using Swagger.
www/flask-restplus-0.8.6 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Extension for Flask that adds support for quickly building REST APIs
Extension for Flask that adds support for quickly building REST APIs. Flask-RESTPlus encourages best practices with minimal setup. If you are familiar with Flask, Flask-RESTPlus should be easy to pick up. It provides a coherent collection of decorators and tools to describe your API and expose its documentation properly using Swagger.
www/nginx-1.11.4 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Robust and small WWW server
NGINX is a high performance edge web server with the lowest memory footprint and the key features to build modern and efficient web infrastructure. NGINX functionality includes HTTP server, HTTP and mail reverse proxy, caching, load balancing, compression, request throttling, connection multiplexing and reuse, SSL offload and HTTP media streaming.
www/nginx-1.10.1 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
小而强大的 WWW 服务器
又一个小而强大的 www 服务器,支持 kqueue (EV_CLEAR、 EV_DISABLE、NOTE_LOWAT、EV_EOF 等)、select、poll、 sendfile。
www/poster-0.8.1 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Streaming HTTP uploads and multipart/form-data encoding
The modules in the Python standard library don't provide a way to upload large Files via HTTP without having to load the entire file into memory first. poster provides support for both streaming POST requests as well as multipart/form-data encoding of string or file parameters.
www/qp-2.2 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Python web framework to use qpy and durus together
This is QP, a package for defining and running multiple web applications based on Durus for persistence, standard persistent Session and User classes, easy interactive database sessions, qpy for assembling html, and Quixote2-style forms and path traversal. QP makes it easier than ever to use these tools together.
www/selenium-2.53.1 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Python bindings for Selenium
Selenium Python Client Driver is a Python language binding for Selenium Remote Control (version 1.0 and 2.0). Currently the remote protocol, Firefox and Chrome for Selenium 2.0 are supported, as well as the Selenium 1.0 bindings. As work will progresses we'll add more "native" drivers.
www/tgwebservices-1.2.4 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Multiprotocol Web Services for TurboGears
Multiprotocol Web Services for TurboGears TGWebServices provides a super simple API for creating web services that are available via SOAP, HTTP->XML, and HTTP->JSON. The SOAP API generates WSDL automatically for your Python and even generates enough type information for statically typed languages (Java and C#, for example) to generate good client code on their end.