Ports 搜索

audio/flac-1.3.1 (Score: 4.4889218E-4)
Free lossless audio codec
FLAC is an Open Source lossless audio codec. FLAC is comprised of * libFLAC, a library which implements reference encoders and decoders for native FLAC and Ogg FLAC, and a metadata interface * libFLAC++, a C++ object wrapper library around libFLAC * flac, a command-line program for encoding and decoding files * metaflac, a command-line program for viewing and editing FLAC metadata * user and API documentation
devel/newfile-1.0.14 (Score: 4.4889218E-4)
Tool for creating starter files in various languages
Newfile is a tool for creating starter files in various languages. It uses a full-featured preprocessor (like the C preprocessor) to transform templates into customized starter files. It can also generate trees of files for a specific purpose, such as a project using automake and autoconf, or a FreeBSD port.
x11-toolkits/GLURaw- (Score: 4.4889218E-4)
Raw binding for the OpenGL graphics system
GLURaw is a raw Haskell binding for the GLU 1.3 OpenGL utility library. It is basically a 1:1 mapping of GLU's C API, intended as a basis for a nicer interface. OpenGL is the industry's most widely used and supported 2D and 3D graphics application programming interface (API), incorporating a broad set of rendering, texture mapping, special effects, and other powerful visualization functions.
biology/seqan-apps-2.2.0 (Score: 4.4872757E-4)
Official Bioinformatic applications based on the SeqAn library
SeqAn is an open source C++ library of efficient algorithms and data structures for the analysis of sequences with the focus on biological data. This port contains applications built on SeqAn and developed within the SeqAn project. Among them are famous read mappers like RazerS and Yara, as well as many other tools. Some applications are packaged separately and the library can be found at biology/seqan.
comms/kvasd-1.0 (Score: 4.4872757E-4)
Helper program for wsjt and wsjtx
KVASD is s soft-decision decoder for the Reed Solomon code RS(63,12) over GF(64). The driver is Copyright(C) 2005-2012 by Joseph H Taylor, Jr, K1JT. The decoding algorithm is used under licence from CodeVector Technologies, LLC, and is protected under US patent 6,634,007. KVASD may be used freely by anyone for the purpose of facilitating communication by Amateur Radio. Any other use is strictly prohibited.
devel/libproplist-0.10.1 (Score: 4.4872757E-4)
Property library for gnome and Window Maker
This library is necessary for property settings for some gnome applications. The purpose of PL is to closely mimic the behaviour of the property lists used in GNUstep/OPENSTEP (there formed with the NSString, NSData, NSArray and NSDictionary classes) and to be compatible with it. PL enables programs that use configuration or preference files to make these compatible with GNUstep/OPENSTEP's user defaults handling mechanism, without needing to use Objective-C or GNUstep/OPENSTEP themselves.
devel/Params-Classify-0.013 (Score: 4.4872757E-4)
Argument type classification
This module provides various type-testing functions. These are intended for functions that, unlike most Perl code, care what type of data they are operating on. For example, some functions wish to behave differently depending on the type of their arguments (like overloaded functions in C++). These functions only provide type classification; they do not enforce type restrictions. Type enforcement may, of course, be built using these classification functions, but the reader's attention is drawn to Params::Validate.
security/bruteblock-0.0.5 (Score: 4.4872757E-4)
Software for blocking bruteforce attacks with ipfw
Bruteblock allows system administrators to block various bruteforce attacks on UNIX services. The program analyzes system logs and adds attacker's IP address into ipfw2 table effectively blocking them. Addresses are automatically removed from the table after specified amount of time. Bruteblock uses regular expressions to parse logs, which provides flexibility allowing it to be used with almost any network service. Bruteblock is written in pure C, doesn't use any external programs and work with ipfw2 tables via raw sockets API.
lang/bigloo-4.1a.2 (Score: 4.4778522E-4)
Scheme interpreter and native code compiler
This is a port of Bigloo, a Scheme system which includes a compiler generating C code and Java classes and an interpreter. Bigloo is the tool of choice for the construction of small autonomous applications in Scheme. Bigloo is mostly conformant to the Revised5 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme with many extensions: Rgc, a lex facility. Match, a pattern-matching compiler. Foreign languages interface (connection to C and to Java). Module language. Extension package system. An Lalr facility. An Object system. A thread library. DSSSL support. Unicode characters and strings. Process, Pipe and Socket support.
www/axis-1.4 (Score: 4.4778522E-4)
Java SOAP implementation by Apache
Apache AXIS is an implementation of the SOAP ("Simple Object Access Protocol") submission to W3C. From the draft W3C specification: SOAP is a lightweight protocol for exchange of information in a decentralized, distributed environment. It is an XML based protocol that consists of three parts: an envelope that defines a framework for describing what is in a message and how to process it, a set of encoding rules for expressing instances of application-defined datatypes, and a convention for representing remote procedure calls and responses.