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Results 281290 of 650 for name%3Aeclipse.(0.004 seconds)
dns/Net-DNS-1.06 (Score: 0.0049901195)
Perl5 interface to the DNS resolver, and dynamic updates
Net::DNS is a collection of Perl modules to interface with the Domain Name System (DNS) resolver. It allows the programmer to perform queries that are beyond the capabilities of gethostbyname and gethostbyaddr. There are also methods for dealing with creating and parsing dynamic updates packets.
dns/Net_DNS-1.0.7 (Score: 0.0049901195)
Resolver library used to communicate with a DNS server
A resolver library used to communicate with a name server to perform DNS queries, zone transfers, dynamic DNS updates, etc. Creates an object hierarchy from a DNS server response, which allows you to view all of the information given by the DNS server. It bypasses the system resolver library and communicates directly with the server.
dns/dnshistory-1.3 (Score: 0.0049901195)
Store DNS lookups to a DB
Provide a means for storing a history of DNS/Name changes for the IP Addresses extracted from web log files. The major target being that multiple analyses of older log files do not require re-lookups of IP Address to FQDNs, and additionally maintain the accuracy of the lookup as it was then and not as it is now.
dns/rbllookup-ng-1.1 (Score: 0.0049901195)
Check given IP/Host presence in RBLs
rbllookup is a small perl script which allow you to check given IP/host name. In this version you have statically inserted RBL servers, but code is based on GPL source, so you can easy add more/replace/delete RBL servers by editing rbllookup.conf file.
dns/rbllookup- (Score: 0.0049901195)
Check given IP/Host presence in 106 RBLs
rbllookup is a small perl script which allow you to check given IP/host name. In this version you have statically inserted RBL servers, but code is based on GPL source, so you can easy add more/replace/delete RBL servers by editing rbllookup.pl file. Also, author looking for support from programmers for ideas, codefix, new features, switch to c/c++, gui version?
Interface to MaxMind minFraud service
NAME Business::MaxMind::CreditCardFraudDetection - Access MaxMind minFraud services ABSTRACT This module queries the MaxMind minFraud service and returns the results. The service uses a free e-mail database, an IP address geog- raphy database, a bank identification number, and proxy checks to return a risk factor score representing the likelihood that the credit card transaction is fraudulent.
games/banihstypos-0.2 (Score: 0.0049901195)
Banihstypos is a simple game to teach you typing, FAST
Banihstypos (yes, that is the name) is a simple game to teach you typing, FAST. It helps you improve your typing by letting you type in a randomly selected word which scrolls by on the screen at an increasing speed. If the word hits the laser, you'll loose points.
games/enygma-1.04 (Score: 0.0049901195)
Text-based puzzle game
Enigma is a puzzle game involving falling blocks, exploding bombs, and pushing stuff around. It has elements of Boulderdash and elements of Sokoban, and anybody old enough to remember XOR on the Spectrum will see large elements of that in it. The port and executable have been named 'enygma' to avoid a name collision.
games/gnome-sudoku-3.18.2 (Score: 0.0049901195)
Sudoku game for gnome
Gnome Sudoku is a logic game with a Japanese name that has recently exploded in popularity. Originally developed by Thomas Hinkle, now included in gnome-games. Gnome Sudoku is written in Python. GNOME Sudoku is meant to have as simple, unobstrusive an interface as possible while still providing features that make playing difficult Sudoku more fun.
games/quaqut-0.2.0 (Score: 0.0049901195)
Queries information from Unreal Tournament 2004 game servers
Quaqut is a simple program that queries Unreal Tournament 2004 (TM) game servers and retrieves information like those available while browsing servers in the game. That means information like server name, game type and current map, names and scores of players, and much more.