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Results 10,77110,780 of 19,819 for %22HTTP Server%22.(0.01 seconds)
cad/klayout-0.23.8 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Qt-based GDS2 Viewer
KLayout is a viewer for GDS2 files.
cad/GDS2-3.29 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
GDS2 stream module
This is GDS2, a module for quickly creating programs to read, write, and manipulate GDS2 (GDSII) stream files.
cad/logisim-2.7.1 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Educational tool for designing and simulating logic circuits
Logisim is an educational tool for designing and simulating digital logic circuits. With its simple toolbar interface and simulation of circuits as you build them, it is simple enough to facilitate learning the most basic concepts related to logic circuits. With the capacity to build larger circuits from smaller subcircuits, and to draw bundles of wires with a single mouse drag, Logisim can be used (and is used) to design and simulate entire CPUs for educational purposes. Logisim is used by students at colleges and universities around the world in many types of classes, ranging from a brief unit on logic in general-education computer science surveys, to computer organization courses, to full-semester courses on computer architecture.
cad/Verilog-Perl-3.418 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Building point for Verilog support in the Perl language
The Verilog-Perl library is a building point for Verilog support in the Perl language. It includes: * Verilog::Getopt which parses command line options similar to C++ and VCS. * Verilog::Language which knows the language keywords and parses numbers. * Verilog::Netlist which builds netlists out of Verilog files. This allows easy scripts to determine things such as the hierarchy of modules. * Verilog::Parser invokes callbacks for language tokens. * Verilog::Preproc preprocesses the language, and allows reading post-processed files right from Perl without temporary files. * vpassert inserts PLIish warnings and assertions for any simulator. * vppreproc preprocesses the complete Verilog 2001 and SystemVerilog language. * vrename renames and cross-references Verilog symbols. Vrename creates Verilog cross references and makes it easy to rename signal and module names across multiple files. Vrename uses a simple and efficient three step process. First, you run vrename to create a list of signals in the design. You then edit this list, changing as many symbols as you wish. Vrename is then run a second time to apply the changes.
cad/repsnapper-2.3.2a3 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Controller and GCode generator for RepRap 3D printers
RepSnapper is a host software for controlling a RepRap 3D printer. It has a 3D OpenGL interface, slices objects and calculates the extrusion toolpath. It can manipulate 3D objects and save constellations in STL and AMF format.
cad/sceptre-2012.061 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
General-purpose circuit analysis program
SCEPTRE (System for Circuit Evaluation and Prediction of Transient Radiation Effects) is a general purpose circuit analysis program which provides all three major analyses, AC, DC, and transient analysis, on either linear or nonlinear networks. It employs a free-form input language and state variable methods to simulate problems of interest to electrical engineers.
cad/scotch-5.1.12.b.e (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Package for graph and mesh partitioning and sparse matrix ordering
SCOTCH is a software package and libraries for graph, mesh and hypergraph partitioning, static mapping, and sparse matrix block ordering. Its purpose of Scotch is to apply graph theory, with a divide and conquer approach, to scientific computing problems such as graph and mesh partitioning, static mapping, and sparse matrix ordering, in application domains ranging from structural mechanics to operating systems or bio-chemistry. The SCOTCH distribution is a set of programs and libraries which implement the static mapping and sparse matrix reordering algorithms developed within the SCOTCH project.
cad/verilog-mode.el-801 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Emacs lisp modules for the Verilog language
Verilog-mode.el is a Verilog mode for Emacs which provides context-sensitive highlighting, auto indenting, and provides macro expansion capabilities to greatly reduce Verilog coding time. Recent versions allow you to insert AUTOS in non-AUTO designs, so IP interconnect can be easily modified. You can also expand Verilog-2001 ".*" instantiations, to see what ports will be connected by simulators.
cad/qcad- (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Professional CAD system
What Is QCad? QCad is a professional CAD System. With QCad you can easily construct and change drawings with ISO-texts and many other features and save them as DXF-files. These DXF-files are the interface to many CAD-systems such as AutoCAD (c) and many others. What is QCad not? QCad is no designer tool. That means you can not create any filled shapes nor any crazy freehand forms. Also you can not drag and drop the objects in the drawing with the mouse. If you find any bugs, send a report to bugs@qcad.org.
chinese/autoconvert-0.3.16 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Intelligent Chinese encoding converter
If you use procmail, there will be an example at: ${PREFIX}/share/autoconvert/procmailrc.example, which helps you to setup autoconvert as a filter of procmail.