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共有17,660项符合descr%3A%22spam filter%22的查询结果,以下是第3,1713,180项(搜索用时0.009秒)
devel/msrc0-0.7 (Score: 2.0087986E-4)
Meta source fake-out script for building ksb tools
We fake having a meta source platform installed to build a ksb-meta-source product on a machine that doesn't have ksb's tools installed yet. This is the part you need to get all the nifty toys started.
devel/Algorithm-SVM-0.13 (Score: 2.0087986E-4)
Perl bindings for the libsvm Support Vector Machine library
Algorithm::SVM implements a Support Vector Machine for Perl. Support Vector Machines provide a method for creating classification functions from a set of labeled training data, from which predictions can be made for subsequent data sets.
devel/Config-Identity-0.0018 (Score: 2.0087986E-4)
Load (and optionally decrypt via GnuPG) user/pass identity information
Config::Identity is a tool for loadiing (and optionally decrypting via GnuPG) user/pass identity information For GitHub API access, an identity is a "login"/"token" pair. For PAUSE access, an identity is a "user"/"password" pair.
devel/Data-Visitor-0.30 (Score: 2.0087986E-4)
Visitor style traversal of Perl data structures
This module is a simple visitor implementation for Perl values. It has a main dispatcher method, visit, which takes a single perl value and then calls the methods appropriate for that value.
devel/DateTime-Format-Epoch-0.16 (Score: 2.0087986E-4)
Convert DateTimes to/from epoch seconds
This module can convert a DateTime object (or any object that can be converted to a DateTime object) to the number of seconds since a given epoch. It can also do the reverse.
devel/DateTime-Format-XSD-0.2 (Score: 2.0087986E-4)
Format DateTime according to xsd:dateTime
XML Schema defines a usage profile which is a subset of the ISO8601 profile. This profile defines that the following is the only possible representation for a dateTime, despite all other options ISO provides.
devel/Declare-Constraints-Simple-0.03 (Score: 2.0087986E-4)
Declarative Validation of Perl Data Structures
The main purpose of this module is to provide an easy way to build a profile to validate a data structure. It does this by giving you a set of declarative keywords in the importing namespace.
devel/File-Type-0.22 (Score: 2.0087986E-4)
Determine file type using magic
File::Type uses magic numbers (typically at the start of a file) to determine the MIME type of that file. File::Type can use either a filename, or file contents, to determine the type of a file.
devel/Log-Dispatch-Config-1.04 (Score: 2.0087986E-4)
Log4j equivalent for Perl
Log::Dispatch::Config is a subclass of Log::Dispatch and provides a way to configure Log::Dispatch object with configuration file (default, in AppConfig format). This is almost a log4j equivalent for Perl, not with all API compatibility though.
devel/MooseX-Daemonize-0.21 (Score: 2.0087986E-4)
Role for daemonizing your Moose based application
Often you want to write a persistant daemon that has a pid file, and responds appropriately to Signals. This module provides a set of basic roles as an infrastructure to do that.