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games/omega-0.90.4 (Score: 0.0024950597)
Complex rogue-style game of dungeon exploration
omega is a complex rogue-style game of dungeon exploration. Unlike other such games, there are a number of ways to "win", depending on various actions taken during play. The ways you can get your name on the hiscore board include becoming the highest ranked head of a guild, sect, college, etc., as well as gaining the most points figured from possessions and experience. The game (via the oracle) may impose some structure on your exploration, but you need not follow all of the oracle's advice. There *is* a "total winner" status, by the way. omega offers a richness of playing detail that goes beyond a simple game like rogue. However, the majority of gameplay is very similar to rogue, hack, ultrarogue, larn, and other such games. The player is represented by the highlighted "@" symbol, objects and terrain features are represented by non-alphabetic symbols, monsters are represented by the various upper and lower case letters, and other humans are represented by a non-highlighted "@". It is recommended that the novice read the man pages for rogue or some other such game and perhaps play a few games before playing omega.
games/sdl_jewels-1.1.1 (Score: 0.0024950597)
Tile-matching 8x8 puzzle game
The game is very simple. There is an 8x8 array of jewels of 7 types. You need to get 3 or more in a row horizontally or vertically in order to score points. You can swap any two jewels that are next to each other up and down or left and right. The mechanic is to click the mouse on the first one, then drag in the direction to switch with. Then let up on the mouse button, but this last isn't so critical. Jewels can only be swapped if after the swap there is at least one 3 or more in a row set created. Otherwise the jewels return to their original position. There is a clock shown on the left. When it counts down to 0 the game is over. You will probably be able to enter your name into the high score table. Hit enter when done. Hit F1 or spacebar to start a new game, or ESC to exit. This game makes use of OpenGL. Without an OpenGL implementation it won't work. If you only have software rendering you can still play but the frame rate will be lower. The GLX module must be present as well.
games/xvmines-1.0 (Score: 0.0024950597)
Simple minesweeper game for X Window System
XVmines is a simple minesweeper game for X Window System. xvmines creates a rectangle on the screen, divided into equally sized cells. Each cell may contain a mine (hence the name xvmines), contain a number indicating the number of mines present in the 8-neighboring cells or be empty. Initially, all cells are covered with tiles. A tile can be removed, uncovering the cell below, by clicking the left mouse button on it. In addition, a cell can be marked as containing a mine by clicking the right mouse button on it. Note however that marking a cell as containing a mine does not necessarily mean that the cell really contains a mine! Clicking the middle mouse button on a tile, marks it with a question mark, acting as a reminder mechanism. The user can use the numbers in the uncovered cells to find (or sometimes guess ...) which cells contain mines and which do not. A game ends when all cells not containing mines have been uncovered and all cells containing mines have been marked, or when a cell containing a mine is uncovered.
lang/scheme48-1.9.2 (Score: 0.0024950597)
Scheme Underground's implementation of R5RS
Scheme 48 is an implementation of the Scheme programming language as described in the Revised^5 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme. It is based on a compiler and interpreter for a virtual Scheme machine. The name derives from our desire to have an implementation that is simple and lucid enough that it looks as if it were written in just 48 hours. We don't claim to have reached that stage yet; much more simplification is necessary. Scheme 48 is an implementation of the Scheme programming language as described in the Revised5 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme [6]. It is based on a compiler and interpreter for a virtual Scheme machine. Scheme 48 tries to be faithful to the Revised5 Scheme Report, providing neither more nor less in the initial user environment. (This is not to say that more isn't available in other environments; see below.) Scheme 48 is under continual development. Please report bugs, especially in the VM, especially core dumps, to scheme-48-bugs@s48.org. Include the version number x.yy from the "Welcome to Scheme 48 x.yy" greeting message in your bug report. It is a goal of this project to produce a bullet-proof system; we want no bugs and, especially, no crashes.
mail/archmbox-4.10.0 (Score: 0.0024950597)
Email archiver that parses mailboxes and performs actions
Archmbox is a simple email archiver written in Perl; it parses one or more mailboxes, selects some or all messages and then performs specific actions on the selected messages. Archmbox supports mbox and mbx mailbox formats. Four different modes are available: - List mode, which is useful to list all selected messages before archmbox performs the real operations (archiving or deleting) - Kill mode, if messages should be deleted from the mailbox(es) rather than archived - Archive mode, to archive the selected messages in a different mailbox - Copy mode, to copy the selected messages from the source mailbox Messages selection is based upon a date criteria; an absolute date or days offset can be specified. It is also possible to refine the selection using regular expressions on the header fields of the message. All archived messages are stored in a new mailbox with the same name of the original one plus .archived as extension (this is the default, but can be changed); the archive mailbox can be saved in gz or bz2 compressed format as well.
mail/dbmail-3.2.3 (Score: 0.0024950597)
SQL database-based mail system (POP3 and IMAP)
Dbmail is the name of a group of programs that enable the possibility of storing and retrieving mail messages from a database (currently MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite). * Scalability. Dbmail is as scalable as the database system that is used for the mail storage. In theory millions of accounts can be managed using dbmail. One could, for example, run 4 different servers with the pop3 daemon each connecting to the same database (cluster) server. * Manageability. Dbmail is based upon a database. Dbmail can be managed by changing settings in the database (f.e. using PHP/Perl/SQL), without needing shell access. * Speed. Dbmail uses very efficient, database specific queries for retrieving mail information. This is much faster then parsing a filesystem. * Security. Dbmail has got nothing to do with the filesystem or interaction with other programs in the Unix environment which need special permissions. Dbmail is as secure as the database it's based upon. * Flexibility. Changes on a Dbmail system (adding of users, changing passwords etc.) are effective immediately.
mail/dbmail-2.2.18 (Score: 0.0024950597)
SQL database-based mail system (POP3 and IMAP)
Dbmail is the name of a group of programs that enable the possibility of storing and retrieving mail messages from a database (currently MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite). * Scalability. Dbmail is as scalable as the database system that is used for the mail storage. In theory millions of accounts can be managed using dbmail. One could, for example, run 4 different servers with the pop3 daemon each connecting to the same database (cluster) server. * Manageability. Dbmail is based upon a database. Dbmail can be managed by changing settings in the database (f.e. using PHP/Perl/SQL), without needing shell access. * Speed. Dbmail uses very efficient, database specific queries for retrieving mail information. This is much faster then parsing a filesystem. * Security. Dbmail has got nothing to do with the filesystem or interaction with other programs in the Unix environment which need special permissions. Dbmail is as secure as the database it's based upon. * Flexibility. Changes on a Dbmail system (adding of users, changing passwords etc.) are effective immediately.
mail/rblcheck-1.5 (Score: 0.0024950597)
Command-line interface to Paul Vixie's RBL filter
This program is a very basic interface to Paul Vixie's RBL filter. The basic idea of the filter is that when someone is blacklisted for an email abuse, a new domain name is resolved in the form of "a.b.c.d.rbl.maps.vix.com", where "a.b.c.d" is actually the IP address "d.c.b.a". For example, if the IP address were listed as a blacklisted address, "" would have a DNS entry (this is a real example; that address is in place as a verification mechanism). For more information about the RBL blacklist, please take a look at http://maps.vix.com/rbl/ . For more information about BIND, drop by http://www.isc.org/bind.html . The official home page for rblcheck is at http://www.xnet.com/~emarshal/rblcheck/ . Any ideas, bugfixes, or porting notes should be sent to me at "emarshal@logic.net". Don't bug the MAPS people about this; they didn't write it, and probably wouldn't like getting a bunch of mail about it.
math/dieharder-3.31.1 (Score: 0.0024950597)
Random number generator testsuite
At the suggestion of Linas Vepstas on the Gnu Scientific Library (GSL) list, this GPL'd suite of random number tests will be named "Dieharder". Using a movie sequel pun for the name is a double tribute to George Marsaglia, whose "Diehard battery of tests" of random number generators has enjoyed years of enduring usefulness as a test suite. The dieharder suite is more than just the diehard tests cleaned up and given a pretty GPL'd source face in native C: tests from the Statistical Test Suite (STS) developed by the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) are being incorporated, as are new tests developed by rgb. Where possible, tests are parametrized and controllable so that failure, at least, is unambiguous. A further design goal is to provide some indication of *why* a generator fails a test, where such information can be extracted during the test process and placed in usable form. For example, the bit-distribution tests should (eventually) be able to display the actual histogram for the different bit n-tuplets. Dieharder is by design extensible. It is intended to be the "Swiss army knife of random number test suites", or if you prefer, "the last suite you'll ever ware" for testing random numbers.
math/spar-0.5.10 (Score: 0.0024950597)
Modular math parser
Spar is a modular math parser that comes with a fully featured text frontend, something like an interactive calculator. It also provides a simple but complete API for C/C++ programmers. This API provide a complete interface to a top down parser that supports: variables, constants, functions, modules and a libc based math library. This math library overrides standard functions with a "custom" version (such as. deg, rad auto conversion, infinite symbol, function domain...). Spar, can be easily extended with modules. A module is a "user" extensions, written in C/C++, to the basic features of the Simple Parser. Here you can find the module definition: is a C structure that contains only few data member: - module name - module version - module description - a pointer to the module main function The modules are loaded at run-time by the module loader (that is a high level layer of the module manager): you can load your modules, simply, coping theirs paths into the .spar_modules (or any other file, with the -c option).