Ports 搜索

Turns a Class-AlzaboWrapper-Cursor object into a TT2 iterator
This module allows a Class::AlzaboWrapper::Cursor object to be used as a TT2 iterator. For a cursor which returns one object at a time, the iterator simply returns one object per iteration. When the cursor returns multiple objects, the iterator returns a hash reference where the keys are the table name of the object's class in lower-case, with camel-casing turned into underscores. The values of the hash are the objects. So if the cursor returns Foo::User and Foo::Page objects, the keys are "user" and "page".
misc/rname-1.0 (Score: 8.938524E-4)
Execute a program with a fake name
This is a simple utility to execute a program under a different name.
comms/ge-x2212-0.0.2010.09.15 (Score: 8.927905E-4)
EEPROM programmer for GE Phoenix SX Radios
This program is a software package for programming the X22C12 EEPROM in the GE Phoenix SX radios (specifically the VHF and UHF 16 channel scanning versions). The X2212 is removed from the radio, placed in the parallel port adaper socket and can be read/written/verified or archived. The prom contents can be saved in a hex file format or exported as a text file for printing. Changing frequencies and channel guard settings is as easy as filling in the blanks.
math/sfst-1.4.6h (Score: 8.918714E-4)
A toolbox for the implementation of morphological analysers
SFST is a toolbox for the implementation of morphological analysers and other tools which are based on finite state transducer technology. The SFST tools comprise: -- a compiler which translates transducer programs into minimised transducers -- interactive and batch-mode analysis programs -- tools for comparing and printing transducers -- an efficient C++ transducer library Features: -- easy to learn for users who are familiar with grep, sed, or Perl. -- efficient implementation in C++ -- supports -- a wide range of transducer operations -- UTF-8 character coding -- weighted transducers (basic functionality only)
textproc/aiksaurus-1.2.1 (Score: 8.918714E-4)
Set of libraries and applications which provide a thesaurus
Aiksaurus is a set of libraries and applications which provide a thesaurus (currently English only, based on Guttenburg's Moby thesaurus) using native GUI on several platforms: UNIX (GTK+ & Qt), Win32 & MacOSX (Cocoa). The core library itself is platform-independent. The principal language is C++, with some use of Cocoa/ObjC++; wrappers are provided for C and Cocoa/ObjC. Aiksausus plugins exist for AbiWord on UNIX and Win32; the library is also used by Lyx; and the new Cocoa port provides a MacOSX NSService hook so that Safari and other such applications can use this thesaurus without Aiksaurus-specific development.
devel/mime-1.1 (Score: 8.91189E-4)
C library to parse mime data
This package allows you to decode multipart mime messages. I wrote this so that my cgiparse library can understand multipart/form-data. I was looking at the various ways of doing it with out designing an entire library. After thinking about the problem, there were to many edge cases, and designing an entire library would be better. This is the results of the work. It definitely could use some cleaning up.
net/scapy-2.2.0 (Score: 8.904442E-4)
Powerful interactive packet manipulation program in python
Scapy is a powerful interactive packet manipulation program. It is able to forge or decode packets of a wide number of protocols, send them on the wire, capture them, match requests and replies, and much more. It can easily handle most classical tasks like scanning, tracerouting, probing, unit tests, attacks or network discovery (it can replace hping, 85% of nmap, arpspoof, arp-sk, arping, tcpdump, tethereal, p0f, etc.). It also performs very well at a lot of other specific tasks that most other tools can't handle, like sending invalid frames, injecting your own 802.11 frames, combining technics (VLAN hopping+ARP cache poisoning, VOIP decoding on WEP encrypted channel, ...), etc.
astro/mkgmap-r3598 (Score: 8.889149E-4)
Convert OpenStreetMap data into a Garmin format
This program converts OpenStreetMap data into a map that can be loaded onto a Garmin GPS device. It does the conversion in one step without depending on any other program.
devel/Data-RoundRobin-0.03 (Score: 8.889149E-4)
Serve data in a round robin manner
This module provides a round robin object implementation. It is similar to an iterator, only the internal counter is reset to the beginning whenever it reaches the end. It might also be considered as a circular iterator.
devel/Package-Constants-0.06 (Score: 8.889149E-4)
List all constants declared in a package
Package::Constants lists all the constants defined in a certain package. This can be useful for, among others, setting up an auto-generated @EXPORT/@EXPORT_OK for a Constants.pm file.