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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第15,64115,650项(搜索用时0.01秒)
textproc/msort-8.53 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Sorting files in sophisticated ways
Msort sorts files in sophisticated ways. Records may be fixed size, newline-separated blocks, or terminated by any specified character. Key fields may be selected by position, tag, or character range. For each key, distinct exclusions, multigraphs, substitutions, and a sort order may be defined or locale collation rules used. Comparisons may be lexicographic, numeric, numeric string, hybrid, random, by string length, angle, date, time, month name, or ISO8601 timestamp. Keys may be reversed so as to generate reverse dictionaries. Optional keys are supported. Unicode is supported, including full case-folding. Msort itself has a somewhat complex command line interface, but may be driven by an optional GUI.
textproc/mythes-2015.11.22 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Dutch thesaurus
Dutch thesaurus
textproc/Validate_ISPN-0.6.1 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Validation class for ISPN (International Standard Product Numbers)
This class provides methods to validate: - ISBN (International Standard Book Number) - ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) - ISMN (International Standard Music Number) - ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) - EAN/UCC-8 number - EAN/UCC-13 number - EAN/UCC-14 number - UCC-12 (U.P.C.) ID number - SSCC (Serial Shipping Container Code)
textproc/ocaml-csv-1.2.1 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
OCaml library to read and write CSV files
This library can read and write CSV files, including all extensions used by Excel - eg. quotes, newlines, 8 bit characters in fields, "0 etc.
textproc/expat-0.9.1 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Stub for the expat parser in OCaml
An ocaml wrapper for the Expat XML parsing library.
textproc/pxp-1.2.7 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Validating XML parser for OCaml
PXP is a validating XML parser for OCaml. It strictly complies to the XML-1.0 standard. The parser is simple to call, usually only one statement (function call) is sufficient to parse an XML document and to represent it as object tree. Once the document is parsed, it can be accessed using a class interface. The interface allows arbitrary access including transformations. One of the features of the document representation is its polymorphic nature; it is simple to add custom methods to the document classes. Furthermore, the parser can be configured such that different XML elements are represented by objects created from different classes. This is a very powerful feature, because it simplifies the structure of programs processing XML documents.
textproc/text-0.8 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
OCaml library for dealing with text
OCaml-Text is a library for dealing with ``text'', i.e. a sequence of Unicode characters, in a convenient way.
textproc/opentoken-6.0b (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Lexical analyser and parser for the Ada language
OpenToken is a facility for performing token analysis and parsing within the Ada language. It is designed to provide all the functionality of a traditional lexical analyzer/parser generator, such as lex/yacc. But due to the magic of inheritance and runtime polymorphism it is implemented entirely in Ada as withed-in code. No precompilation step is required, and no messy tool-generated source code is created. The tradeoff is that the grammar is generated at runtime.
textproc/AI-Categorizer-0.09 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Automatic Text Categorization
AI::Categorizer is a framework for automatic text categorization. It consists of a collection of Perl modules that implement common categorization tasks, and a set of defined relationships among those modules. The various details are flexible - for example, you can choose what categorization algorithm to use, what features (words or otherwise) of the documents should be used (or how to automatically choose these features), what format the documents are in, and so on. The basic process of using this module will typically involve obtaining a collection of pre-categorized documents, creating a "knowledge set" representation of those documents, training a categorizer on that knowledge set, and saving the trained categorizer for later use. There are several ways to carry out this process. The top-level AI::Categorizer module provides an umbrella class for high-level operations, or you may use the interfaces of the individual classes in the framework. A simple sample script that reads a training corpus, trains a categorizer, and tests the categorizer on a test corpus, is distributed as eg/demo.pl .
textproc/Algorithm-CheckDigits-1.3.2 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Perl extension to generate and test check digits
Perl library that provides several modules to compute or validate check digits.