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science/ai4r-1.13 (Score: 0.013817913)
Various Ruby artificial intelligence algorithm implementations
AI4R is a collection of ruby algorithms implementations, covering several Artificial intelligence fields. It implements: * Genetic algorithms * Self-organized maps (SOM) * Neural Networks - Multilayer perceptron with Backpropagation learning - Hopfield net * Automatic classifiers (Machine Learning) - ID3 (Decision Trees) - PRISM (J. Cendrowska, 1987) - Multilayer Perceptron - OneR (AKA One Attribute Rule, 1R) - ZeroR - Hyperpipes - Naive Bayes - IB1 (D. Aha, D. Kibler - 1991) * Data clustering - K-means, Bisecting K-means - Single linkage, Complete linkage, Average linkage, Weighted Average linkage, Centroid linkage, Median linkage, Ward's method linkage - Diana (Divisive Analysis)
science/xmakemol-5.16 (Score: 0.013817913)
Molecule Viewer Program Based on Motif Widget
XMakemol is a program written for UN*X operating systems in ANSI C using the X, Xt and Motif libraries. It can be used to view and manipulate atomic and molecular data given in xyz format. XMakemol is a mouse-based application and many features can be accessed by clicking or dragging the mouse on the main window. Additional popup dialogs offer a number of additional features. Here is what an XMakemol session might look like. The system is a bucky ball and the Measure dialog is showing the measurement of bond-lengths, angles and a torsion angle. XMakemol can produce output in PostScript (black and white or colour)and in xpm format (which can be translated to gif format using xpmtoppm and ppmtogif). XMakemol can also produce a series of xpm files which can be translated into an animated gif file using the bundled utility xmake_anim.pl (formerly gmake_anim.pl). The one above is an animation of the "viagra" molecule (sidenafil).
security/dirmngr-1.1.0 (Score: 0.013817913)
Client for managing and downloading certificate revocation lists
Dirmngr is a client for managing and downloading certificate revocation lists (CRLs) for X509 certificates and for downloading the certificates themselves. Dirmngr is usually invoked by gpgsm and in general not used directly.
security/f-prot- (Score: 0.013817913)
F-Prot Antivirus for BSD Workstations
F-Prot Antivirus for BSD Workstations utilizes the renowned F-Prot Antivirus scanning engine for primary scan but has in addition to that a system of internal heuristics devised to search for unknown viruses. This version of F-Prot is a command line on-demand scanner. Please note that the license explicitly permits that F-Prot Antivirus for BSD Workstations is free for personal users on personal workstations. For any other use please consult their website for licensing information.
security/fiked-0.0.5 (Score: 0.013817913)
Fake IKE PSK+XAUTH daemon based on VPNC
This is a fake IKE daemon supporting just enough of the standards and Cisco extensions to attack commonly found insecure Cisco PSK+XAUTH VPN setups. If you know the pre-shared key, also known as shared secret or group password, you can impersonate the VPN gateway in IKE phase 1, and learn XAUTH user credentials in phase 2.
security/firewalk-5.0 (Score: 0.013817913)
Remote firewall auditing tool
Firewalk is a network auditing tool that attempts to determine what transport protocols a given gateway will pass. Firewalk works by sending out TCP or UDP packets with a TTL one greater than the targeted gateway. If the gateway allows the traffic, it will forward the packets to the next hop where they will expire and elicit an ICMP_TIME_EXCEEDED message. If the gateway host does not allow the traffic, it will likely drop the packets on the floor and we will see no response.
security/md5-1.8.5 (Score: 0.013817913)
Native MD5 implementation in Common Lisp
A native MD5 implementation in Common Lisp.
security/fwknop-2.6.8 (Score: 0.013817913)
SPA implementation for Linux and FreeBSD
fwknop, "FireWall KNock OPerator", implements Single Packet Authorization (SPA).
security/gpgdir-1.9.5 (Score: 0.013817913)
Recursive directory encryption with GnuPG
gpgdir is a perl script that uses the CPAN GnuPG::Interface module to encrypt and decrypt directories using a gpg key specified in ~/.gpgdirrc.
security/dmitry-1.3a (Score: 0.013817913)
Deepmagic Information Gathering Tool
DMitry (Deepmagic Information Gathering Tool) is a UNIX/Linux command line program coded purely in C with the ability to gather as much information as possible about a host.