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devel/MooseX-App-1.35 (Score: 0.0030835927)
Write user-friendly command line apps with even less suffering
MooseX-App is a highly customizeable helper to write user-friendly command-line applications without having to worry about most of the annoying things usually involved. Just take any existing Moose class, add a single line (use MooseX-App qw(PluginA PluginB ...)) and create one class for each command in an underlying namespace. MooseX-App will then take care of - Finding, loading and initializing the command classes - Creating automated doucumentation - Reading and validating the command line options entered by the user Read the Tutorial[1] for getting started with a simple MooseX::App command line application. [1] http://search.cpan.org/dist/MooseX-App/lib/MooseX/App/Tutorial.pod
devel/Regexp-Compare-0.24 (Score: 0.0030835927)
Partial ordering for regular expressions
Regexp::Compare implements a function comparing regular expressions: it returns true if all strings matched by the first regexp are also matched by the second. It's meant to be used for optimization of blacklists implemented by regular expressions (like, for example, http://www.communitywiki.org/cw/BannedContent). False return value does not imply that there's a string matched by the first regexp which isn't matched by the second - many regular expressions (i.e. those containing Perl code) are impossible to compare, and this module doesn't even implement all possible comparisons.
devel/Return-Type-0.005 (Score: 0.0030835927)
Specify a return type for a function (optionally with coercion)
Return::Type allows you to specify a return type for your subs. Type constraints from any Type::Tiny, MooseX::Types or MouseX::Types type library are supported. The simple syntax for specifying a type constraint is shown in the "SYNOPSIS" [1]. If the attribute is passed a single type constraint as shown, this will be applied to the return value if called in scalar context, and to each item in the returned list if called in list context. (If the sub is called in void context, type constraints are simply ignored.) [1] http://search.cpan.org/dist/Return-Type/lib/Return/Type.pm#SYNOPSIS
devel/HTML_TreeMenu-1.2.2 (Score: 0.0030835927)
Provides an API to create a HTML tree
PHP Based API creates a tree structure using a couple of small PHP classes. This can then be converted to javascript using the printMenu() method. The tree is dynamic in IE 4 or higher, NN6/Mozilla and Opera 7, and maintains state (the collapsed/expanded status of the branches) by using cookies. Other browsers display the tree fully expanded. Each node can have an optional link and icon. New API in 1.1 with many changes (see CVS for changelog) and new features, of which most came from Chip Chapin (http://www.chipchapin.com).
editors/impress-1.1b9 (Score: 0.0030835927)
Publishing and presentation tool
ImPress is the WYSIWYG Publishing and Presentation for UNIX. It can also be used within a WWW browser (e.g. Netscape) that is capable of running the Tcl Plugin. The Tcl Plugin can be obtained from the web site at: http://dev.scriptics.com/ ImPress can be significantly enhanced through use of several modified utilities: o Pstoedit - Allows you to translate EPS files to Tk for ImPress use. o Font3D - Translates TrueType font strings to vectorized Tk. o Type1inst - Aids in maintaining Ghostscript Fontmaps and X11 fonts.dir files.
japanese/CGdic-fpw-1.0 (Score: 0.0030835927)
Japanese dictionary for CG (EPWING V1 format)
This alphabet-->Japanese dictionary for CG was produced by Yoshikawa Lab. in College of Science and Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering, Nihon University. This file is converted from the original dictionary into JIS X 4081 format (that is a subset of EPWING V1) by FreePWING. So this can be used by EPWING viewers on Unix and the other OS (e.g. Windows or MacOS). o URL for the original dictionary: http://www.ecs.cst.nihon-u.ac.jp/oyl/CG/yougo/yougo.html o URL for this converted dictionary:
mail/Mail-Freshmeat-1.20 (Score: 0.0030835927)
Perl module to parse daily newsletters from freshmeat.net
Mail::Freshmeat is a parser for the daily newsletters from freshmeat.net. See <http://www.new.ox.ac.uk/~adam/computing/fmscore/> for what may be the only sensible application of this module. (Quick summary: fmscore is a Perl5 program which uses Mail::Freshmeat to parse freshmeat daily e-mail newsletters, and then rank them by interest according to highly flexible user-supplied ranking rules. Articles below a specified score will be removed from the output. fmscore is ideal for use as a procmail filter.)
mail/netqmail- (Score: 0.0030835927)
Secure, reliable, and fast MTA for UNIX systems with MySQL support
What is is: [excerpt from the patch homepage] A few people have done qmail - MySQL integration and this is my crack at it. My work is based on takeshi@softagency.co.jp's patches, which you can find at http://www.softagency.co.jp/mysql/qmail.en.html. However I wanted to tidy up some of the code to make it use strallocs and do more error checking. I also wanted to simplify the configuration, whilst at the same time allowing more flexibility. Plus there were some things I just didn't want: quotas and APOP support for example...
mail/rlytest-1.22 (Score: 0.0030835927)
Test remote system for unsecured mail relay
The rlytest utility tests a host to determine whether it will relay third-party email. It will try to relay an email message to yourself through that host. A host that allows third-party relay is subject to attack by Internet vandals, and frequently is hijacked by spammers to relay massive amounts of junk email. A host that allows third-party relay should IMMEDIATELY be secured, disconnected, or shunned as a menace to the Internet. See http://www.unicom.com/sw/rlytest for more information. rlytest was written by Chip Rosenthal.
math/big_int-1.0.7 (Score: 0.0030835927)
Functions for calculations with arbitrary length integers and bitsets
Functions from this package are useful for number theory applications. For example, in two-keys cryptography. See /tests/RSA.php in the package for example of simple implementation of RSA-like cryptoalgorithm. See http://chat.finalcombat.com/vayala/big_int/ page for more complex implementation of RSA-like crypto, which supports key generating, encrypting/decrypting, signing and validating of sign. The package has many bitset functions, which allow to work with arbitrary length bitsets. This package is much faster than bundled into PHP BCMath and consists almost all functions, which are implemented in PHP GMP extension, but it needn't any external libraries.