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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第2,4912,500项(搜索用时0.007秒)
net-p2p/bitflu-1.52 (Score: 0.0033931881)
BitTorrent client written in Perl
Bitflu is a free BitTorrent client. The client was written in Perl and is designed to run as a daemon (7x24h , like mlnet) on Linux, *BSD and maybe even OSX. * Multiple downloads * Designed to run as a daemon/No GUI: You can connect to the client using the telnet or HTTP interface * Security: The client can chroot itself and drop privileges * Bandwith shaping (currently only upload) * Crash-Proof design: Crashes or a full filesystem will never corrupt your downloads again :-) * Non-Threading/(almost)Non-Forking design: All connections are handled in non-blocking state using a dynamic select loop
net/ulxmlrpcpp-1.7.5 (Score: 0.0033931881)
Ultra lightweight xml-rpc library written in C++
XML-RPC is an extensible mechanism allowing a computer to offer a limited set of services which can be accessed from anywhere in the net. XML-RPC uses common and easy to learn internet standards like XML. and HTTP. ulxmlrpcpp is a library to perform such calls in an object oriented approach implemented in C++. It is intended to have simple interfaces and to be easy to learn. But it shall still be fully compliant to the standards and safe in it's use.
science/mlpy-3.5.0 (Score: 0.0033931881)
High performance Python package for predictive modeling
Machine Learning PY (mlpy) is a high-performance Python package for predictive modeling. It makes extensive use of numpy (http://scipy.org) to provide fast N-dimensional array manipulation and easy integration of C code. mlpy provides high level procedures that support, with few lines of code, the design of rich Data Analysis Protocols (DAPs) for preprocessing, clustering, predictive classification and feature selection. Methods are available for feature weighting and ranking, data resampling, error evaluation and experiment landscaping.The package includes tools to measure stability in sets of ranked feature lists.
security/steghide-0.5.1 (Score: 0.0033931881)
Steganography tool to hide data in binary files
Steghide is a steganography tool which is able to hide data in "container files" and to extract this data again. If you do not know what steganography is take a look at Neil F. Johnson's paper about steganography at http://www.jjtc.com/Steganography/ Steghide is designed to be portable and configurable and features hiding data in bmp, wav and au files, blowfish encryption, MD5 hashing of passphrases to blowfish keys and pseudo-random distribution of hidden bits ("stego bits") in the container data.
sysutils/flexbackup-1.2.1 (Score: 0.0033931881)
Perl-based flexible backup system that can use dump/afio/cpio/tar
A flexible backup tool Features: o Easy to configure o Uses dump, afio, GNU tar, cpio, pax, or zip archivers o Full and numbered levels of incremental backup (acts like "dump") o Compression and buffering options for all backup types o Does remote filesystems (over rsh/ssh; no special service) o Can backup only files not owned by rpm, or changed from rpm version o Writes to tapes, on-disk archive files, or on-disk directory trees o Keeps a table of contents so you know archives are on each tape o Nice log files You can get additional information about remote backup strategies using SSH at http://www.sysfault.org/flexbackup.html
www/elinks-0.11.7 (Score: 0.0033931881)
Links text WWW browser with enhancements
elinks is the links text WWW browser with many bugfixes and enhancements. So far elinks adds the following to links: many bugfixes new translations and some updates of the original ones some very minor features not worth mentioning here code cleanup lua support (from links-lua project) HTTP referrer support updated manpage --help lists all options now cookie expiration and saving/loading from disk ability to modify user-agent string unhistory support for editing textareas in external editor ability to switch off document-specific colors Spidermonkey-based ECMAScript support Syntax highlighting for HTML, RSS, and XBEL
www/plone-4.3.9 (Score: 0.0033931881)
Plone Content Management System
Plone is a user friendly Content Management System running on top of Python, Zope and the CMF. It benefits from all features of Zope/CMF such as: RDBMS integration, Python extensions, Object Oriented Database, Web configurable workflow, pluggable membership and authentication, Undos, Form validation, amongst many many other features. Available protocols: FTP, XMLRPC, HTTP and WEBDAV. Turn it into a distributed application system by installing ZEO. Plone shares some of the qualities of Livelink, Interwoven and Documentum. It aims to be *the* open source out-of-the-box publishing system.
x11-fm/mucommander-0.9.0 (Score: 0.0033931881)
Lightweight file manager featuring a Norton Commander style interface
muCommander is a lightweight, cross-platform file manager featuring a Norton Commander style interface and running on any operating system with Java support (Mac OS X, Windows, Linux, *BSD, Solaris...). Here's a non-exaustive list of what you'll find: - Virtual filesystem with local volumes, FTP, SFTP, SMB, NFS, HTTP and Bonjour support - Quickly copy, move, rename files, create directories, email files... - Browse, create and uncompress ZIP, TAR, GZip, BZip2, ISO/NRG, AR/Deb and LST archives - Universal bookmarks and credentials manager - Multiple windows support - Full keyboard access - Highly configurable
x11/florence-0.6.3 (Score: 0.0033931881)
Extensible scalable virtual keyboard
Florence is an extensible scalable virtual keyboard for GNOME. You need it if you can't use a real keyboard either because of a handicap, disease, broken keyboard or tablet PC but you can use a pointing device. If you can't use a pointing device, there is gok: http://www.gok.ca/ Florence stays out of your way when you don't need it. It appears on the screen only when you need it. There is an auto-click functionality To help people having difficulties to use the click button.
net/gwhois-20120626 (Score: 0.0033572009)
Flexible whois client and proxy
gwhois is a generic whois client. It strives to know for all existing tlds and all ip address range the appropiate whois server to ask. You can simple call gwhois with a query for some domain or some ip and it will ask the right server for you! It can even query webforms which are unfortunately the only query type supported by many bad nics. gwhois can also be used as a whois server. You can call it from the inetd and make it accessable via a normal standard whois client. This allows for example using a Windows client and still make use of the enhanced features of gwhois.