Ports 搜索

www/SCGI-0.6 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
SCGI server interface
This Perl module is for implementing the SCGI interface for an application server. Essentially, it is a 'next generation' FastCGI type protocol.
www/Template-Plugin-Comma-0.04 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
TT Plugin to commify numbers
Template::Plugin::Comma is a plugin for TT, which allows you to commify your numbers in templates. This would be especially useful for prices.
www/URI-Fetch-0.110 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
Smart URI fetching/caching
URI::Fetch is a smart client for fetching HTTP pages, notably syndication feeds (RSS, Atom, and others), in an intelligent, bandwidth- and time-saving way.
www/URI-ParseSearchString-3.51 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
Parse Apache referer logs and extract search engine query strings
This module provides a simple function to parse and extract search engine query strings. It was designed and tested having Apache referrer logs in mind. It can be used for a wide number of purposes, including tracking down what keywords people use on popular search engines before they land on a site. It makes use of URI::split to extract the string and URI::Escape to un-escape the encoded characters in it. Although a number of existing modules and scripts exist for this purpose, the majority of them are either outdated using obsolete search strings associated with each engine.
www/W3C-LogValidator-1.4 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
Comprehensive validation tool for webmasters and web developers
Log Validator is a web server log analysis tool with focus on the quality of Web documents. Thanks to a modular, extensible design, the Log Validator can help Web authors find the most popular content on their web site that matches a particular criteria. The Log Validator was first written with Validation (HTML, etc.) in mind : it can thus help web content managers find and fix the most frequently accessed invalid documents on their Web site, acting as a comprehensive, step-by-step validation tool.
www/WWW-VenusEnvy-1.10 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
VenusEnvy comic strip archive and retrieval module
This module will download the latest VenusEnvy comic strip from the Keenspace website and return a binary blob of the image, or write it to disk.
www/WebService-Redmine-0.06 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
Perl interface to Redmine
This module is a client for RedMine REST API. Please note that although RedMine API is designed to support both JSON and XML, this module is JSON only.
www/WebService-YouTube-1.0.3 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
Perl interface to YouTube
This is a Perl interface to YouTube API and RSS. See Developers Page http://www.youtube.com/dev and About RSS http://www.youtube.com/rssls for details.
www/libwww-6.15 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
Perl5 library for WWW access
Libwww-perl is a collection of Perl modules which provides a simple and consistent programming interface (API) to the World-Wide Web. The main focus of the library is to provide classes and functions that allow you to write WWW clients, thus libwww-perl said to be a WWW client library. The library also contain modules that are of more general use. The main architecture of the library is object oriented. The user agent, requests sent and responses received from the WWW server are all represented by objects. This makes a simple and powerful interface to these services. The interface should be easy to extend and customize for your needs.
www/HTTP-1.4.1 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
PEAR miscellaneous HTTP utilities
The HTTP class is a class with static methods for doing miscellaneous HTTP related stuff like date formatting, language negotiation or HTTP redirection.