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Results 561570 of 1,385 for /security/.(0.003 seconds)
security/Crypt-CBCeasy-0.24 (Score: 0.08339406)
Easy things make really easy with Crypt::CBC
This module is just a helper for Crypt::CBC to make simple and usual jobs just one-liners.
security/Crypt-CipherSaber-1.01 (Score: 0.08339406)
Perl module providing an OO interface to CipherSaber encryption
Crypt::CipherSaber is a Perl module providing an object oriented interface to CipherSaber-1 and CipherSaber-2 encryption.
security/Crypt-Cracklib-1.7 (Score: 0.08339406)
Perl interface to Alec Muffet's cracklib library
Crypt::Cracklib is a perl interface to Alec Muffet's cracklib library.
security/Crypt-Ctr-0.01 (Score: 0.08339406)
Perl extension for encrypting data in Counter Mode
Generic Counter Mode implementation in pure Perl. The Counter Mode module constructs a stream cipher from a block cipher or cryptographic hash funtion and returns it as an object. Any block cipher in the Crypt:: class can be used, as long as it supports the blocksize and keysize methods. Any hash function in the Digest:: class can be used, as long as it supports the add method.
security/Authen-Smb-0.91 (Score: 0.08339406)
Perl extension to authenticate against an SMB server
Authen::Smb allows you to authenticate users against an NT server. See Smb.pm POD documentation for details.
security/Authen-TacacsPlus-0.24 (Score: 0.08339406)
Perl module that provides authentication using a tacacs+ server
Authen::TacacsPlus is a perl module that provides authentication using a tacacs+ server.
security/Crypt-Curve25519-0.05 (Score: 0.08339406)
Generate shared secret using elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman function
Curve25519 is a state-of-the-art Diffie-Hellman function suitable for a wide variety of applications. Given a user's 32-byte secret key, Curve25519 computes the user's 32-byte public key. Given the user's 32-byte secret key and another user's 32-byte public key, Curve25519 computes a 32-byte secret shared by the two users. This secret can then be used to authenticate and encrypt messages between the two users.
security/Crypt-DES-2.07 (Score: 0.08339406)
Perl5 interface to DES block cipher
This perl extension is an implementation of the DES block cipher algorithm. The module implements the Crypt::BlockCipher interface, which has the following methods blocksize =item keysize =item encrypt =item decrypt
security/Crypt-DES_EDE3-0.01 (Score: 0.08339406)
Perl5 interface to a implementing 3-DES EDE encryption and decryption
Crypt::DES_EDE3 implements DES-EDE3 encryption. This is triple-DES encryption where an encrypt operation is encrypt-decrypt-encrypt, and decrypt is decrypt-encrypt-decrypt. This implementation uses Crypt::DES to do its dirty DES work, and simply provides a wrapper around that module: setting up the individual DES ciphers, initializing the keys, and performing the encryption/decryption steps
security/Crypt-DSA-1.17 (Score: 0.08339406)
DSA signature and key generation
Crypt::DSA is an implementation of the DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm) signature verification system. The implementation itself is pure Perl, although the heavy-duty mathematics underneath are provided by the Math::Pari library. This package provides DSA signing, signature verification, and key generation.