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Results 471480 of 1,385 for /security/.(0.004 seconds)
security/tthsum-1.3.2 (Score: 0.08339406)
Command-line utility for generating and checking TTH message digests
tthsum generates and checks TTH checksums (root of the THEX hash tree). The Merkle Hash Tree is a hash construct that exhibits desirable properties for verifying the integrity of files and file subranges in an incremental or out-of-order fashion. The tool uses the Tiger hash algorithm for both the internal and the leaf nodes, and has an interface identical to md5sum.
security/crypto-0.2.2 (Score: 0.08339406)
Objective wrapper for OpenSSL Crypto Library
This package provides an objective wrapper for OpenSSL Crypto Library
security/pwauth-2.3.11 (Score: 0.08339406)
Unix Web Authenticator
Pwauth is an authenticator designed to be used with mod_auth_external and the Apache HTTP Daemon to support reasonably secure web authentication out of the system password database on most versions of Unix.
security/nettle-3.2 (Score: 0.08339406)
Low-level cryptographic library
Nettle is a cryptographic library that is designed to fit easily in more or less any context: In crypto toolkits for object-oriented languages (C++, Python, Pike, ...), in applications like LSH or GNUPG, or even in kernel space.
security/md4coll-0.1 (Score: 0.08339406)
Fast MD4 collision generator
[ excerpt from developer's www site with modifications ] Faster implementation of techniques described in Cryptanalysis for Hash Functions MD4 and RIPEMD, by Xiaoyun Wang, et al. MD4 Collision Generator by Patrick Stach <pstach@stachliu.com> Implementation of paper by Xiaoyun Wang, et. al.
security/md5coll-0.1 (Score: 0.08339406)
Fast MD5 collision generator
[ excerpt from developer's www site with modifications ] Faster implementation of techniques in How to Break MD5 and Other Hash Functions, by Xiaoyun Wang, et al. MD5 Collision Generator by Patrick Stach <pstach@stachliu.com>. Implementation of paper by Xiaoyun Wang, et all.
security/nikto-2.1.6 (Score: 0.08339406)
Web and CGI vulnerability scanner with SSL support
Nikto is an Open Source (GPL) web server scanner which performs comprehensive tests against web servers for multiple items, including over 6100 potentially dangerous files/CGIs, checks for outdated versions of over 950 servers, and version specific problems on over 260 servers. It also checks for server configuration items such as the presence of multiple index files, HTTP server options, and will attempt to identify installed web servers and software. Scan items and plugins are frequently updated and can be automatically updated. It uses Rain Forest Puppy's LibWhisker (wiretrip.net) for HTTP functionality, and can perform checks in HTTP or HTTPS. It also supports basic port scanning and will determine if a web server is running on any open ports. Nikto is written by Chris Sullo and David Lodge.
security/nist-kat-0.0.2015.02.23 (Score: 0.08339406)
Collection of NIST's Know Answer Test Vectors
This is a collection of the NIST's Known Answer Test vectors. These are primarily used to test the OpenCrypto framework.
security/nss_compat_ossl-0.9.6 (Score: 0.08339406)
Source-level compatibility library for OpenSSL to NSS porting
Library providing a source-level compatibility layer to aid porting programs that use OpenSSL to use the NSS instead.
security/fwbuilder-5.1.0 (Score: 0.08339406)
Firewall Builder GUI and policy compilers
Firewall Builder consists of object-oriented GUI and set of policy compilers for various firewall platforms. In Firewall Builder, firewall policy is a set of rules, each rule consists of abstract objects which represent real network objects and services (hosts, routers, firewalls, networks, protocols). Firewall Builder helps user maintain database of objects and allows policy editing using simple drag-and-drop operations. Preferences and objects databases are stored in XML format. GUI and policy compilers are completely independent. Support for a new firewall platform can be added to GUI without any changes done to the program, although new policy compiler must be written. This provides for consistent abstract model and the same GUI for different firewall platforms. Currently three most popular free firewalls are supported: ipchains, iptables and ipfilter. Because of this, Firewall Builder can be used to manage firewalls built on variety of platforms including, but not limited to, Linux running ipchains or iptables and FreeBSD or Solaris running ipfilter.