Ports 搜索

security/pixiewps-1.2.2 (Score: 3.8337242E-4)
Offline WPS bruteforce utility
Pixiewps is a tool written in C used to bruteforce offline the WPS pin exploiting the low or non-existing entropy of some APs (pixie dust attack). It is meant for educational purposes only. All credits for the research go to Dominique Bongard.
shells/ibsh-0.3e (Score: 3.8337242E-4)
Restricted unix shell
Iron Bars Shell is a restricted Unix shell. The user can not step out of, nor access files outside the home directory. It is written in C for Linux. No libraries used. It is small, fast, secure. Two ascii configuration files for more control.
sysutils/ccze-0.2.1 (Score: 3.8337242E-4)
Fast log colorizer
Ccze is a fast, C port of the well known colorize log colorizer. It uses ncurses for the output and PCRE for matching. It is also extensible via plug-ins. Plugins for apm, exim, fetchmail, httpd, postfix, procmail, squid, syslog, ulogd, vsftpd, xferlog and more are provided.
sysutils/gnome-device-manager-0.2 (Score: 3.8337242E-4)
HAL device manager for the GNOME Desktop
This is a GNOME program to manage devices and device drivers. It's inspired by hal-device-manager, from the HAL project, but rewritten in C for efficiency and an outlook to actually make it manage devices rather than just show information.
sysutils/muse-0.2 (Score: 3.8337242E-4)
Shows memory usage data
This is muse, which lists out memory usage categorized by Active, Inactive, Wired, Reserved, Cache, Buffer, Total, and Free in a manner more friendly and verbose than vmstat and without as much clutter as top(1). It is inspired in part by top(1), OS9's mfree, Linux's free, and DOS's mem /c.
sysutils/pwsafe-0.2.0 (Score: 3.8337242E-4)
Cmdline program that manages encrypted password databases
Pwsafe is a Unix commandline program that manages encrypted password databases. * Pure command-line operation if desired (good for remote access over ssh) * Can interact with X11 selection & clipboard. * Portable, endianess-clean, misaligned-access-free C++. Compiles cleanly on Linux, *BSD, OS X, Solaris. * Compatible with CounterPane's PasswordSafe Win32 program versions 1.9.x.
textproc/hunspell-1.3.3 (Score: 3.8337242E-4)
Improved spell-checker for Hungarian and other languages
Hunspell is a widely used spell checker Main features: - Extended support for language peculiarities; Unicode character encoding, compounding and complex morphology. - Improved suggestion using n-gram similarity, rule and dictionary based pronunciation data. - Morphological analysis, stemming and generation. - Hunspell is based on MySpell and works also with MySpell dictionaries. - C++ library under GPL/LGPL/MPL tri-license.
textproc/reflex-20131209 (Score: 3.8337242E-4)
Relocalizable fast lexical scanner
This is a variant of the Flex fast lexical scanner. Flex was written in the early 1990s by Verne Paxson. This version has been modified by Thomas Dickey, so that it conforms to ANSI C. It includes other improvements, but remains compatible with Paxson's 2.5.4 release (as well as POSIX lex). See the NEWS file for details.
textproc/iksemel-1.4 (Score: 3.8337242E-4)
XML parser library mainly designed for Jabber applications
This is an XML parser library mainly designed for Jabber applications. It provides SAX, DOM, and special Jabber stream APIs. Library is coded in ANSI C except the network code (which is POSIX compatible), thus highly portable. Iksemel is released under GNU Lesser General Public License. A copy of the license is included in the COPYING file.
www/httpuv-1.3.3 (Score: 3.8337242E-4)
HTTP and WebSocket server library for R
httpuv provides low-level socket and protocol support for handling HTTP and WebSocket requests directly from within R. It is primarily intended as a building block for other packages, rather than making it particularly easy to create complete web applications using httpuv alone. httpuv is built on top of the libuv and http-parser C libraries, both of which were developed by Joyent, Inc.