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共有17,660项符合descr%3A%22spam filter%22的查询结果,以下是第421430项(搜索用时0.008秒)
textproc/par-1.52 (Score: 0.0053684283)
Paragraph reformatter for email
Par is similar but superiour to the fmt(1) command included in the base system. Par is a filter that copies its input to its output, changing all white characters (except newlines) to spaces, and reformatting each paragraph. Paragraphs are separated by protected, blank, and bodiless lines (see the Terminology section for definitions), and optionally delimited by indentation (see the d option in the Options section). Each output paragraph is generated from the corresponding input paragraph as follows: 1) An optional prefix and/or suffix is removed from each input line. 2) The remainder is divided into words (separated by spaces). 3) The words are joined into lines to make an eye-pleasing paragraph. 4) The prefixes and suffixes are reattached. If there are suffixes, spaces are inserted before them so that they all end in the same column.
textproc/MathML-Entities-0.17 (Score: 0.0053684283)
Convert XHTML+MathML Named Entities to Numeric Character References
MathML::Entities a content conversion filter for named XHTML+MathML entities. There are over two thousand named entities in the XHTML+MathML DTD. All the Entities defined in the XHTML+MathML DTD except the five "safe" ones (&lt;, &gt;, &amp;, &quot;, &apos;), will be converted to the equivalent numeric character references or to utf-8 characters. Named entities which are not in the XHTML+MathML DTD are escaped. This makes the resulting XHTML (or XHTML+MathML) safe for consumption by non-validating XML parsers. Unlike, HTML::Entities, the mapping between MathML named entities and codepoints is many-to-one. Therefore, there's no particular sense in having an inverse function, which takes codepoints to named entities. Based on: HTML::Entities by Koichi Taniguchi <taniguchi@livedoor.jp>
www/transproxy-1.6 (Score: 0.0053684283)
Transparent HTTP proxy for ipfw's fwd rule or IPFILTER's ipnat command
transproxy - transparently proxy HTTP requests. This program is used with ipfw's fwd rules or Darren Reed's IPFILTER package, and is used to intercept HTTP requests and divert them to a HTTP proxy server (eg: squid), without requiring user intervention or configuration. It accepts connections on the redirected port, connects to the real proxy server, and transports data between the two sockets. The original HTTP request is modified to allow the HTTP proxy server to fetch the correct document. In most cases this doesn't cause any DNS activity. Unlike some other transparent proxy solutions, this does not require the HTTP proxy server to run on the machine itself. See /usr/local/sbin/tproxyrun for an example of how to add filter rules and start tproxy. Also see /usr/local/sbin/tproxywatch for an example of how to ensure that tproxy keeps running regardless of faults.
textproc/wiggle-1.0 (Score: 0.005363041)
Apply rejected patches and perform word-wise diffs
The main function of wiggle is to apply a patch to a file in a similar manner to the patch(1) program. The distinctive difference of wiggle is that it will attempt to apply a patch even if the "before" part of the patch doesn't match the target file perfectly. This is achieved by breaking the file and patch into words and finding the best alignment of words in the file with words in the patch. Once this alignment has been found, any differences (word- wise) in the patch are applied to the file as best as possible. Also, wiggle will (in some cases) detect changes that have already been applied, and will ignore them. -- Neil Brown
mail/ovs-1.05 (Score: 0.0053611714)
RRDtool frontend for mail statistics
OpenVISP Stats is a very simple mail statistics RRDtool frontend for mail statistics that produces daily, weekly, monthly and yearly graphs of received/sent, bounces/rejected, spam mails, viruses, ... and pop/imap statistics.
mail/fuglu-0.6.6 (Score: 0.0053611714)
Mail scanning daemon for Postfix written in Python
A mail scanning daemon for Postfix written in Python. It acts as the glue application between the MTA and spam checkers and antivirus software and focuses on being solid, easy to manage, debug and monitor.
www/recaptcha- (Score: 0.0053611714)
Functions for using the reCAPTCHA service in web applications
The reCAPTCHA [1] is a service that provides captchas for preventing automated spam in web applications. The recaptcha-hs provides functions for using reCAPTCHA in Haskell web applications. [1] http://recaptcha.net/
audio/gmpc-albumview-11.8.16 (Score: 0.0052524502)
Draws all album covers
This plugin shows your music collection in albums, it's showing album covers with the artist and album name under it. You can also filter out specific artists or albums and set the amount of albums per row.
devel/jq-0.0.1 (Score: 0.0052524502)
Jq shared extension for php
jq is like sed for JSON data - you can use it to slice and filter and map and transform structured data with the same ease that sed, awk, grep and friends let you play with text.
japanese/newosaka-1.0 (Score: 0.0052524502)
Translator of Japanese EUC documents into Osaka language
This is the Osaka-Ben compiler. Usage: cat EUC-CODE-TEXT | osaka Use EUC code for the original Japanese text. Please try nkf or other code filter to make EUC code from other code. cat JAPANESE_TEXT | nkf -e | osaka