Ports Search

Results 1,9611,970 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.007 seconds)
graphics/librasterlite-1.1g (Score: 0.0010144267)
Library that stores and retrieves raster coverages using a SpatiaLite
librasterlite is an open source library that stores and retrieves huge raster coverages using a SpatiaLite DBMS.
graphics/librasterlite2-1.0.0 (Score: 0.0010144267)
Library that stores and retrieves raster coverages using a SpatiaLite
librasterlite2 is an open source library that stores and retrieves huge raster coverages using a SpatiaLite DBMS.
mail/Mail-IMAPClient-3.38 (Score: 0.0010144267)
Perl5 module to talk to a IMAP4rev1 (RFC2060) server
This module provides perl routines that simplify a sockets connection to and an IMAP conversation with an IMAP server
misc/granulate-0.2 (Score: 0.0010144267)
Granulate is a program for splitting files in place
Granulate is a program for splitting files in place. The program serves a purpose similar to the standard UNIX split, but differs in one important way. For split to operate on a 40MB file, you must have more than 40MB of free space on the disk. On the other hand, granulate only needs one chunk of free space on the hard drive, where a chunk is the requested size for the output files.
misc/viz-1.1.1 (Score: 0.0010144267)
Convert invisible (binary) characters to a visible form
Copyright (c) 1989-1994 by William Deich. Viz copies its input to its output, converting invisible characters to a visible form. If the -t option is used, the output is formatted in a form that can be completely inverted by inviz, which allows a binary file to be converted to a text form and then back. It is much more flexible than either cat -v or od (either old or POSIX od), and it is also 2-4 times faster.
multimedia/Audio-M4P-0.57 (Score: 0.0010144267)
M4P / MP4 / m4a Quicktime audio and video tools
Slice, dice, deconstruct, markup, and decrypt MP4 / M4P / M4V / M4A (Apple Quicktime) audio and video.
net-mgmt/check_mysql_health-2.2.2 (Score: 0.0010144267)
Nagios plugin to check various parameters of a MySQL database
Plugin to check various parameters of a MySQL database. The english site is at /en/, but not as up2date.
ports-mgmt/pkgs_which-0.4.1 (Score: 0.0010144267)
Quickly find out which ports contributed to a file tree
pkgs_which is a Perl script to efficiently determine, from a set of files and/or directories, which ports/packages have installed fiels here. It does not require a database and is useful to determine which ports need to be upgraded after, for instance, a script language interpreter has been updated and needs the site-packages reinstalled. The port is self-contained in the ports tree. here are no external distribution sites or web pages.
sysutils/bulk_extractor-1.5.5 (Score: 0.0010144267)
Program that scans a disk image and extracts useful information
bulk_extractor is a C++ program that scans a disk image, a file, or a directory of files and extracts useful information without parsing the file system or file system structures. The results are stored in feature files that can be easily inspected, parsed, or processed with automated tools. bulk_extractor also creates histograms of features that it finds, as features that are more common tend to be more important.
sysutils/gaffitter-0.6.0 (Score: 0.0010144267)
Binary packing utility that uses a genetic algorithm
Genetic Algorithm File Fitter, or just GAFFitter, is a command-line software written in C++ that arranges -- via a genetic algorithm -- an input list of items or files/directories into volumes of a certain capacity (target), such as CD or DVD, in a way that the total wastage is minimized. By smartly arranging the input list, GAFFitter fits better the given items and so optimizes (reduces) the number of required volumes to pack them.