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Results 391400 of 19,819 for %22HTTP Server%22.(0.007 seconds)
net-im/DJabberd-0.85 (Score: 0.03412556)
Scalable, extensible Jabber/XMPP server framework
DJabberd is a high-performance, scalable, extensible Jabber/XMPP server framework. While it comes with an example server, it's really a set of classes for you to build your own Jabber server without understanding Jabber. Instead of working with XML and protocol-specific details, you subclass parts and work with sane objects and data structures and let DJabberd do all the ugly work.
www/resin-3.1.14 (Score: 0.033978388)
Java-based Application Server, 3.x branch
Resin is a fast servlet and JSP engine supporting load balancing for increased reliability. Resin encourages separation of content from style with its XSL support. Servlets can generate simple XML and use an XSL filter to format results for each client's capability, from palm pilots to Mozilla. Resin includes a full-featured HTTP/1.1 web server, provides a fast servlet runner for Apache, and supports the latest Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2 specifications from Sun. Resin 3.0 Open Source is available under the GNU Public License (GPL). It contains all functional components of Resin, including EJB, but excludes performance and clustering capabilities.
www/webstone-2.5 (Score: 0.0339371)
World wide web server benchmarking
The WebStone benchmark tests were originally developed by Silicon Graphics to measure the performance of Web server software and hardware products. WebStone 2.0.1 is a more portable version of the original WebStone benchmark which added support to use Windows NT systems as client test systems. Mindcraft, Inc. has acquired the rights to WebStone from Silicon Graphics. WebStone 2.5 is Mindcraft's enhancement to WebStone 2.0.1 to improve reliability and portability as well as to make tests more reproducible. WebStone 2.5 also offers new workloads for CGI and API tests (see below for more details). WebStone 2.5 provides performance-identical test results with WebStone 2.0.1 when using the same workloads This FreeBSD port rely on rsh and rcp being allowed for the user proces running webstone between the web server and web clients. This is not enable per default in FreeBSD, and root is never allowed to do it without entering password for each operation.
net/Net-LDAP-Express-0.12 (Score: 0.033899393)
Module to simplify connecting up to a LDAP server
A module to simplify connecting up to a LDAP server.
www/HTTP-Cookies-Mozilla-2.03 (Score: 0.033857275)
Cookie storage and management for Mozilla
This package overrides the load() and save() methods of HTTP::Cookies so it can work with Mozilla cookie files. This module should be able to work with all Mozilla derived browsers (FireBird, Camino, et alia).
www/aws-17.0.0 (Score: 0.03372004)
Adacore Ada Web Server and framework
AWS stands for Ada Web Server, but it is more than just another webserver... AWS is a complete framework to develop web based applications. The main part of the framework is the embedded web server. This small yet powerful web server can be embedded into your application so your application will be able to talk with a standard web browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Communicator. Around this web server, a lot of services have been developed. The framework includes: * seb parameters module * session server * SOAP support * WSDL generation from Ada * template parser * AJAX support * HTTPS/SSL support * large server support * virtual hosting support * server push * directory browser * status page * log module * hotplug module * light communications API * configuration API * client API * web page service * SMTP support * LDAP support * Jabber support
net/netatalk-2.2.5 (Score: 0.033705216)
File server for Mac OS X
Netatalk is an OpenSource software package, that can be used to turn an inexpensive *NIX machine into an extremely high-performance and reliable file server for Macintosh computers. Using Netatalk's AFP 3.2 compliant file-server leads to significantly higher transmission speeds compared with Macs accessing a server via SaMBa/NFS while providing clients with the best possible user experience (full support for Macintosh metadata, flawlessly supporting mixed environments of classic MacOS and MacOS X clients) Due to Netatalk speaking AppleTalk, the print-server task can provide printing clients with full AppleTalk support as well as the server itself with printing capabilities for AppleTalk-only printers. Starting with version 2.0, Netatalk seamlessly interacts with CUPS on the server. After all, Netatalk can be used to act as an AppleTalk router, providing both segmentation and zone names in Macintosh networks.
net/crtmpserver-0.811 (Score: 0.033625685)
High performance RTMP/RTSP streaming server rtmpd is a high performance streaming server able to stream (live or recorded) in the following technologies: - To and from Flash (RTMP,RTMPE, RTMPS, RTMPT, RTMPTE) - To and from embedded devices: iPhone, Android - From surveillance cameras - IP-TV using MPEG-TS and RTSP/RTCP/RTP protocols Also, rtmpd can be used as a high performance rendez-vous server. For example, it enables you to do: - Audio/Video conferencing - Online gaming - Online collaboration - Simple/complex chat applications
net/netatalk-3.1.9 (Score: 0.033625685)
File server for Mac OS X
Netatalk is an OpenSource software package, that can be used to turn an inexpensive *NIX machine into an extremely high-performance and reliable file server for Macintosh computers. Using Netatalk's AFP 3.4 compliant file-server leads to significantly higher transmission speeds compared with Macs accessing a server via SaMBa/NFS while providing clients with the best possible user experience (full support for Macintosh metadata, flawlessly supporting mixed environments of classic MacOS and MacOS X clients)
net/xrdp-0.6.1 (Score: 0.033625685)
Open source Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) server
Based on the work of rdesktop, xrdp uses the remote desktop protocol to present a GUI to the user. The goal of this project is to provide a fully functional Linux terminal server, capable of accepting connections from rdesktop and Microsoft's own terminal server / remote desktop clients. Unlike Windows NT/2000/2003 server, xrdp will not display a Windows desktop but an X window desktop to the user. Xrdp uses Xvnc or X11rdp to manage the X session.