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www/pligg-2.0.2 (Score: 6.7295296E-5)
Open Source Web2.0 CMS
Pligg is an Open Source Web 2.0 CMS. The main features that make Pligg unique are collaborative bookmarking, social networking, folksonomy and blogging. Each of the News links, unit of pligg content, has a vote button, URL and optionally a short description of news. Here Visitors are supplier, consumer and judge of the content. Every visitor has right and freedom to vote and veto any news item. At the end of the day, depending on count of vote news are either promoted to main site,or move or remains in incoming queue, or permanently removed from site. Being a collaborative CMS, Pligg sites grow very fast in terms of traffic and popularity.
Authentication from an LDAP Directory for Catalyst
This plugin implements the Catalyst::Authentication v.10 API. This plugin uses Net::LDAP to let your application authenticate against an LDAP directory. It has a pretty high degree of flexibility, given the wide variation of LDAP directories and schemas from one system to another. It authenticates users in two steps: 1) A search of the directory is performed, looking for a user object that matches the username you pass. This is done with the bind credentials supplied in the "binddn" and "bindpw" configuration options. 2) If that object is found, we then re-bind to the directory as that object. Assuming this is successful, the user is Authenticated.
www/Catalyst-Plugin-Log-Handler-0.08 (Score: 6.7295296E-5)
Catalyst log handler
If your Catalyst project logs many messages, logging via standard error to Apache's error log is not very clean: The log messages are mixed with other web applications' noise; and especially if you use mod_fastcgi, every line will be prepended with a long prefix. An alternative is logging to a file. But then you have to make sure that multiple processes won't corrupt the log file. The module Log::Handler by Jonny Schulz does exactly this, because it supports message-wise flocking. This module is a wrapper for said Log::Handler.
www/HTML-Tree-5.03 (Score: 6.7295296E-5)
Collection of modules to manipulate HTML syntax trees
This is a collection of modules that represent, create, and extract information from HTML syntax trees. The modules present in this collection are: HTML::Element - represents the nodes of the HTML syntax trees. The elements have other elements and text segments as children. The HTML::Element class have methods to methods to build, alter, and traverse the structure of the tree. HTML::TreeBuilder - uses HTML::Parser to read HTML document text and build from it a syntax tree made of HTML::Element nodes. HTML::Parse - deprecated. Now just a wrapper around HTML::TreeBuilder HTML::AsSubs - Easy way to build an HTML syntax tree by nesting functions.
www/HTTP-Async-0.30 (Score: 6.7295296E-5)
Process multiple HTTP requests in parallel without blocking
Although using the conventional LWP::UserAgent is fast and easy it does have some drawbacks - the code execution blocks until the request has been completed and it is only possible to process one request at a time. HTTP::Async attempts to address these limitations. It gives you a 'Async' object that you can add requests to, and then get the requests off as they finish. The actual sending and receiving of the requests is abstracted. As soon as you add a request it is transmitted, if there are too many requests in progress at the moment they are queued. There is no concept of starting or stopping - it runs continuously.
www/Mason-2.24 (Score: 6.7295296E-5)
High-performance, dynamic web site authoring system
Mason is a powerful Perl-based templating system, designed to generate dynamic content of all kinds. Unlike many templating systems, Mason does not attempt to invent an alternate, "easier" syntax for templates. It provides a set of syntax and features specific to template creation, but underneath it is still clearly and proudly recognizable as Perl. Mason is most often used for generating web pages. It has a companion web framework, Poet, designed to take maximum advantage of its routing and content generation features. It can also be used as the templating layer for web frameworks such as Catalyst and Dancer.
Interface to Apache::Session for HTML::Mason
This module provides a interface between HTML::Mason and Apache::Session, in effect, providing full session and cooking handling from within HTML::Mason. When run under the ApacheHandler module, this module attempts to first use Apache::Cookie for cookie-handling. Otherwise it uses CGI::Cookie as a fallback. This module accepts quite a number of parameters, most of which are simply passed through to Apache::Session. For this reason, you are advised to familiarize yourself with the Apache::Session documentation before attempting to configure this module. Use 'perldoc MasonX::Request::WithApacheSession' for information on how to use the module. MasonX::Request::WithApacheSession was written by Dave Rolsky.
www/Net-Async-HTTP-0.41 (Score: 6.7295296E-5)
Use HTTP with IO::Async
Net::Async::HTTP implements an asynchronous HTTP user agent. It sends requests to servers, returning Future instances to yield responses when they are received. The object supports multiple concurrent connections to servers, and allows multiple requests in the pipeline to any one connection. Normally, only one such object will be needed per program to support any number of requests. As well as using futures the module also supports a callback-based interface. Net::Async::HTTP optionally supports SSL connections, if IO::Async::SSL is installed. If so, SSL can be requested either by passing a URI with the https scheme, or by passing a true value as the SSL parameter.
www/arora-0.11.0 (Score: 6.7295296E-5)
Simple Qt 4 based browser
Arora is a simple cross platform web browser. Currently Arora is a very basic browser whose feature list includes things like "History" and "Bookmarks". It does not have support for netscape plugins, so no flash support until Qt 4.5. But it is small, less than 10,000 lines of code, very fast, lean, mean and loads of fun to hack on. Arora and QtWebKit is developed to be cross-platform using the Qt library. It was originally created as a demo for Qt to help test the QtWebKit component and find API issues and bugs before the release.
www/SWF-Chart-1.4 (Score: 6.7295296E-5)
Perl interface to the SWF Chart generation tool
This module is the Perl interface to the SWF Charts flash graphing tool. It constructs the XML file this flash movie requires via an OO interface. Each configurable option that is listed on the SWF Charts reference page has a companion method in this module. When using this module, please be sure to use the latest version of the XML/SWF Charts flash movie. Earlier versions of that flash movie supported a different XML structure for which this module is not backward compatible. Note that there are a few extra helper functions that this module provides.