Ports 搜索

devel/indirect-0.33 (Score: 0.032514982)
Lexically warn about using the indirect object syntax
indirect - Lexically warn about using the indirect object syntax in Perl 5 My working version of this port is at: http://github.com/drench/FreeBSD-p5-indirect
devel/interface-0.03 (Score: 0.032514982)
Simple compile time interface checking for OO Perl
Compile-time interface complaince testing. Inspects the methods defined in your module, and compares them against the methods defined in the modules you list. Requires no special or additional syntax.
devel/latest-0.03 (Score: 0.032514982)
Use the latest Perl features
Use the latest Perl features
devel/Tie-FileLRUCache-1.05 (Score: 0.032514982)
Lightweight but robust filesystem based persistent LRU cache
Tie::FileLRUCache Provides a lightweight Least Recently Used cache of data via either an object or tied interface. Keys and data are both allowed to be references and objects as well as scalars. Requires 'Digest::SHA1' to be installed.
devel/lib-abs-0.92 (Score: 0.032514982)
Relative use lib in absolute way
The same as lib, but makes relative path absolute
devel/libalarm-1.0 (Score: 0.032514982)
Allow multiple, queued alarms
This module is an attempt to enhance Perl's built-in alarm/$SIG{ALRM} functionality.
devel/Tie-Hash-Regex-1.02 (Score: 0.032514982)
Match hash keys using Regular Expressions
Someone asked on Perlmonks if a hash could do fuzzy matches on keys - this is the result. If there's no exact match on the key that you pass to the hash, then the key is treated as a regex and the first matching key is returned. You can force it to leap straight into the regex checking by passing a qr'ed regex into the hash like this: my $val = $h{qr/key/}; exists and delete also do regex matching. In the case of delete all values matching your regex key will be deleted from the hash.
devel/Tie-RefHash-Weak-0.09 (Score: 0.032514982)
Tie::RefHash subclass with weakened references in the keys
The Tie::RefHash module can be used to access hashes by reference. This is useful when you index by object, for example. The problem with Tie::RefHash, and cross indexing, is that sometimes the index should not contain strong references to the objecs. Tie::RefHash's internal structures contain strong references to the key, and provide no convenient means to make those references weak. This subclass of Tie::RefHash has weak keys, instead of strong ones. The values are left unaltered, and you'll have to make sure there are no strong references there yourself.
devel/Tie-RegexpHash-0.16 (Score: 0.032514982)
Use regular expressions as hash keys
Tie::RegexpHash module allows one to use regular expressions for hash keys, so that values can be associated with anything that matches the key.
devel/Tie-ShareLite-0.03 (Score: 0.032514982)
Tied hash interface to IPC::ShareLite
Tie::ShareLite provides for a tied hash interface to the IPC::ShareLite module that is very similar to the one provided by IPC::Shareable. Only hashes can be tied at this time. The hashes can be of any complexity allowed by the Storable module, however, there are some caveats covered in the REFERENCES section of man page.