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biology/seqio-1.2.2 (Score: 0.009869938)
Set of C functions which can read/write biological sequence files
"The SEQIO package is a set of C functions which can read and write biological sequence files formatted using various file formats and which can be used to perform database searches on biological databases." - from the README file
biology/seqtools-4.43.0 (Score: 0.009869938)
Tools for visualising sequence alignments
A suite of tools for visualising sequence alignments. Blixem is an interactive browser of pairwise alignments that have been stacked up in a "master-slave" multiple alignment; it is not a 'true' multiple alignment but a 'one-to-many' alignment. Belvu is a multiple sequence alignment viewer and phylogenetic tool. It has an extensive set of user-configurable modes to color residues by conservation or by residue type, and some basic alignment editing capabilities. Dotter is a graphical dot-matrix program for detailed comparison of two sequences. Every residue in one sequence is compared to every residue in the other, with one sequence plotted on the x-axis and the other on the y-axis.
biology/ssaha-3.1c (Score: 0.009869938)
Very fast matching and alignment of DNA sequences
SSAHA is a software tool for very fast matching and alignment of DNA sequences. It stands for Sequence Search and Alignment by Hashing Algorithm. It achieves its fast search speed by converting sequence information into a `hash table' data structure, which can then be searched very rapidly for matches. SSAHA: a fast search method for large DNA databases (2001). Ning Z, Cox AJ, Mullikin JC. Genome Res. 11: 1725-9. PMID: 11591649
cad/electric-7.0.0 (Score: 0.009869938)
Sophisticated electrical CAD system
Electric is a sophisticated electrical CAD system that can handle many forms of circuit design, including: Custom IC layout (ASICs) Schematic drawing Hardware description language specifications Electro-mechanical hybrid layout (snip, this is an edited version of Electric's homepage) Electric handles these file formats: CIF I/O GDS I/O VHDL I/O DXF I/O PostScript, HPGL, and QuickDraw output For real functionality, one should consider installing support simulation software such as cad/spice.
cad/feappv-3.1 (Score: 0.009869938)
Finite element analysis program (personal version)
FEAPpv is a general purpose finite element analysis program which is designed for research and educational use. The program is described in the references: The Finite Element Method, 6th ed., Vols. 1 and 2, by O.C. Zienkiewicz and R.L. Taylor, Elsevier, Oxford, 2005. FEAPpv is designed to be compatible for compilation in Unix/Linux and Windows PC environments. No support on use of the program will be provided.
chinese/fireflyttf-1.3.0 (Score: 0.009869938)
Firefly TrueType Font is combine of two arphic sung fonts
Firefly Truetype Font is combine of two arphic sung font and is embed 9pt, 10pt, 11pt bitmaps.
chinese/big5width-1.0 (Score: 0.009869938)
Unicode width dirty fix for Big5 font (zh_TW.UTF-8 locale)
Unicode define some character width as ambiguous. Software determines the width of characters accroding the context. However, sometimes it is hard or impossible to know the context. Thus, this port dirty fixes some console software, let them recognize all characters in Big5 encoding range as double width. Now you will be happy with UTF8 terminal and Big5 fonts :) This port fixes the zh_TW.UTF-8 locale for wcwidth(3) and wcswidth(3).
chinese/gcin-2.8.2 (Score: 0.009869938)
Traditional Chinese input utility in X
gcin is a Gtk Chinese INput application in X, well support in Traditional Chinese(Big5) charsets.
chinese/qe-0.1.1 (Score: 0.009869938)
QE is a PE2-like editor program under U*nix
QE is a PE2-like editor program under U*nix (PE2 is an editor software under PC-DOS), I named it QE for the reason that the P is followed by Q, hope it can exceed PE2 :-), and I release this program under the terms of General Public License (GPL)
chinese/telnet-1.0 (Score: 0.009869938)
8bit compatible telnet client for Chinese input
Description: Using /usr/bin/telnet in "8-bit environment", for example, BIG5- encoding Chinese characters environment in Taiwan, is somewhat in-convenient. To be able to input Chinese characters, "-8 or -L" options are needed, however, using these options cause another problem. Specifying "-8 or -L" makes ^U or ^C or ^D or ... (any isprint(c)) malfunction when telnet to SunOS. How-To-Repeat: /usr/bin/telnet -8 ms1.hinet.net (ms1.hinet.net running Solaris) login: abcde^U (or just press Enter) => the terminal state goes wrong, "reset" is needed to go back to "normal state" Fix: Apply the following patch: gopher://freebsd.csie.nctu.edu.tw/00%2f3%2fA0002063 This make telnet "8-bit clean", being able to input 8-bit data (Chinese characters) without specifying "-8 or -L" options, and telnet to SunOS without trouble. See also: